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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. I had a grainger catalog and spent the better part of a day looking through it lol
  2. maybe they only have it online? I think I'll pay another visit to that place just to see. it was over a year ago
  3. and some people use rotella for motorcycle oil
  4. the davis besse plant had cracks n shit in the head of the reactor...(just last year) http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2010/04/davis-besse.html
  5. sportrider mag said you can use lemon pledge on leather as a cleaner and so does the can. http://www.pledge.com/furniture-care/
  6. make sure you use a program like peer blocker with a torrent program or they (the gov/fbi etc) can track you down. http://www.peerblock.com/ utorrent for the win btw...
  7. this situation depends on which side of the fence you are standing on. the law says if you didn't make contact, you weren't involved. and can't be held liable for "causing" anything. then you are on the victim's side, I'd like to beat the snot out of someone for that myself. but technically they really didn't make them crash. the "victim" failed to control their vehicle. and that's how this will be settled.
  8. they could at least use real sound effects. if I wanted to watch a cartoon I'd turn on family guy. besides, those movies are like watching an abortion. lol
  9. I find it's usually the younger dudes that do shit like that. the older guys seem to stick to themselves. I can't speak for everyone but it seems like they don't care to even try to mess with us or the lot. we did have a radio stolen back in 09 before I started working there. that's one of the reasons he asked me to help him. I watch the lot when I can so he can do his errands and auctions.
  10. you wanna know something...I've been helping my buddy since the summer of 09 and the people aren't really that bad. once they get to know you, they actually come around and bullshit with you like normal everyday people. I was nervous at first but quickly realized that if you treat people with respect, you get respect. 90% of the people that come in the lot are nice people. even the drug boys like us. one of them even stood up to a dick customer one day (misunderstanding on the customer's fault about the title saying the car was a different color) he threatened to shoot the dude if he kept talking shit to us. they tell everyone in the neighborhood to leave us alone too. that's when you know they like you. i often sit down there by myself. I don't keep money on me. but so far no one has ever threatened me or come in and gave me an attitude.
  11. she peed her pants on stage...just sayin
  12. they're jealous of my tooth brush:D
  13. I had a crest spinbrush ($10) but I would have never ever considered buying a $190 one. even now that I've used it I still wouldn't give this much for it. bad thing about it is, once the battery is dead you have to throw it away. it even shows you how to destroy it to remove the battery. and it litterally destroys it when you pry it open to get the battery out. seems that was their goal instead of making a new battery.
  14. grand ave and westwood ave in south fairmont
  15. I always see this stuff down at my buddy's car lot in the ghetto. seen this one today and thought of this thread...
  16. warning lame thread alert lol so my aunt...a dental assistant...insisted on getting me one of these, http://www.philips-store.com/store?Action=DisplayProductDetailsPage&Locale=en_US&SiteID=rpeusb2c&productID=156572700 I must say it does do a hell of a lot better of a job than my Crest Spinbrush. I thought it was going to apply gold to my teeth though. and yes, I really did make a thread about my toothbrush http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5143/5659248453_3dc080697b_z.jpg
  17. biker boyz now that was a....g r e a t movie? oh come on you know it's real when a tire squeals on dirt!
  18. weird. I went to the one closest to me with bolt in hand and the guy said they don't sell anything like that. I needed a M10 or something like that. I forget exactly.
  19. pledge works on leather and that's what I used to use until I tried Lexol. it works way better. noticeably softer and cleaner. it conditions the leathers with the same oils they were made with at the tanner. and it makes them smell brand new. best part is just about any autoparts store sells lexol products. http://www.lexol.com/product_leather_conditioner.aspx
  20. these places are construction stuff. been there and they don't sell anything metric etc. it's just lags n shit for construction use. knowing how to use a torque wrench properly is key too. you can't run a nut/bolt down like a wild man waiting for it to click. you should do it slowly. slower than you do with a normal wrench. and lubing the threads will give you a more accurate setting too. I've had most of the bolts on my R6 off more than a dozen times and re-torqued to factory specs without any problems. (my caliper bolts are 29 ft/lbs). of course I don't have a walmart or autoparts store torque wrench either. spend the money on a good brand. (not sears). this is the one I have and that's a pretty decent price for a good torque wrench. http://www.thetoolwarehouse.net/p-2678-k-d-tools-85052.aspx
  21. can't go riding afterward...eyes will be gouged out from having to see this abomination.
  22. crest. 34 years no cavities.
  23. I don't know anything about restoring guns but I've been told to never use steel wool to clean one. it basically makes it worthless. this is old guns. not something modern.
  24. that's redneck ghetto right there. I thought all rednecks had trucks though.
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