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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Walter. The work was a bolt knob if memory serves me. Also, some of the SPS come with an HS Precision stock depending on the year.
  2. Some of the concierge lounges at some of the hotels I stay at when i travel for work have their machines. They do make a perfect cup everytime! The one hotel I stay at in NYC has one and I always get a few cups..
  3. Hunters and Other Outdoors Enthusiasts Need to be Aware of a New Pest Coshocton County is the only known affected area COLUMBUS, OH - Black-legged ticks, some infected with Lyme disease, are known to be in the Coshocton county area. A population of these small ticks had not been established before in Ohio, according to The Ohio State University (OSU) tick biologist Dr. Glen Needham. The adult ticks are actively looking for hosts, such as people, pets or deer, not only this fall, but on warm winter days and in the springtime. This is very different behavior from the common American dog ticks which are not active in the cold weather. Everyone, especially hunters, should be especially aware of this new threat and take precautions to prevent tick attachment. Outer clothing should be sprayed with a permethrin-based repellent according to label directions the day before hunting and allowed to air dry. Pants should be tucked into socks and shirt into pants to keep hungry ticks on the outside of clothing. These ticks will be difficult to spot on camouflage clothing. All clothing should be carefully inspected for small, dark crawling ticks before entering vehicles and going indoors. Once inside, the hunter should thoroughly check for small attached ticks. Remove attached ticks as soon as they are discovered to reduce the risk of contracting Lyme disease. If you find ticks on yourself, your hunting dogs, or your deer, pull them off using the thumb and forefinger while wearing protective latex or rubber glove, or use tweezers. Ticks should be saved in a hard container, such as pill bottle or film container, so specimens are not crushed. Include a very lightly moistened piece of paper towel in the container to keep the tick alive for identification and testing. Please note the date and location of where the tick was most likely obtained, save it in the refrigerator. Specimens can be sent to Tick Identification, Zoonotic Disease Program, 8955 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 or dropped off at the OSU County Extension office in Coshocton, located at 724 S. 7th Street. The first sign of infection is usually a large circular rash that appears from three to 30 days after attachment and lasts for days or weeks. This rash may be followed by fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Seek medical attention immediately if any combination of symptoms occurs, and mention the possibility of Lyme disease. Antibiotics are very effective when the disease is detected early. http://ohiodnr.com/home_page/NewsReleases/tabid/18276/EntryId/1953/Hunters-and-Other-Outdoors-Enthusiasts-Need-to-be-Aware-of-a-New-Pest.aspx
  4. Thats because of the types of data you may have and your companies contracts have Itar implications. Searching laptops in general does not fall under Itar.
  5. On quite a few occasions actually. TSA doesn't seem to like things packed in electronics static bags either. The gate agents also don't like it when you tell them that by law you cannot check a bag due to the data that resides on the device. Maintaining chain of custody with certain data while flying can be troublesome and needs to be planned for. They don't understand why you have 3-4 laptops and a bunch of hard drives.
  6. If that happens you need to get the head honcho over immediatly. I've yelled at quite a few TSA agents. No I'm not kidding I've yelled loud enough that they stopped all the lanes to see what the hell was going on. Now understand I didn't yell because I was mad but was forced to yell as they just kept the damn belt running and were piling shit up to the point that bags and my laptops were in process of going over the edge. Understand that when I'm traveling for engagements I may have 3laptops with me and if they break one it runs the risk of loosing hundereds of thousands of dollars worth of project data. So yes I watch them like a hawk and make sure they are aware of the risks.
  7. Nope.. Just stating facts.. Not meant to be mean in any way..
  8. Ive been waiting to see how this thread turned out.. Kinda sad actually considering not one person said the obvious which is. No one gives a shit about your hd enough to forensically recover it!! Youre paranoia is probably associated with the fact that you have pronz of some sort on your drive that could get you in trouble.
  9. Well a smart theif would post the add before stealing the bike for just that reason. You have to assume they have scopped out the bike for awhile. Dates are still close enough together for it to be stolen.
  10. flounder

    Garage sale

    Pics and price on the propeller ASAP. Been wanting one for a while and you are fairly close to me and I could pic up tomorrow.
  11. Give me a few min. I have a buddy here at work that wants one.. Ill text him now. Edit - he passed.
  12. 121K to build that POS.... Pass
  13. flounder


    I like my bolt .22. I was shooting flys with it this past weekend at 35yards. No im not making it up. I smear a little bit of jelly on a board and set it by my trash bins out back. Then when the flys land, I shoot them. Distance is 35 yards and at that distance its almost hole for hole if I do my part.
  14. flounder


    Speedy PM me about the cans. FYI. Here is a writeup on that .22 http://www.realguns.com/articles/386.htm
  15. flounder


    Use the powers for good and I have no problem. Abuse them and well thats where issues begin.
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