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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. So who is going to get the last word in on this thread? Tyler or Ringo?
  2. I want the last 5 minutes of my life back after reading this thread
  3. I have been wanting to see a game ever since they moved. Guess I better add it to the calendar.
  4. Josh and John, Sorry for your Loss. Please be careful out there when riding.
  5. What a dumb ass. Bike is on a car dyno turning that big ass drum plus he is lugging the shit out of motor trying to spraying. I guarantee you fuel puddled in the intake runners which in turn caused the fire ball. Fucking idiot.
  6. When are you heading out Paul?
  7. Interested in learning more. My father would like this.
  8. Umm.. I thought I saw a wrecked white sport bike... Hmm.
  9. Any idea who it is? Only reason I ask is I have a friend with an all white bike and have not been able to get a hold of him.
  10. I was some way. Lost a lot of interest in the whole bang bang boom boom. Then I got a taste of 150+ deee beeez and got hooked all over again. Some habits are hard to break.
  11. Waiting for SPL Josh to chime in.
  12. You should have picked my brain at the dyno day during my down time.
  13. I need to make a decision here in the very near future. Either purchase my own building or an AWD dyno.. As far as Mercedes Pricing I have heard of pcm flashes any where from $1,000.00 to $2,500.00. I am sure you can find it for less then a grand. MHP here in Columbus brings me a number of Mercedes including E55's. 30-40 rwhp with just a tune.
  14. MJ had perfect timing so she could pull the wining ticket.
  15. Let me know when you want to bring the bike in to do some tuning.
  16. The race car that was supposed to dyno did not get finished last night. So I will be heading over sometime after 9:00 to finish getting reading.
  17. I do a number of cobalts and 3800's. I find it funny they are willing to spend so much money on parts to modify then they do not want to pay for a good tune.
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