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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. mornings are my new thing. fuck the summer heat lol besides, less traffic!
  2. are you the guy that works for geek squad and me an my buddy ran into you and your buddy at deals gap?
  3. ahh fack, you live to far away. I could use some of those.
  4. a rep from pirelli said in a magazine interview no one uses mold release on tires anymore. he said just give them a few miles to heat up and gradually increase the lean angle. no need to worry about what's on the tire and there is no such thing as a 100 mile break in. the only thing any tire needs to work is heat. heat heat heat.
  5. 1. it should last the life of the bike/ or a very long time if you don't abuse it. 2. you don't...tires only need heat to work. 3. not sure. knowing ohio it would have to be titled. 4. a year 5. yes. different rate clutch springs. but only if they exist for your bike 6. tank bag with at min my cell phone and a tire inflator with some plugs and my tool set that came with the bike. http://www.slime.com/product/111/Power-Sport-Tire-Inflator-(%2340001).html
  6. my friend has these on his ford F-150 FX4 and they handle, ride, and grip very nicely. (plus they are silent) they have a 50k mile tread life. just keep in mind the more miles a tire warranty is the less grip that tire will provide later in it's life. I keep trying to tell people that and they go for the 70k miles tire and wonder why when it rains their car slides all over. http://www.bridgestonetire.com/productdetails/TireAdvisor/Dueler_A/T_REVO_2_(eco)
  7. another west sider here too. we're going to have to get a ride together one of these days.
  8. I thought you guys might like to read this... http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fiw-oil-traders-20110525,0,474795.story
  9. I did it for a while because mine was broken off. lol but i got tired of the look and put it back to normal (race fairings) plus I paint so it's nothing for me to modify stuff.
  10. look for a side box. it wont be in the way of the bike at all and might be big enough for all or most of your stuff. http://www.pickuptrucktoolboxes.com/tool-box-Delta-topsides.htm
  11. yeah fight the system using the system...that always seems to work the best. lol how can you fight a system purposely set up for you to fail? I can't stand a person in that pretends to love America but will not take a stand for an injustice. that's what our country was founded on and you should be proud to have the right to participate in a protest. that was a peaceful assembly, they were well within the constitutional rights of every american. again, fighting a system purposely set up for you to fail. our country if fucked. by people who wont stand up and have a voice, by people who let corporations run our country and influence our government, cut down our pay and ram their red white and blue dick up our asses.
  12. if someone did that to me I'd show him something he's never seen....the other end of it...
  13. yeah it's the position of the foot pegs that suck on a cruiser.
  14. I agree. same with the seat belt bullshit. but the smoking shit does bother and hurt other people. besides, it's just frigging annoying. but I don't see why a bar is included with restaurants. I expect smoke in a bar, but I don't want to smell it while I'm eating.
  15. if you're too stupid to wear one you deserve to have your head split open...just sayin.
  16. one more step towards our Police State. wait till you get a ticket from the sound recorder on the corner saying your bike was too loud.... "if it keeps me safe I'm all for it".....jack asses...
  17. you better ride someone's first. they don't ride or handle like your sportbike. they turn slow and you have to push on the bars really hard leaned over to keep the front from turning into the corner. I think they suck to ride. they're not as comfortable as you might think. (cruisers in general) actually they hurt my back. you have to hold yourself up on them whereas your bike you don't. it's a totally different world and one I don't like. a sport touring bike is the best of both worlds
  18. they mentioned gear... what were you reading?
  19. 400lb bike + 200 lb rider = 600lbs of rocket ship:D
  20. you know how much $ in grants they give out for stupid shit?
  21. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/2011/05/23/AFqLM59G_story.html
  22. I want to meet the idiot that pays $4200 for that thing. just so I can say I've met the worlds dumbest person.
  23. sorry for the bad quality...phone... she can't wait to get out of the truck... lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHBik7_F8jo&feature=channel_video_title don't take a dog that likes to swim fishing with you...all you'll catch is a dogfish. dont' make fun of her larg vag...she can't help it..lol and the cat.. cooter telling ellie to beat it...
  24. that's right. even more reason for the riders to stop basically provoking the people who live on those roads. they are not a race track. and I honestly was not an angel but I do now realize it's time to stop riding like that. track days help. you should have seen the day some guy tried to get my brother and I to rear end him. he locked up his tires in the middle of 165 and he was traveling at 60 when we came up on him. we barely escaped that one.
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