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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Because the financing options are pretty damn hard to be at 0% for 60 months
  2. Looks like Ive changed direction. Depending on what the outcome of my truck is, and if I purchase a new vehicle, Ill be getting a Ford. Right now giving the stare down to a Ford F150 FX4 SuperCrew Cab - loaded. So if you know of a Ford Salesman.......
  3. Looks like Ive changed direction. Depending on what the outcome of my truck is, and if I purchase a new vehicle, Ill be getting a Ford. Right now giving the stare down to a Ford F150 FX4 SuperCrew Cab - loaded. So if you know of a Ford Salesman.......
  4. Yeah, Those Things Will Kill You Easily Of Your Not Careful. Thats What Made Me So Sivk After Picking A Bunch Out Of The Yard To Get Rid Of Them.. Learned The Hard Way. Thank God I Washed My Hands Good Before Eating Or Else Id Probably Be dead
  5. I'veGotOne. You Can Have The Damn Thing. Just Don't Post Any Of My ColleGe Pron If It Contains My Face
  6. Picked Some One Time. got PRetty Sick After. I get destroying Angels All Over My Yard.. Look Them Up
  7. I Learned My Lesson About Picking Or Touching Mushrooms That I Couldn't Identify
  8. Still Havent Heard Why Or Usage
  9. Just for fun and because, well, you all know me.. I voted to... DROP THE BANHAMMER....SWING AWAY!!!!!
  10. You know the general city I live it but not where I live. You just want your toys and my toys to have a playdate.
  11. flounder

    Pocket guns

    Sig makes a pretty sweet pocket 9mm. Around 600-700$
  12. I love it when shit goes south fast and this thread took an epic turn which makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I think my favorite part so far (besides calling out your buddy for not growing a set) is that fact that she was not so thrilled about her boyfriends response and that it makes hime seem possessive. Sounds like a fairly new relationship or else she would have already known those personalities of his or else she is just a super cool chick that just likes to have fun and make new friends. (Im guessing your one of those girls that is always laughing or smiling. Kudos' to you if thats the case) Either way, welcome to the board, dont worry about the leg humpers, its all just good fun. good group of people on here that would help out anyone on the board if they ever needed anything. Except the douchebags of course. ;0 PS. I was never here, and you'll most likely never see a picture of my face or bike on this board. I am that guy that only few have met. Shutup Midget Todd. MJ and Gen3 better get back in the kitchen and get cracking on those sammiches STAT!!!! By the way.. and just because I want to add fuel to the fire.. Are you a firearms chick as well? as in do you like to go shooting with friends. I must warn you that if you answer yes to this question, dont be surprised if a buch of the clowns on here start sending/posting wedding proposals. They are a sick sick bunch that love their bikes and guns.. Ok. back to your regularly scheduled worthless programming.
  13. I love Sig's... nuff said.
  14. So he speaks of so called "missing tapes" but no link to them. Without them, this is just another unfounded article.
  15. Ive spent a lot of time in Santa Clara for clients. Was just out there a few weeks ago before I went to China.
  16. hahah MJ needs to get her melons going
  17. Im going to respectfully disagree here. While they are a decent can, there are many many more on the market that are much better IMO. My two favorites are the SWR Spectre and the Thunderbeast 22L-1 (Sealed Can) Ive shot the majority of .22 cans on the market. Each have their pros and cons, weight, length sound suppression, cleaning needs/cabibility, customer service, etc. As far as loading up a can goes, cans are typically the loudest directly after cleaning. The dirtier the get, typically the quieter they become; until a certain point that is. That point is usually well over 1500 rounds. Again, ammo type, suppressor host and baffle design have a lot do with this.
  18. flounder


    More expensive but I absolutely love my MB Pro Retina for work.
  19. Life expectancy has absolutely nothing to do with sealed or unsealed. Again, how dirty a can is with 2K rounds is 100 dependent on the ammo used barrel length, etc. Plated/coated .22, which most people shoot is much cleaner than waxed lead rounds. As far as precision and poi shift with suppressors, Im pretty comfortable commenting on that as well. Sounds like there are enough people on the board now with cans that we may need to have a suppressor shoot somewhere. (Not my place )
  20. Leghumpers.......ATTACK!!!! Welcome to the board.. Word of advice. Take everything said her with a grain of salt and get some thick skin. Oh, and beware of the leghumpers.
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