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Everything posted by flounder

  1. String of bad luck.. hahah.. Lets just say what it was, you werent comfortable taking a 200 yard shot.. hahahaha sorry had to.. Invite me out and Ill leave the close ones for you guys and ill take everything at 300+ Of course as soon as I see them Im just going to smoke them at the 400 yard mark so you dont have to worry about any of them getting in to 100.
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eat shit!!!!!!!
  3. Sorry to hear about the bad luck.. Big difference in 337 vs 280fps when it comes to archery and points.
  4. Yep, Allot of people dont realize that the cold bore shot (first round from a cold barrel) generally has a different point of impact then all the rest.
  5. True, different brass, powder lots, and primers can all effect your load. As far as the 3 shot groups go, I use 3 shots just due to cost of components, plus, I am a firm believer in 3 shots show what the rifle is capable of while 5 shots show what the shooter is capable of. If it puts 3 shots into the same hole, the only thing 5 is going to do is show you shooter error or error induced due to the barrel getting hot and stringing the shots if you dont keep the same time between shots. My new rifle has a MASSIVE contour barrel so it wasnt even hot after firing those 18 shots with only 10 seconds between shots. Im using a Bartlein MTU contour barrel finished at 28". -----------------A--------- B-------C------D MTU---------1.250"----2.750"---.930"----26"
  6. South or East. Out east, Coshocton Area is where the deer are at. Thats where I hunt. Here are the top ranking deer kill counties by the dnr for 2009-2010 http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/9/pdf/pub304.pdf
  7. Gotcha.. My point wasnt trying to be mean. I was just trying to say that inches of drop isnt the end all when choosing a rifle. Drop is always a constant. I have over 650 inches of drop when Im shooting my .308 at 1165yards
  8. No... Guys do it all the time.
  9. Yup.. Mark Gordon, Short Action Customs. You wont find anyone better and that is fact www.shortactioncustoms.com He built the rifle I posted the target of in the Rifle Load Development thread I started today.
  10. Those numbers for drop are nothing.... FYI..
  11. .22 but what do I know..
  12. hmmmm Lathe Turned solids.. yummy.. oh yeah.. I have some coming later this summer.
  13. This was shot off a front rest/rear bag from a rickity old picnic table. Ive done load dev shooting prone with bipod and bag, from a bench using bipod, and no rear bag, etc. To get reliable results, you want as little as movement as possible so I would suggest using a rest/bag in the front and a bag in the rear for best results.
  14. So there have been a few threads on here about firearms and accuracy so I wanted to post of a recent load development session I did on Sunday to give you an idea of what is achievable. This is with my new .284 Win. I started out doing nothing more then firing a few rounds through the new barrel with minimal powder charges, 162 Amax over 51.5 grains of H4831SC to be exact. The only goal here was to get the rifle sighted in on paper at 100 yards since this was a completely new build and the scope had never been mounted. It took 4 shots total to get it completely zero'd at 100 yards and all shots including the first one were taken at 100 yards. No shooting at 25 or 50 and moving back. People seem to think it takes boxes and boxes of ammo but if you know what your doing, its really not that hard. The goal of the first few shots is to do nothing more then get it on paper and help get any burs in the barrel from the machining process, cleared out. I did not clean between rounds. All I did was run a patch with solvent on the end of a jag (no brush) down the barrel after each 2 rounds. I ran this patch down only 2 times. This was just to help remove powder residue and excess copper from initial firings. Onto the load development with my match loads. Now that I was on paper, it was time to do a ladder/OCW test. The goal of this test is to find out the harmonics of the barrel that creates an accuracy node. You can have different powder charges that will all shoot in the exact same spot (accuracy node) so the goal is to find those nodes and then go with the charge you want for a velocity standpoint and brass life standpoint. The goal is to get a velocity you want without running super high pressures in the brass which will effect brass life. To do the ladder test, I set up a target at 300 yards and fired 1 shot each at the exact same spot on the target. What will happen is that the rounds will start to climb higher and higher on the paper and different powder charges will group together even though they are faster or slower. This is due to barrel harmonics and exit times for the bullet to leave the barrel. FYI, my match round is a 180 grain Berger VLD Match Target Bullet which was used in all the below testing as thats my goto bullet for now. My charges for my ladder test were 1 shot each at 51.5 grains 52 grains 52.5 grains 53 grains 53.5 grains 54 grains 54.5 grains 55 grains After I found my accuracy node (i.e. 53-54.5 all shot at the exact same elevation). So now I go back and fine tune my loads for further testing at 100 yards. I went and loaded 3 rounds each at the following charge weights. 53.5 grains 53.7 grains 53.9 grains 54.1 grains 54.3 grains 54.5 grains So now I set up the chronograph so while Im shooting groups at 100, Im also using the crono to record my velocity, extreme spread, and standard deviation in the velocities. (These are all things that come into play with finding a good load for long range and precision shooting. Here are my results. I shot from the smallest powder weight to the largest going from bottom left, middle left, top left, dead center, bottom right, top right. The bottom left target is partially my fault due to pulling one of the shots. Between shots 2 and 3 on the bottom right target, we actually got up and moved the picnic table and readjusted everything which caused me to throw a shot as well. Notice, I was shooting for group size only!. Now that I pick the charge weight I like, I just adjust my scope the appropriate increment and Im dead nuts center. Here is the target. Remember 6 three shot groups on this target. The mediocre charges measured at .5 inches while the final load I settled on measured .3 inches.
  15. flounder

    LTB: Ramps

    Check out the Sears lawnmower ramps. Steel and a bit heavier but sturdy as hell.
  16. Those were the times I was running last time I was up there.. Of course Im really rusty now from not being up there last year and probably running closer to 1:45+ ish. Looks like a fun few laps and there was definitely no love being shown. Guy with long hair was doing pretty good staying in it not on the race line when you were trying to get around him.
  17. Sense, this thread makes none..
  18. You may end up with a permanent stain. When its cool, try Goo-Gone, Kerosine, or Gas.
  19. I'll take any brass you are giving away
  20. .I dont take offense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHORE!!!!
  21. Stupid hurts or should at least cost a shitload of money.
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