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stolen 5.0

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Everything posted by stolen 5.0

  1. hard to tell man, i'll snap some pics of it in the morning while i finish putting on the new bumper. if you want it, i'll save it til i come up.
  2. taran, stay away from turbo coupe housing, they are wider than a 94-95 and will cause problems with tire rub. I did this swap a few times, it you need help, call me
  3. white in color, paint is actually in decent shape has a chunk out of the left side molding on the bottom and is cracked on the outside where the side markers sit. thought about hanging it in the garage with the spare headlights will get some pics tonight or tomm morning come get it if you want it or it's gone
  4. mostly it's just annoying, but eventually the bearing could come apart, could scar the bearing retainer, maybe mess up the clutch fins.
  5. are these your own personal pictures? or did you find them on the net somewhere? thanks, the one of the pinion still in the pumpkin is great.
  6. I used to have a Walker Texas Ranger T-shirt back in 7th grade. I have no clue where it came from though.
  7. anyone have any pics they have taken or have their rearend apart currently? i just need some snapshots of the cover off and maybe the diff out. I need it for something i'm doing with school. my email is stolen_50@yahoo thanks
  8. I work for R Solutions, 3rd party company. I have cingular, alltel, nextel, and sprint and i'm still here in the valley for awhile.
  9. I will 3rd it as a throw out bearing. Time to yank the tranny out.
  10. i used to use xbc before X-live came out. It's a pain in the ass to use and get connected to other groups of people.
  11. i sell those 4 phones, either go with the V551 or the nokia 6102. personally I would take the V551 over the nokia. the V557 that replaced the V551 is basically the same except for an added sports ticker on the V557. I haven't had any complaints from customers about either, but I believe the V551 is more user friendly than the nokia. DO NOT get the LG 2000 we offer that phone for free and half of them are returned within 30 days because multiple things go wrong with them
  12. glad to hear you had that beast out on the road man
  13. looks like something I would take shit on
  14. were is our columbusracing drifting section?
  15. welcome to a fellow stang owner
  16. 89-99 IRS in '01 cobra's went to 31 spline
  17. how much for front drivers side door window motor?
  18. the sentinels were the machines that could fly and had tentacles, not desert eagles, the agents had desert eagles and neo killed both of these creatures.
  19. i don't like the steelers but they did play a good game as they have in the past few weeks. jake the snake sucked ass
  20. Jet Li would give them the kiss of the dragon and then their eyes would explode
  21. i usually always take my calls, could be something important, someone in the hospital or such. Isn't that way you have a phone so someone can get ahold of you. I agree with the rudeness part and my ringer is usually off if i'm in the public or I tell the person on the other line to hold if i'm ordering food or such. Why do you have to be a nextel hater better add cingular, alltel, and sprint to you list then
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