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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Between Brian Carter and Kenny Adams, I feel CR has lost enough people for one year. I want to go back in time and to have called Kenny and asked him to go riding with me that night. I want to go back and undo everything that happened. I am not much of a religious person. I sure hope like hell he has a laptop where ever he might be and is able to follow the threads about him here. I guess for some strange reason I feel guilty of being alive and it pisses me off that someone much younger then myself had their time on earth come to an end before mine. ..............
  2. Car is only making 7psi. I will try and post a graph comparing the mach vs a cobra. The increased compression and cams in the mach make these car rev with a little boost.
  3. For some maybe! Dyno Brian has always had good luck with his fords.
  4. Agreed in regards the same internals. However a GT that makes 450 rwhp will be making it at a much lower RPM which means it will be making a lot more torque. As you can see the power would of been even more if I would have taken it to 7000 rpms. Keep it around 6k and you have your rwhp closer to 400.
  5. Keep it under 500 rwhp and they will live for a good while. Derek had a number of passes on his combo. Mr. Killjoy was making 500 rwhp with his 4 door 4V. He should be fine as long as Ford did their job right.
  6. Blue The owners name is Jim. Extremely Clean Mach
  7. Me wants a 09 Cyber gray Z06. Sweet Ride.
  8. Lauren, Kenny, and I went to one of the last Test and Tunes at Kilkare last year. Your brother and Dave were there. Lauren had never been down the track until that night. My goal was for her to run a 13.99 by the end of the night. Her first pass was in the 13.80's Kenny was like "GOD DAMN that girl can drive". I posted pics and a thread that night about Lauren going to the track. Kenny said something along the lines of putting Lauren up against half the people here on CR. He made an impression on Lauren. I would give anything to go back to that evening.
  9. Stock Eaton with Stock Cobra Blower Pulley making 7psi X Pipe and Catback 03/04 Cobra Fuel Injectors 03 Cobra Mass Airflow Sensor Dyno Brian Dyno Tune 11.4 to 11.6 Air Fuel Ratios Max Timing of 18 degrees
  10. I am so going to miss having Kenny coming out to the shop.
  11. Prefer the westside. If you have any space you would like to rent please let me know.
  12. Would it be ok to ask people to post pics of Kenny? Would like to see him out having fun with the bike or the cark.
  13. Well I found out this morning and now it just hit me like 5 gallon bucket of bricks. Miss you Kenny. Would give anything to go to Kilkare for a test and tune with you one more time.
  14. DTM Brian

    G8 GXP

    I will be tuning one with an APS Twin Turbo kit at the end of the month.
  15. There are a few times today that I have wanted to pick up my cell and call is phone. Even Lauren is shook up. She met Kenny for the first time when she went to Kilkare. There were two different times since then that Kenny wanted to come to the dyno and I was too busy to come hang out. I guess its a little too late for woulda, coulda, shoulda. Love you like a brother Kenny. Hope you are in a safe place and can see all the nice things that people are saying about you.
  16. Going to talk to the land lord about using the shop as a meeting spot for Kenny fri or sat or night.
  17. I come from the INCON days when a number of F body owners lost their deposits. Chad managed to develop his mustang kits without any deposits. I am sure this will be the same scenerio. I will be anxious to see the first kit.
  18. Relax Thorne. Lets not turn this into arguement over how fast he was going. It is not going to bring Kenny back.
  19. Another member of CR called me from Kenny's parents house to give me the news. Gonna miss you my friend.
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