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Everything posted by flounder

  1. What is your definition of long range and how far and how often do you actually think you will be shooting it.
  2. Sounds fishy.. how the hell could 2 SU-25s miss when firing at a Predator UAV..? And if it were legit, why would you use guns and not a missile unless you were just trying to damage it enough to bring it down and recover it for inspection.
  3. flounder


    Dont get me wrong, Im not saying they are tip top anymore either, but I would like to see some stats/reviews somewhere. Ive got a Recon II folder and ive literally beat the hell out of it, chopped through deer leg bones/joints with it, beat the blade, hung from the knife while having the blade burried in a tree, lost it in a snowbank for 7 days until it melted, and it still is amazing. That dam thing is easier to sharpen and holds an edge longer than any other blade Ive ever had. i have a Benchmade griptillian and its my daily carry knife but damn it takes forever to sharpen.
  4. flounder


    I'll call bs on this until some proof exists. I searched quick and found nothing about it and considering, it would be everywhere if it actually happened
  5. flounder


    Also hard to go wrong with cold steel.
  6. flounder


    Both get pretty good reviews in the community
  7. This is the way it works because I was in process of doing it. 1. You cant inspect the house at all and if you try and sneak in, you run the risk of treaspassing charges. 2. You need to bring somewhere between 5-15% of the sale value in cash to the auction which is typically at the courthouse on some set day of the month. Things to expect. Expect the worse Expect a contractor to out bid you. and most importantly, expect the Bank who is the primary lean holder to outbid 98% of everyone since its just funny money to them and they already own the house. They can buy it back for more than its worth and turn around and sell it for less because like I said, its funny money to them and they can right it off as a loss.
  8. Uhm.. She's not out of the country. She's back at my hotel room recouping and waiting for me to come back for round 6... yeah you thought I would say round 2 but I didnt.. ahhahaah
  9. Parks, I may have you make me up a holster if I can ever get out to Kawis during some of the fun time. And if I ever finish this damn knife I was working on, ill definitely have you make something for that.
  10. The mini is more suited for reading. Its much easier to hold 1 handed than the full size. Its getting great reviews for its size. Dont let the retina screen lead your decision because you wont even notice the difference if you arent comparing them side by side.
  11. Ask any recent military medic about tampons/pads and how well tampons work for bullet wounds. This wasnt my idea. This was from a few different medics that saw plenty of action and saved more than one life with those little feminin products.
  12. Youve got a track generator right? Can you wiire it to the house?
  13. Way to kick that lawn-chair's ass Kawi.. Now go sit by the phone, im sure your dad will be calling you incompetent pain in the ass.
  14. Rule # 1. Treat all firearms as loaded!!! Not to be a dick but what you did was a prime example of people not paying attention to Rule 1. Your fault completely but thankfully no one got hurt and I doubt you will make the same mistake again..
  15. For bullet wounds? Unscented Tampons are your best friend.. No im not kidding. FYI, Carrying a general med kit for situations is a good idea. Designing one specifically around the idea of being shot.. Well, that sounds like paranoia and pretty stupid but hey, thats just me.
  16. Already been mentioned but nothing worse than a Halloween thread with no . Complete failure....
  17. Way to go Dale! Thunderbeast is once of the best precision suppressor companies out there. Yes they are a bit more expensive but they are the most accurate suppressor Ive ever used. In most of the larger Long Range comps in the US (50-100K in price tables!) you'll find a lot of the shooters supporting Thunderbeast
  18. By the time the next one rolls around, let me know and ill help put some things together. (Rifle or Pistol but prefer rifle/carbine style. )
  19. I downloaded Win8 Pro N and installed it in a VM. Played with it for all of 2 min before I said this is a real POS. In hindsight, the UI makes sense for anything that is touchscreen such as public keyosk, Point of Sale systems, Information delivery, etc. The problem is the OS was released before their Hardware UI to support it which allowed people to install, and make opinions on it on a platform it really wasnt designed for. For touchscreen, and phones it probably will work well once people get used to it. For a standard system in day to day business use,, I dont see it catching on. Of course I heard Server 2012 has a similar interface so ill need to check that out as well. And to Ben, ME was a complete mess, Vista isnt that bad and managed to survive and is still being used as the primary at many companies globally
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7rw8zvNv3Y
  21. Buy some man pants for Christ's sake.. This thread is a waste
  22. Good looking setup, what can is that
  23. If bell peppers are planted in the same garden as hot peppers they can crooks pollinate from my understanding and you'll get hot bells. Also the weather during the growing Season has allot to do with how hot they get
  24. Sounds like fun.. Ill be the one hiding off in the woods eating a candy bar and when your done, just listen for the sound of the rounds hitting steal. You may not hear much else.
  25. IVe got a bunch of them still including frozen ones and the ones I pickled..
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