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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. It is not the XT model. I'm not sure what parts are interchangeable with the wrx's.


    I don't think you caught what he is saying. If it has a turbo back exhaust, it has a turbo.


    If it has a turbo, its an XT.


    If does not have a turbo, it cannot also have a turbo back exhaust.




    Only one of you can be right, and my looking at the add, you probably going to have to go ahead and change that from "turbo back" to "ricer exhaust". ;)

  2. What are you looking to spend? I have a pretty pristine 04 GT that needs engine and maybe also trans repairs that I can't afford right now, so I would entertain the idea of letting it go if I got a reasonable offer.


    PM me.



    Make a FS add, bet it would sell quick.



  3. This is a lot of the "middle class" problem. There's a lot of money in the middle class, but there's also a very high debt/income ratio due to "GREED". If more people would live in smaller houses, own less expensive cars, learn to be self sustaining with maintenance costs on everything they own. Tell there kids they don't need EVERYTHING. Instead they saved money, put a little effort into managing their money, and stopped being so full of themselves they could restart the american dream.


    Thats what people do who move ahead in their class, other than a few people who win lotteries. It took me a little while to really understand it, but now I can do more with half the income than I was doing a few years ago and my family still has its toys.


    Bad news is our society is built to require you to pay X amount to live in good schools and have your kids grow up "middle class".



    30k millionaires are a very real thing. I look at 15-20 credit reports a day, and I can tell you on average the more money a person makes per year, the more debt they have often the worse their over-all credit report looks. Crazy to think-but really it makes sense. If you have made 250k a year for the last 10 years-why should you ever be calling me for a mortgage?


    Buy Cash, invest wisely.

  4. That has to be the first set of new tires, you've ever purchased.


    You got me-I didn't even buy them!!


    I had a buddy at work who owed me money for 2 months now (actual money lost on my part, sent him a loan referral). I cut him a deal-told him buy me these and some shockproof for my rear ends and we will call it even. :) He got a 40% discount on the debt, and I got what i was going to buy with the money anyways.


    Funny part- Summit called him 3 times to make sure it was not a fraudulent purchase before shipping. I think that's impressive on their part!


    CEOs don’t micromanage their employees, they manage a team of executives, communicate with the board, and handle PR. Maybe there are more layers to the pyramid today between CEO and worker, but the CEO job is pretty much the same. If anything, they have more support now. I don’t see any justification for the level of salary inflation they have enjoyed.



    100% correct. I don't think the CEO of any publicly traded company should make more than 250k a year for a base salary-the majority of their income should come from bonus based on profits and production. If your hired in to do a job, you are still just an employee of a company, CEO or Sales Clerk. But, I think any good company would set up all upper level management to have the majority of their pay performance biased as it is.



    I've worked with a Company for 6 years now, and seen it grow from a small group for 50ish employees to a 40 branch Direct funded lender-total of 2500 or so employees. In that time, the CEO went from on the floor and deeply involved with the day to day activities, to now so disconnected its almost an annoyance to have him in management meetings because he really does not know whats going on day to day-he sees numbers and nothing else-but that's the way it goes and those metrics are all he needs to "manage" us. We are not publicly traded though and he was one of the founders of the company, so I'd say he has the right to take whatever comp he and his partners agree with that is reasonable.

  6. Added some much needed HOOK to the mix- and an alignment. It was WAYYYY off lol. No wonder it felt like it was driving towards the wall on the first test hits






    Went from spinning 1-4 on low boost to almost dead hooking 2nd on 8psi. FUCK this thing runs good! Shifts are unreal with this twin disc.


    Video to come.

  7. Middle class is a myth the top 1% keep us all telling ourselves still exists and that many of us are a part of.


    Wake the fuck up. You, me, we're all poor. Even the guys on here who think they're doing well, yeah you're still on the bottom horizontal line of the graph.


    There's poor, and then there's a handful who own everything.


    There. Is. No. Middle. Class.


    Hasn't been since the 70s.


    If they were to plot the top 1% in the vertical axis in this graph, the other 99% of us would literally be the horizontal line along the bottom. It doesn't even fit on the graph.



    Click here to make yourself depressed and angry:


    And thats a 3 year old vid based on even older data. Its worse now.




    He's got it right.

  8. My neighbor is a regional sales manager for McGraw Hill.


    Crooks! Book cost and "depreciation" when the school buys it back is one of the most ridiculous and depressing parts of the college experience.


    On the flip side, the sales reps probably kill it. LOL

  9. Have you considered a complete career change? Like jumping into finance? Our Columbus branch is doing well and they may be looking to hire. Give them a call. We are hiring at corp up here, but you would have to relocate.



    530 W. Spring Street

    Suite 100

    Columbus, OH 44131

    NMLS ID #: 1272338

    Phone: 855-951-7793


    If they are looking to bring on new LO's LMK and I will send a good word down there and help you with your resume.

  10. The Rear radials? Those are M&H 315s. I like them, but my set is about 4 years old now, so not a whole lot of stick left in them. Swapping to the full drag slicks in the next week or so.


    Is that a 17 inch rim? If so, want me to crap those tires for you? :)

  11. To close this out-I ended up going with historical tags.


    Pros' COST- $25 once, and I mean once, for the next 30 or whatever years. If you compare that to the average $50 renewal, that's $1500 saved (if I keep it for 30 years) LOL


    Insurance was much cheaper for the same level of liabilities. I had a candid conversation with my agent and he said he had a few claims on cars that were "outside of use" for the policy and they were all paid. The level of "proof" is almost non existent because you can say you are going to a show in California, and was on your way there.



    Save me a few bucks, I am all about it. I also still think this lowers my police interaction factor.



    Case closed.

  12. Props to the honest review of all of this-my piece of advice.


    I learned early on that young guys that drive ultra-nice cars are either-


    1) Landed a great job out of college, drive an M5, and are not the type to be on any car forums anyways


    2) On car forums bragging about their car that is almost 100% funded by Mom n Dad Motorsports, either directly or indirectly (and example of indirect would be they make the payments, but their parents cover rent/room/board/insurances)


    3) Had a great financial head start in life, and where smart with their money moving forward (Again, thanks Mom n Dad!!)


    4) Burred in Debt.



    If you like many of us in our younger days who would have to accept #4 to drive a new high end car, then I always recommend buying cash or at least considering your liquid reserves. Cash is king. I am not saying don't finance a car, I am just saying if you live by the rule "If I cant buy it cash, I should not be buying it" then your financial life would get substantially better in a hurry.


    I know you say its not about the money, but the fact that you are cool with a $2k tax loss on a purchase you admit you should not have made tells me otherwise-you should not be OK with that!!! That's $2600 or more in gross income, and if you making say 40k a year, that's most of one full month's pay. Thats a lot of Mc Doubles.


    Good luck in the future-this post may be the start or a great turn around for you.

  13. What was the second driver even doing to be distracted???



    This is why I no longer own a motorcycle.


    This is why I usually go out at night-or on roads that have a divider


    One of the perks of living int he city.


    Some dude crashed his green Lambo on High St last night texting and driving. Crashed in to a Volvo and Malibu and a parked Nisssan.


    Cavin :lolguy:

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