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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Holy shit that is a low blow, I am sure that many of law enforcement that are members here will not take kindly to that. So what exactly has occurred with you that has given such a bad taste for the po po? Lets compare the number of responsible gun owners in the country, to the number of responsible and professional law enforcement. Isn't the main argument against the anti guns folks from the NRA and pro gun folks, one of overwhelmingly responsible citizens vs a few bad apples, and cannot law enforcement be compared in the same way? Why not focus your disdain toward the many that are running this country, that is a much better thought process. Now you have law enforcement under the scrutiny and iron fist of these leaders, and also have groups like the ACLU that make their job even harder. You could not pay me enough money to be in law enforcement, but I am thankful to the selfless many that decide to take that career path. I also guarantee that I personally know a few po po that would have a much higher IQ than yourself and many others that are "college educated", so that would blow your theory out of the water.

    Support higher education..... Send a cop to third grade.

    I'm mostly trolling you but PD's need to stop hiring 20yo kids to be cops and focus on hiring 30-40 year olds that have some life experience.

  2. Funny enough, I'm going to college so that I have the possibility of promotion after I go local law enforcement. But gee, I guess my degree makes me ineligible to do the job it's required for. I'll just drop out and sit around with my thumb up my butt until i can get that law enforcement job.

    Since you are trying to stretch your 500 then you are just retarded enough to be a cop

  3. Nope, just pointing out the obvious. It's just been my experience that people who spout this drivel have never had to do that kind of job. They just sit back and bitch basking in the fact that their decisions don't carry any real consequences.

    That would mean you've had 100 encounters and only 1 went the way you wanted? What the hell are you doing that gets you that kind of attention? My experience has been the exact opposite, maybe you need to work on your interpersonal skills?

    You are right I never had that kind of job. I went to college and got an education so I am not eligible to be a cop.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Let's see here... Police officers doing their job by enforcing laws they didn't write then acknowledge they got played by being good sports about it and you call them dicks. Tell us, Sherlock, what would you have done different? Would you ignore it so Fuelit could whine about wasted tax dollars or would get all bad ass and take him in?

    I just love the psychic abilities of some of you arm chairs cops. Anybody can make that call AFTER the incident but have you got the stones to go solo BEFORE you know the situation? My guess is no. Walk a mile...

    Not to mention they probably have regs dictating how this should be handled.

    Have good day.

    One last thing why don't you guys let us know where you work and maybe we can get some kid with nothing better to do to follow you around with a camera while fucking with you. Then we'll take a minute or two out of it, post it up and then all of us can critique you. Sounds like fun!

    Gtfo, cops are egotistical pricks. Ok not all of them just 99%.

  5. Love it Hoblick. Very nice.

    That's my next ride but want the 5 door in white.

    I keep hearing how sucky the Columbus car market is and to go out of town for a better deal. Guess this is proof.

    The Columbus market is actually pretty good. It is an amesome BMW market

  6. It's pretty easy to blame the bush/chaney cartel...two unfunded wars and a tax break at the same time...that's insanity.If the hawks refuse to personally go to war,at least they could pay for it.

    Are things great now?No,but at least they are not plummeting like the end of the bush/chaney regime.

    How much of the current debt is interest for Ray-gun,King George I and King George II spending.Google a gragh on our debt...Ray-gun started this out of control train.

    I've always said it will take about twenty years to recover from the mismanagement of the W administration.

    I love you repukes...we broke it,you fix it....NOW!

    It's sad that repukes would rather see Obama fail than see the country recover.Wasn't it Boner that said..."Our job is to make sure Obama is a one term president."He couldn't care less about the country,it's all about his party.

    The tax decrease was due to forecasts of a $5 trillion surplus by the CBO. That was a nice try though, you almost fooled us into thinking you had an education.

    • Upvote 2
  7. I'm not mad at the doc. Can't blame him a bit.

    I am mad at the system. I don't have the answer for fixing it.

    I used to be a social worker, and got gently nudged out of it by a guy who was a great boss. "You've got to find something else to do". He didn't fire me, but lit a fire under me. I got sick of the welfare moms coming into our agency trying to get their perfectly fine/ normal gets diagnosed with ADHD so they could get a bigger check. I've been fed up with the system, and bitter, for a looooong time.

    Thanks to all for the good insight/ advice/ thoughts. I appreciate it.

    I am right were you were back then. Good luck

  8. So what is the outcome? Any issues? From the stuff I see online, some folks go 20 years with no issues.

    And what did the rehab consist of?

