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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Well, gee, the video is politically incorrect enough and hilarious to seriously consider sending them one Benjamin a month for some blades.....if I bothered to shave regularly and I don't in the winter time.

    You do realize what denomination mr Franklin is on right.

  2. You stay. I'll go. What was I thinking. I have 8 weeks vacation time backed up.

    And believe it or not, 36 weeks of sick time to burn off.

    Sounds like you need a herpes outbreak to use up that sick time. Let me know if you are interested, I "know a guy" who has a burning sensation when he pees

  3. I jsut saw that Advanced Auto sells some new brand of stuff, I only saw it online on their new flyer, but I want to check out the reviews. It was that Gratiot or whatever stuff that is mentioned in here earlier. They also have a sealent which some say is better than wax and polish both.

    I like your thinking, when it warms up I am doing the same on my car then my truck. Truck is parked next to a tree and birds seem to think it's a target when they migrate, those Fers.

    They do not carry their full line however their pricing is good on the items that they actually carry. Performance auto spa in plain city carries their full line.

    So pick up what you can at advance auto and get the rest from Performance auto spa

  4. Shitty, I was actually hoping you had "a guy" locally when I saw you posted in here lol. I agree making a ride look good comes a a price. I, my friend, my mom, and dad all have 20% all around and have never been pulled over(knock on wood), wife is 30 and same thing.

    I may just call and try to get Tint Dude to do it, but needs to warm up I think to get it done right.

    I pulled the windows and did it myself on the nissan, but I had Jeff (the guy max power referenced) do my e55. looks good and didnt cost much. I didnt need a receipt if you know what I mean. ;)

  5. shitty, what tint is on there? I'm surprised you got a ticket, was it osp?

    I bought it tinted my 350z is the only one I got ticketed in. When I get pulled in the Benz or Porsche most cops just say nice car, slow down. The windows are down in the second pic, I just really wanted to show off my black wheels

  6. They still said that this study doesn't imply we should do more housework, as housework isn't as taxing as it used to be with modern technology in place. .... so what to doooo.....

    The study is implying you shut your mouth and know your role!;)

  7. My girlfriend picked up a new car this week and naturally decided she wanted a black metallic car. I love black cars but I'm very picky about how they look so I'll be the one detailing it. The problem is I haven't had a car worth caring about in over 3 years so I'm out of touch with detailing products and what not.

    I'm looking for advice of what to buy for the entire process. I'm talking wash mitts/sponges, soaps, waxes, wax applicators, drying towels, interior cleaning products. etc

    so what kind of car is it?

  8. I would think reasonably effective when moving with an airflow.

    Not so much when standing still with no breeze.

    Ohio isn't the high humidity we think. Lots of places are much higher.

    Average Ohio Summer humidity is 80% in the morning and 60% in the afternoon.

    I've been in tropical environments where you had to swim to get out of a building...

    I have had the priveledge of trying these shirts while cycling and at 20-25 mph most of my sweat was dripping off instead of evaporating. 60% humidity is too high for them to work

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