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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. And for the record, JP's LSJuan RX-7 beat my torque number, so not sure why I got that trophy!


    Ha! Thanks for that. ;)


    There was so much controversy over what "category" my car was in, they put me in neither. Oh well! No biggie. ;) I just wish I had the opportunity to make more than one pull on base boost-I wanted to turn it up and leave it all there...


    Literally! LOL



    Nice Meeting you Sunday.

  2. Pool hopping is only available to DVC members, even this it's still restricted to certain pools.


    Normal resort guests are not able to pool hop. I think this was a policy change a few years ago.


    your right, I should clarify-


    If you have any "business" at that facility that day, you can sue the pool. IE $30 Micky Brunch at Animal Kingdom that day, they allow you to use that facilities pool.

  3. I think it would be helpful for people to post about upcoming rentals we can hop on to get some passes with minimal people at the track. I have always been willing to pay for for a true relaxed TnT environment.


    There is one next Friday at Thompson that has always been great-30-40 cars , mostly SRT 4s, $60 a car. 10-4pm. http://www.shoprealtuned.com/ is putting it on.


    Other than that-why knows of one? Especially later in the year

  4. You can do Disney for 2 weeks now and not see everything. Its shocking how much there is-some of the missed the fun is seeing the pools at all the resorts! If you stay at a Disney property, you can use/visit any other resort's pool. Big time for kids.


    They are running a 30% off sale right now-wife ha the link for it. We are booked for a 10 day stay in October

  5. Good information there. This area has been a minor battle ground in the last couple years as people and companies find out that doing searches like this without consent or basing employment decisions on certain things found on these sites can run afoul of state restrictions as well as certain federal anti-discrimination statutes. I can't speak to Ohio but I know it was a bigger issue in NY.


    I don't disagree. With evidence an attorney can try to sue for anything these days, but its like anything else-prove it!


    If I don't ask for a second interview, I never say why (really, HR makes that call anyways) but its not like I say "He had a post on his was saying "smoke weed ereday" on 4:20, I'm all set on this guy" and that gets relayed to the applicant.

  6. And when does that happen exactly? If you work for a large corporation they will do it after the interview, because 1) it's easier to background check a small pool than every applicant, 2) you have to consent to a background check and most outsource that function because they will get extra measures like confirmation via IP address and other things "just googling" doesn't provide.


    If you are a small company? then you do it whenever but considering the error rate and the likelihood of false positives it is a lot easier to meet the person first, get their consent, then google, then if you really want to hire them follow up regarding things on the web. However, plenty of HR professionals will tell you that while it is a "best practice" it is not to be relied on because it is not verifiable information.


    And that is just social media, usually forums offer a level of anonymity that social media doesn't. Often companies won't even look at that info unless there is something highly inflammatory and more than a spurious connection.


    Is there anything preventing you from jumping to a conclusion about internet data? no. But even the professionals will tell you it is best done after the interview.



    I am one on the managers that deals with hiring (sales) for my company 400 or so employees at corporate, about 1000 Nationwide. sales floor at corp is 80-90 deep and is a high energy floor.


    I can tell you we look at social media before ANY interview, unless the first interview was at a job fair. Ohio is an at-will state, and really we can hire and fire for whatever reason we please. So can anyone.


    We are here to make money, not make friends. We also hire every person with the goal of having them as a long term asset to the company, not just a seat filler. It takes 4-6 months to get someone trained, licensed, and working to capacity all of which costs money, and we pay them a nice salary to listen, learn, and test. Thats a LOT of time and money wasted if they don't work out. We don't want people with baggage, or potential HR issues on our floor. Also, due to licensing requirements, no felonies, no prosecution for anything related to theft or fraud...ect. the 5 minutes of screening we do saves a lot of wasted time and money on people who wouldn't work out in the long run.

  7. I approve! Back in college (2003 ish) my friend has LS JUAN on the back of his soccer jersey.


    Call him and see if he has my plate!! LOL


    How much do you think you will sell this for once you've had your fun? I'd like to start counting my pennies...


    I'd sell it tomorrow, if the price is right. ;)


    It really depends on what set up the car has at that time-I dont see the stock LS1 making it to 2016. :no::no:

  8. The gap between the "scene" kids and actual enthusiast grow daily. They would not know a rat rod if it ran them over.



    Calling these car anything but crap-is crap.




    This about sims it up.


    there always are when hot rodding art becomes interpreted by guys who have neither the eye nor the subtlety for it. Speaking of which, rat rods have also led to what we don't mind calling the single most ridiculous fad ever: fake patina


    "Third are what used to be called schlock rods or shot rods and what I derisively call crap rods today. They've always been part of the mix, unavoidably. I take exception to those who think that shoddy construction is somehow cool, or worse, those who know they can throw a bunch of junk parts together and peddle it as a cool rat rod to some inexperienced buyer who doesn't know the difference."

  9. I still have all 3 recalls waiting. There are some horror stories on the fuel pump recall. Going to pick up some sub frame bushings in advance.


    The dealer will charge you a bajillion dollars to put them in. The are not fully dropping the sub frames to get these in


    I knew it was coming, but I officially got the notice from Cadillac to have my CTS-V brought in to have the front brake lines replaced. If they are going through that, I wouldn't mind seeing what the options are for other items while it's under the knife (full brake fluid flush, maybe swap in SS brake lines).


    Anyone on here know a service writer or good tech guy at a Cadillac dealership? TIA.


    I have not seen this one. What year is your V?

  10. I keep looking at the 355's they can be had for the $50K range and can't believe they will ever be this cheap again.


    local with a 355 wanted 35k for it. Clean, but up for a clutch service.


    I thought the same thing, but passed-as I don't have one of the many specialty tool required to change that clutch!

  11. Congrats... for your 2nd child!


    Buy a Viper.




    And, thanks! :p


    Here is where I am at-


    If a Gen 2 V pops up for under 25k clean, and not salvaged




    A gen 3 Viper for under 30k clean, and not salvaged


    I'm probably stroking a check that day without hesitation. I cant lose on the deal, so it makes the decision easy. The Viper Market spiked as of late, so Viper time may not happen until fall.winter. I jsut wont pay market for, well, anything!! Maybe I am part Jew? :lolguy:

  12. I don't have a problem spending that much on a car though. Sure I'd love to not have a car payment but I wouldn't love what I would be driving.

    Is it good or bad that my car payment for 2 cars is within a hundred dollars of my mortgage payment?


    Unless I was guaranteed to make money I could not live with myself if my car payment=my mortgage, unless I still lived in a shack in Cleveland. I would just feel like I was throwing money away even in the long run it that was not necessarily the case


    The real question, JP, is whether you meet the standard to own a CTS-V. Although Cadillac doesn't state it in the official literature, I think you have to meet at least one of the following criteria:


    1) have already retired, or at least don't work full-time

    2) vacation in Florida multiple times each year

    3) owned an F-body more than a decade ago


    At least, every CTS-V owner I've met hits at least one of those. :p


    I fit #2

    #3 ish if you consider my Rx-7 is 100% F body powered? :)

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