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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. 2006 Corvette A6 Engine and Exhaust 100% Stock Modifications D1SC Intercooled Procharger Kit. 60lb Injector and MSD Fuel Pump Voltage Booster DTM Dyno Tune http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/419221_381171228577776_100000547060433_1399313_732091020_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/427566_381171528577746_100000547060433_1399315_839106039_n.jpg
  2. Hoping some of our Franklin County and CPD members will chime in.
  3. Us Brian's need to stick together.
  4. After the CR Discount I will owe you $80.00. Let me get that quote typed up in an e-mail for you.
  5. Very Simple. The price I quote you on the phone or in an e-mail is the price you are going to pay for a dyno tune. There are times where some work is needed on a car to complete the tune. Examples of this would be spark plugs, larger injectors, new 02 sensors, fixing vacuum leaks, etc. As long as the customer is willing to jump in and give a hand in changing spark plugs or injectors I am not going to charge any more for the tune. If you are wanting me to complete the work. You will know up front what the cost is going to be and not after the job is done. Time and time again I have taken a car off the dyno so that repairs can be made by the customer and then tie the car down again to complete the tune. GUESS WHAT. The cost of the tune is the same. As far as price matching goes I do not see a need for this. I do not run a Best Buy and I am not going to worry about what big screen Wal-Mart has on sale. However if I am unreasonable in my pricing I will listen to you "the customer" and together we can evaluate if there is a price adjustment needed. I have had several members of this forum and individuals that we all know in this business tell me that my pricing is lower then other places and that I keep keep other shops from charging more. That is not my goal here. My pricing for tunes is based on what I believe is fair and reasonable to both the customer and myself and not what Wal-Mart is selling tunes for that week. I do not need to give dyno pulls away to get people in the door. Long story short you will not be quoted one price from one individual and it be a different price by another individual after the work is completed. I know myself when I go to make a purchase or have service performed I want to know what the price is going to be and expect to pay that price. There are some people who have the resources to pay for service regardless of the final cost. Not everyone can walk into a shop with a blank check or have unlimited funds and pay whatever amount the shop wants to charge. If calling me in need of a "quote" for tuning so that you can take it to another shop to match or beat my price the rates will be the following. $10.00 for dyno tunes for bolt on cars. $15.00 for dyno tunes for highly modified cars I will pay you $50.00 to let me dyno your car. As far as my tuning rates for work done in my shop please feel free to private message me or give me a call.
  6. http://www.thegreenhead.com/imgs/you-like-this-facebook-t-shirt-1.jpg
  7. No problem here. I am grateful for any type of support.
  8. Looking like a good day for a car wash.
  9. I tried a couple of times. It never rang. Lets connect tonight.
  10. E-mail me at mobiledyno@aol.com for more information and pricing. :fuckyeah:
  11. Sounds like a plan. Looking forward to bench racing and "other" interesting conversations. How do the roads look out your way in terms of salt? Might have to bring one of the toys out.
  12. What time is everyone planning on being there?
  13. Good idea Derek. I am going to play with it some and post it later today. A big thanks to all of you who have added this to your sig.
  14. 270 and Broad by the dyno. Friend of mine is on the scene working. Said it is going to be awhile.
  15. Car pinned between 2 semi's http://www.10tv.com/content/slideshows/2012/02/27/slideshow-car-pinned-along-270.html?return=/content/stories/2012/02/27/columbus-270-closed-broad-street-west-side.html
  16. Better call your secret lover Bob.
  17. Come on Paul. Tell the woman you need a hall pass. Its not like you are going to a titty bar. You are hangng out with a bunch of car guys.
  18. No Sir. Gapped the plugs to .030 and reconnected the maf to the intake and it was on like donkey kong.
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