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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I would have liked to been there to kick your arse.
  2. In allot of hotels, the bed frame is solid to the ground and you cant put anything under the bed. I would suggest throwing up the Do not Disturb sign. Also, if you leave the hotel, why dont you just take them with you and leave them in the truck of the car when you leave and in the hotel while your there. Just do your best not to advertise when you are bringing them in and out of the hotel.
  3. Its very simple and the facts are this. Not picking sides either way so... 1. Bike is built to the hilt if youve seen any of the past threads on here or know him. 2. Rider is very capable drag racer (Reason you see him drag feet is probably habit from being at the track) 3. Heading out in shorts and no gear especially on a cool winter day is not a smart decision. Those are facts without picking sides.
  4. Nothing of opsec or tactics was reveled by these pics. Like I said, there are always marksmen at sporting events. All you need to do it look up. They dont try and hide it.
  5. Get yourself a good rated sleeping bag (0 Degree) and you will be fine. Ive slept in my bag in a tent with no heat down into the teens.
  6. Because thats the fact about the photos. The rifle in the photos is owned by a member on some other forums who attends various comps. People know him personally and what the photos were taken for.
  7. Yup.. this was a marketing photo.. Way to go Tonik, I wondered who would be the first to get the actual story.
  8. I ordered 2. Hopefully that will last through the weekend.
  9. I delt with some RC stuff back in college for my senior project. Right when automation was becoming the "emerging technology" haha.
  10. Same thing happened to my dads blazer... Of course this was after he already replaced the $400 control module as well. Woops.
  11. This is not the first jump like this. No big deal. I would do it in a heartbeat
  12. This is common. Everyone knows they have marksmen at almost all major events. No big deal other than the pics causing issues.
  13. You know whats better than turtles? . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .
  14. Im not contributing so Ill just pop in here and there and add a images of a flowcharts. Yeah that sounds good.
  15. flounder


    Yes, Ive seen it. Decent flick.
  16. Im guessing back a large truck with a big hitch or something on the back of it to break the wall in 1 crunch. A sledge would take a bit and make allot of noise.
  17. Looks good! Im sure she loves it.
  18. Watched this last night. All I can say is wow... I think its smart to be educated and having something of a plan but storing 50k lbs of food and some of those plans are crazy. Of course if something ever does happen Im sure everyone will wish they prepped more. The girl in the houston apt was an absolute train wreck. Works out 4hrs a day bullshit. yeah works out at the twinkie factory!And the way she talked made me want to kick her teeth in.
  19. Lights and Lazer mounts huh? On your CCW? Here's some advice, forget about that shit! Adding external lights and lasers to a CCW is ridiculous. Learn how to shoot, practice, practice practice. Its a CCW, youre not going to be clearing rooms with it and if you are, you dont understand the term CCW. Yes some of the models come with Lasers but adding external lights/laser is not something you typically do nor need on a CCW gun. Once you learn the laws of CCW, hopefully this will make more sense to you. Im not trying to be a dick but people need to think a bit more. If you want a laser then get a model with it build in already that is grip activated. You dont want to go fumbling around trying to find the switch to turn one on nor do you want to add the external dimensions to add an external one. Oh and one last thing. The absolute best advice I can give to any CCW holder is to go and enter some IDPA shoots. This will help you better understand what you would deal with in a real life situation while getting your heart rate up, making you think and focus, and actually hit what your aiming at.
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