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Everything posted by flounder

  1. flounder


    Ive shot numerous possums in the head with a pellet rifle and they were all DRT! Shot placement is key.
  2. Rule of thumb. Always start lower and work your way up to max. Load up 3 rounds each in varying .3 grain differences to determine which one shoots best. example. 24.2, 24.5, 24.8, 25.1, 25.4 When you are starting to get near max, load in .1 increments. Then take and shoot separate groups with each lot of 3 to determine accuracy. You can use factory ammo as your baseline for shooting group size if you dont have anything else to compare it to. When youre getting near max or dangerous pressures, you need to know the signs on your brass. Bolt guns are a bit different as well as far as pressure signs are concerned.
  3. WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!! Depending you our bullet, you are over the max charge per Hodgen's site for Varget and a 55gn in a .223!!!!!! You should always start at the low end and work your way up. According to Hodgden, max load is 25.1 grains with a 55 grain round. You are almost an entire grain above max recommended and these are your starting loads!!!!. I would highly suggest pulling all the bullets and starting over and working your way up. Since your new at this, you have no idea the signs to look for on your brass/primers for too hot a load.
  4. Looking good. If you ever make it to Cbus and want to crono your load to determine velocity, let me know. FYI. Obviously fire is a no no in the reloading room but the 1 thing that most people dont buy, but should have but should buys is a fire extinguisher to keep close by. Those 52 grain amax?
  5. So he's charging on average $4.66-$7.00/lb Tell him good luck.
  6. For large caliber rifles like that, You always lock it very slowly to avoid it from firing in a possible out of battery condition. Its common.
  7. flounder

    Derbycon is on!!

    Sounds like either way they are fucked
  8. flounder

    Derbycon is on!!

    FYI, If any of you have experience or are looking for a job in the Pen testing/IT Security field, please let me know. If you are not open to travel approximately 60%, this is probably not the right opportunity for you.
  9. I dont know why but your post makes me feel obligated to post the following just because. I have issues, I know. Balloon Knot
  10. flounder

    Derbycon is on!!

    Yup,. last year was a blast. Would have been more fun if I didnt have to see Walther's face every day. Ill be going again this year for sure.
  11. Ben, let me know. Im actually getting ready to spend a hefty chunk of coin to redo our testing labs. I have a really good VM kindle book if you want it. "Mastering VMWare VSphere 5" by Scott Lowe. Depending on what your looking to do and the size of the VM environment will determine if you go SQL or Oracle and then virtual or physical. Like Walther said. Allot of people dont build out the I/O correctly with enough bandwidth.
  12. Yeah I would really suggest talking to him. Those are getting up towards beef prices. His problem is that he is incurring the processing cost instead of doing it himself. Thats where he is going to screw himself. His current prices are about 2x more expensive than going to a store and buying it.
  13. No offense but that is pretty damned expensive!!!! We just bought a half hog for $145 and that was with everything processed.. Chops Ground Sausage Ground Maple Sausage Links Chops, Loin Ribs Bacon etc.
  14. If they kept the appraiser from entering or delayed him due to water that they didnt want him to see, that is illegal as well since they were hiding the current condition of the home until it was fixed. He may have been doing it in your favor at the time but now that its after the fact, he would get torn apart in a court for those actions.
  15. Youre fine. Tell him to feel free to bring a lawsuit but he is open to reviews as part of posting on Zillow. In addition, he needs to be able to prove in a court of law that what you said was false. On top of that, tell him that he needs to understand that if he does sue, you will counter sue for damages, court/lawyer costs, defamation of character for questioning your review, time off work, mental anguish, and partial costs of the home you lost out on for having to deal with his BS.
  16. I'd be interested in comparing them side by side once you get it. I think you'll be surprised but who knows.
  17. Really! Ive never heard anything bad about the Petzl. The new ones are ridiculously bright and reliable as hell.
  18. I have these 2. Ive had the top one for about 10 years and use it regularly. Petzl Tikka Plus Petzl Tactikka Plus - I use this one with the red filter for other things such as getting in/out of the woods for hunting, reading charts at night to help prevent night blindness, etc.
  19. flounder


    I find it funny that they are all wearing camo for pulling rabbits out of nets.
  20. Ill bet money its all fake and is an advertisement for LG slim TV's
  21. Im getting ready to make a copy of the Tracker Dan Bloodshark
  22. flounder

    My AR

    Youre 20 min from TVP and 1.5hrs from me. Which one would you do.
  23. My buddy just picked one up and used it to pull down some trees on his property.
  24. flounder

    My AR

    Tomorrow should be a great day to shoot. Cold front has moved through and its looking to be calm and sunny tomorrow. I will be out sending a few for sure.
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