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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. http://www.digdang.com/media/images/you_like_this_3029.jpg
  2. I would love to get this bike for my father for a birthday present. All he ever talks about is wanting a triumph fro the 60's.
  3. Glad you found the problem. I keep cans of carb cleaner on the shelf for this reason for customers cars on the dyno.
  4. Supply line meaning post fuel pumps and pre rails.
  5. This car has been running through my mind ever since it got off the dyno. RL mentioned the turbo making over 1100 rwhp. I am wondering if the supply line should be upgraded to a -12. With the A1000s having -8 each coming out I would think the car stand to run a single -12 or twin -8 up front. By doing this I think we might see our injector duty cycles come down a little more. Dan - this might be worth posting this question on yellowbullet or the turboforums.
  6. Time to think outside the box........ Sounds like extremely lean condition. If its not a vacuum leak then it is in the tune. (Mass air transfer function vs Mass air calibration vs injector flow) Just because a maf is matched to a set of injectors does not mean it is going to run right. RL will agree. If you do not find a vacuum leak I believe you have 1 of 2 options. 1. - Try another maf calibrated to your injectors 2. - Get the car tuned for the injectors and maf you are currently running. If you are wanting a 3rd option I think it would be going with a number of hours of troubleshooting with no results until you throw in the towel and go with either option 1 or option 2. Datalogging with a SNEEC "should" pinpoint the problem within a couple of minutes. I do know a thing or 2 about EECIV ecm's.
  7. I approve this message... I mean video.....
  8. More on this rpm difference later. Still tuning a harley. Give me sometime.
  9. Dear fellow cr members posting in this thread. Thank you for filling up my mailbox with notifications. I think my phone is going to crash. LOL
  10. http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2009/2/27/128802421812310290.jpg
  11. I might be of assistance... I can confirm the ecm's commanded timing using this.... http://www.racesystems.com/sneeciv/screenshot.jpg
  12. My goal is to make one of these before end of year.
  13. Congratulations to Anthony Gray for wining the drawing for tuning.
  14. GM Racing 7/8 Drive Chain and a built trans from Triple Edge over in Indy.
  15. Talk about a sleeper Will post pics when I have more time... I also have a number of other tunes to post including Mustangs, Lightnings, LS1 Camaros, L99 Camaros, C5 Vettes, C6 Vettes,...... You get the picture... 2002 GTP Turbo Charged - 67 mm Turbo Ported Heads - Turbo Grind Cam - Ultra Quiet Exhaust 80lb Injectors - Lines, Rails, Regulator - LS Maf E85 - 22.5 PSI - 22 Degrees - 3rd Gear Pulls 505 whp 587 wtq Pump Gas - 17.5 PSI -17 Degrees - 3rd Gear Pulls 412 whp - 528 wtq http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/526222_427889427239289_100000547060433_1533222_480784613_n.jpg
  16. Pizza will be needed next time.
  17. Thank you Scott for putting up with my tech questions regarding the 02's.
  18. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  19. :nws: http://www.atbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/you-like-this.jpg
  20. Let me know if you need to bring anything the night before.
  21. As of today the forecast for saturday is looking good.
  22. 10 years from now you will see this thread "popping up".
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