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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Only issue I experienced was the shifter: it was super notchy which I expected, but there's no center to it and it's tough to find the right gear. Feels like a bushing or linkage(s) are worn...


    Its the worst shifter on the planet, period.


    Did you ever test drive one? Even the aftermarket ones feel like shit. They take a LOT of work to feel decent.


    Intadesting how the headlights look pretty crappy but the third brake light/spoiler and taillights look perfectly fine.



    Also super common-mine are worse than yours. Really, a sand/reclear or new headlights is all that can be done if it has some miles on her.




    BTW- Welcome to the club. Expect to smile literally every freakin day you drive to work!

  2. I didn't know they made the M5 in america ;)


    from a sound perspective I personally think the R8 v8 sounds better than the V10, an the Lambo v-12s better than the v10. Even the Lambo Jalpa v-8 sounds better.


    I have never heard a Carrera GT in real life so I have no comment other than to say Porsches always sound...distinctive.


    I don't really like the way the viper and the trucks with v10s sound, even though I know Mopar put a huge amount of time and effort into not making them sound like Ford's V10 (THE worst sounding v-10 of all time).


    Of course compared to a Honda Civic with a fart can muffler anything sounds better so it is a matter of perspective.


    You dont think this sounds "good"?


  3. I don't know why I feel the need to respond again on this, but just one last response. I work 60+ hours a week at a high stress job. I live in a freaking subdivision where there is nowhere to store an additional car. I was offered more than I paid for the car as a settlement and 4k more than if I had sold it as planned. I determined it was not worth my time or effort to take delivery of the car and negotiate with some potential asshat that ultimately didn't have the money to get the car off my hands. Someone I trust and knew was good at his word offered me 500 more than the buyout in cash. Was it a good deal for Sam? Absolutely. Was it a good deal for me? Absolutely. Could I have made more? Maybe but I was not willing to sacrifice my time to do it. If Sam can put it back on the road and get a Dd driver for cheap - great for him. I will take the money and move on to something else.


    Oh no one is ragging on you boss! Your car, your call. Like I said it’s all in the family- so its all good. :)


    We will all just mutter obsinaties under our breath when Sammy pulls up to CnC with some blond from last night in his Shinny CTS-V

  4. I got what I wanted out of the deal...I was not looking to "profit" from it. I have enough on my plate that wheeling and dealing in this car was not something I was interested in. My time is worth money too.



    But, if someone is willing to have pay MORE money-no haggle involved- then you in fact cost yourself money no? I personally would have paid 5k for the car sight unseen just for parts!




    No worries, Sam is a good dude and it stays in the family. But, if he really paid that little for it I'd squeeze him for some concrete work

    . :dumb:

  5. The insured had Motorists Mutual. The experience overall was good, their first offer was low but after I tore up their valuation and provided better conparable cars for sale they made it right. I actually got more than I paid for the car 2 years ago. They offered the car to me for 10% of the settlement amount. Sam gave me a bit more for my trouble and is looking to put it back on the road.


    As for me, I am considering my options for my next vehicle. It may be soon but I might wait until Spring.


    10%?! You should have put that on the CR action block, I am sure you would have gotten 6-7k for it.

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