Well, Its official, I have not more street bike so ill be selling a ton of shit. Right now, Im just getting the thread started so I know what I have and ill post prices, sizes, pics this week. So on to it TCX Boots - White Size 46 new these are $400 Ill take 300 obo XT Lap Timer with 6 ft cord $150 Power Commander III USB (Fits 07 GSXR 1000 and whatever other models that fits) Alpine Stars Leathers looks like the older Alpinestars SP-1 1PC Leather Race Suit which new is 899 Say $450 its yours has a set of Klucky pucks on it. In excellent shape, no rips, tears, marks, etc. leather smells like new. Alpine Starts Bionic Bike protector / Chest Protector -This is a combo setup but you dont have to wear both. New is $179 $135 its yours Tires with less than 300 miles on them (2CT I think) 190/50 I believe. Whatever is stock size for an 071K Forgive the writing. SttBrian, DesmoBrian, Shithead, whatever you want to call him wrote on them before getting them to me. Ill clean it off or you can. Shoe X11 - Apline Starts GP Pro Gauntlet Gloves new $160 $90 yours LP Front and rear stand (Front is Stearing Stem / Rear is Paddle) (Stands will sell as a package unless I have a buyer for both) OEM dual exhausts for 07 GSXr 1k. ( I took these off within 100miles of owning the bike. 5 tie down attachements for Toyota Tacoma integrated rail system New these are $50 each used $20ea.. Give me $65 and you can have them all.