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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Dove is quite yummy..
  2. Typically one of the most boring jobs. Ive done a lot of assessments at various DC during those hours and typically the onsite person is usually surfing the web, watching movies, or sleeping at their desk.
  3. The Markers in the ground blew away. She just didnt remember but when she bought them, I remember her saying, "Im not sure what these plants were called but the label said they were hot so I figured we could try them" Probably just didnt realize or ever heard of Ghost peppers.
  4. Just found out about the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend about 30 seconds ago.. 2X the Ghost pepper!!!.. no effing way... PASS.
  5. So tonight I was explaining to a guy I work with how my girlfriend had planted a bunch of peppers in our garden this year and that the hungarian wax peppers were so damn hot. Well, while trying to find a picture of them, it turns out that the peppers I had been eating all summer were not hungarian wax but were actually Bhut Jolokia, aka. Ghost Pepper!!! Yeah thats right Ive been eating Ghost Peppers all summer which in case you dont know are the hottest pepper on earth. Thanks hun for the garden full of these little bastards Anyone feel like making homemade pepper spray or some liquid puree for evil pranks.. hahah.
  6. Love those things and actually found a few places in cbus that sell them. ill have to remember where they are and let you know. I think I had them for the first time in.... hell, I dont remember. And.. the bottle is ribbed/spiked for your hands pleasure.. hahaha.
  7. Damn, sounds like fun, Im jealous.. I would be down in a heartbeat
  8. I refuse to go to the powder room anymore. The old guy that works there is the biggest asswhole I have ever met. I would suggest going to new albany or blackwing.
  9. This would be the spotter I would buy.. http://www.vortexoptics.com/category/razor_hd_spotting_scopes
  10. But you'll still cry when it takes me 1 shot and you burn through a mag and still dont get any points. hahahah.. Hell, ill bring FA also.
  11. Expect to see everything in the grocery store go up this year. Chicken, Beef, Pork, flour, beans, vegi oil, etc. Everything basically revolves around crops and this year was a bad year for it and you are starting to see the results already.
  12. I can see them with the 10x scope that is on my rifle..
  13. I just want to know 1 thing.....WILL THERE BE CAKE????? In all seriousness, If you want some help with ideas for putting things together, I would be more than happy to give ideas based on some of the competitions Ive been in. Just need to know Setups most people will be running (i.e. bolt gun, AR, pistol, etc. ) Distance available (0-700 yards) Optics, no Optics Do you want to Known distance, Unknown distance, Ranging with reticle, LRF, or a combination. Number of people (Helps to figure out how many stages and difficulty of each. ) And for building it out, what materials will I have available.
  14. What be this "round pound" you speak of.
  15. What was this and why didnt I know about it? I would have maybe stopped by so someone could teach me what a fiream is and how to use it. They skerrr me though..
  16. Just waiting on 1 final piece for my new build. hoping 3 weeks yet till complete.
  17. I have the bag version of that phone.. Ill see if I can have my dad/mom find it and bring it back around xmas time.. should be good for a laugh.
  18. DU has events frequently at sporting clubs and company fundraisers, charity events, etc.
  19. DU 75th Maxus for sale http://www.gunsinternational.com/Browning-Maxus-Ducks-Unlimited-75th-Anniversary.cfm?gun_id=100270993 http://www.gunsamerica.com/905531717/Browning%20Maxus%20Ducks%20Unlimited%2075th%20Anniversary%20Limited%20Edition.htm http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=307676825 Browning Maxus website. Hunter http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/firearms/detail.asp?fid=024B&cid=011&tid=608 Sporting http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/firearms/detail.asp?fid=024B&cid=011&tid=616 Sporting Clays http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/firearms/detail.asp?fid=024B&cid=011&tid=635
  20. flounder

    Ohio Hunting

    Again, thats not hunting, its poaching. And whether he hits one or not, the fact that he attempted to is still considered poaching as soon as he fired a weapon at an animal that is not approved for that season. POACHING.....
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