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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I like an actual optic such as a variable 1-4x.
  2. Interested to hear who is doing this for you, specs, cost etc.
  3. FYI, the VZW hotspots will log ALL data that goes through them and not just what goes out to the internet. So if you have computers connected together at home for backup or other stuff, that is adding to your data usage. Stupid I know but thats how they do it.
  4. I'd rock it! I want one that will Whooolieee.......
  5. Im sure they will be available online for 3x the original cost
  6. Its the online gaming and any vid streaming you are doing that is killing you. FACT. Knock off the online gaming and Video/music streaming and I bet you couldnt hit your cap if you tried. You also may have sytems doing auto updates, Backups to cloud, etc. All will eat your data limits in a heartbeat. Dont forget about malware. You may have an infected system that is being used for "other" things..
  7. Beautiful... IP. Remember he works for them and they are probably helping with the cost/sponsorship not to mention employee costs. lucky fugger.
  8. ME TOO..... I want a brick dammit!!!
  9. hmmm.. must find a brick Nowhere in Cbus.. dammit.
  10. Just saying. Seeing a lot of these types of posts lately.
  11. By sold out, Im sure you mean not made in USA. Who cares as long as the quality continues. Their quality definitely has not dimished at all. So unless you are complaining as you only want to support made in the usa, then their are no problems here.
  12. Uhm.. mountainlion is not a varmit. FYI. they are supposed to have some of the best meat.
  13. So unless your safe is using AR400 or better walls of at leas 3/8 thick a centerfire round will pass through it like a hot knife through butter. Also, most gun safes are nothing more than rolled steel and for whoever said yours is 1/8 thick, you should do some serious research. 1/8 thick rolled steel is a complete joke for a centerfire round.
  14. FYI for those interested, this is a vid of what a 308 through a suppressor sounds like at 100yards when the rounds impact an AR400 steel plate. These shots are alternating rounds with the first shot being 175SMk at around 2660fps. The second shot is a Subsonic load using Hornady 180grain round nose around 1015fps. You'll notice the difference in elevation where the round hits on the plate. I was also holding 2.5mils high and still hit low to make sure I didnt stack the rounds on top of each other on the plate and had 2 distinct groups. The difference between a full power load and a sub .308 load at 100 yards is about 3.5 mils difference or *about 12.6' difference. Wind was about 13mph Again these are alternating loads just to show the sound signature at 100 when using a can. Notice you do not hear the report of the rifle and only hear the impact on the steel. Youll want to watch this full screen and turn the sound up. http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s86/udaytongsx/?action=view&current=308FullvsSubs.mp4
  15. Im a big fan of Cold Steel knives.
  16. Someone quick.... call the REPOST police.
  17. As far as attachment goes. Of youre going to use it on multiple hosts with different thread patterns you'll still end up buying multiple QD mounts in addition to the suppressor. AR are 1/2x28 while most 6.6 and up are 5/8x24, then even larger when you get into 338. Pistols have varying thread pitches and some are L hand threads instead of right.
  18. I just picked up a fenix tk15 s2 and once the new fenix pd32 t6 comes out i may snag one of those as well
  19. Just a few things to consider. Weight, Attachment style, POA vs POI shift Sound Suppression Usage Weight - Ti cans will be lighter but I doubt you would be doing FA or rapid fire mag dumps or else you run the risk of damaging a Ti can Attachment Style - Single point thread on will be more accurate with QD being a bit faster. I prefer thread on. Also. some QD cans depending on attachment style may loosen during use. Dont worry about removal as you will need to shoot 1000+ centerfire rounds without removal before getting to that point. POA vs POI shift - Point of aim vs point of impact shift, each suppressor is different but as long as the POI is repeatable and doesnt change every time you screw the can on or go from cold bore to hot rifle you should be good. Accuracy / repeatability is the most important thing for me in a can. Sound suppression - Some are better than others. Ive shot YHM 7.62 on a .223 and I can tell you it would loud... Some 7.62 cans are much better than others at suppressing smaller calibers. Usage - You typically dont want to shoot much rimfire through a centerfire can as rimfire is super dirty. Centerfire cans do not require cleaning but rimfire cans typically need cleaned every 500 rounds or so. They are just so much dirtier. And most important. DO YOUR RESEARCH AND SPEND MORE THAN WHAT YOU INITIALLY THINK. This will save you down the road.
  20. So the match result came out today, and looks like i will end up in wayne state Detroit. <-- What exactly does this comment mean.
  21. A friend of mine takes all his toys down there and has a booth for people to rent some FA toys..
  22. let me see if I can find the video of the guy who was chasing down a coyote on one of these. pretty funny Edit, found it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWIeQ7C_EOA
  23. Really no worries.. Like I said, its been a helluva 2 weeks. I wasnt trying to be an ass really. Just trying to point you in a direction that could help better and give some fair warning to help you avoid some things others have run into by not knowing better and asking questions that I know would get you chewed out.
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