    The lady whom I spoke to yesterday was very nice. She said "Thank goodness you're not crying. I have lots of people cry when they call in like this". I. Bet. They. Do!

    She said "the doctor will probably advise you to have the surgery", to which I replied "Of course he will. Its a $10k payday for him". I realize he won't get all of that, but still.

    Dont be mad at the Dr. for the sacrifices they make (10 years of school and debt up to their eyeballs) and the cost of making an error (killing someone) they dont get paid that well. If I fuck up at work and dont fix a toilet right then someone might get a wet ass.

    Dont be mad at the people that take advantage of a fucked up system.

    Be mad at the ones who created this fucked up system.

    I would look into medical tourism or getting a state job for a little while.

  9. In your words...

    The post office is an overpaid union drain that gushes money and gives crap snail mail service, and doesn't take a credit card that isn't signed on the back.

    They piss money away on stupidity, idiotic and ever-changing regulations, needless gimmicks and wasteful services....and this is on top of the unworkable pension and benefit structure. They're wasteful.

    The USPS is burdened by the cost of their employees. They have an artificial pay structure based on union and civil service entry, and it does not adequately reflect the value of their employees.

    Clerks are overpaid. Mail carriers are glorified paper boys. They're overpaid, over-pensioned, and over-benefitted for the work they do. The Retirement packages are a bit ridiculous.

    Hmmm......let's just chuck it all. Stop using them. Try to get something delivered to California within 3 days by another company for 46¢.

    Your car payment to California? That's zone six, sir. That will be $4.95 and get there Wednesday unless you want to upgrade to overnite for $9.27.

    Credit Card payment to Delaware? Zone 1 from Zone 2. That will be $2.47.

    Electric bill to North Carolina? $5.85. Yes sir, there is a fuel surcharge added to that one at this time.

    Think about not having it when you need it. Nobody is going to do it cheaper, better, or as quickly, unless we totally eliminate all paper mailings and do it electronically. Businesses want their ads in your hands. The AMA welcome packet I just got came by mail. Some of what they sent me could not have been delivered by computer.

    It's cheap for what we get. Try other services and compare the costs.

    The USPS is a not for profit enterprise. Use a for profit company with stock holders to please for all your mailing needs and see what a years worth of service costs you.



    I'm not reading all that shit

    • Upvote 1
  10. Pizza delivery faces most of those too...and gets shit wages. Being a mailman isn't rocket surgery or a skilled trade.

    They're overpaid, because anyone can do it.

    Not all jobs pay well because they're a pain in the ass. Septic tank cleaners and auto salvage monkeys would make big bucks if that was the case. Most times a job is worth what someone else will take your job for, and no more. In the case of postal workers, they have an artificial pay structure based on union and civil service entry, and it does not adequately reflect the value of their employees.

    Jesus Christ that is the most intelligent thing I have ever read!! I have debated this topic with many mouthbreaters with little success.

    If someone can, is willing and able to do your job for less money then you are overpaid.

  11. Man, you were brave....lol. Driving through some areas of Cbus during daylight hours can be scarey...

    NRA hat, blacked out Benz and a lump on your waistline is usually enough to deter people from looking at you in the hood

  12. Folks in the ghetto only shoot 9 and they don't know what a 30-30 is.

    I made the mistake of stopping in wamart, on morse road, on new years eve. I was the only person near the ammo with my pants at or near my waistline.

  13. So it takes a major national tragedy for "fathers" to start taking part in thier kids lives outside the home? I think thats what a lot of us are getting at.

    Yep, that is what we are getting at; sometimes it takes a tragedy to put things in perspective.

    As soon as we stop learning from these things we officially begin to devolve.

  14. I don't think I would carry mail for any amount of money.

    1. Dog bites
    2. Extreme weather
    3. Leg and foot problems
    4. Back problems
    5. Hand and arm injuries
    6. Violence
    7. Upset customers
    8. Steps
    9. Rusty mailboxes with sharp edges
    10. Toys, tools, extension cords or hoses in the grass
    11. Dog piles – they’re slippery

    Read it for yourself: http://www.nalc-branch78.org/pdf/articles/The_Hazards_of_Door_to_Door_Mail_Delivery.pdf


    Get the fuck out of here, they are glorified paper boys.

  15. This is part of the reason why I started a small garden this last year. Not necessarily that I'm growing enough food to feed myself, but I realized that I don't know shit about surviving without a grocery store down the road. Anyway, I've learned a lot about a few plants, and I think I'm on my way to actually producing some fruits and veggies for myself :) I hope that this can just remain a fun hobby and not a necessity.

    So because I'm fat does that make me a prepper?

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