the reason why google etc are against it is they can be sued by the content owners because they linked to a site with their content. these companies are just using the sopa as a trojan horse to get full control of the internet period. which they've already demonstrated interest in doing by trying to get the FCC to hand over the "net neutrality" rights. with that they can block you for example from being able to use google. you'd only be able to use their search engine. or for example if ohio riders was owned by walt disney and time warner is your internet service provider they might not like walt disney and can block it's users from being able to use ohio riders. we're on the brink of the downfall of the free internet as we currently know it. that is if congress can grow a pair of fucking balls and put their foot down for once. I have a feeling someone is getting a lot of money for their political party to allow such a blatant attack on the free internet without killing any kind of these attempts as soon as they start. I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for saying this, but if a republican wins the presidential vote this year, kiss free internet goodbye. the republicans will bend over backward to please large companies like time warner, verizon, comcast etc etc. but I also wouldn't be surprised if obama won again, that congress would still go into a gridlock and drag the matter out for another year. and ultimately give a little bit of the control to these companies and leave a lot of loop holes so they can shove little bits and pieces of bullshit through and fuck us over in the end. and obama just sit there with his thumb up his ass and do nothing about it. because that's what he's been so good at doing thus far.