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Everything posted by chrismindless

  1. i cant get over the one with the two kids and the dad sneaks in their bedroom at night with a chainsaw ... omfg, i love that one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYA7n0_KAfA found it!
  2. us Libertarians are standing on the sides watching your two parties mess everything up ... where's the pop corn? from my observations and conversations, just to add gas to the fire. deporting illegals is too costly and just a wrong approach. Businesses should have to verify every employee's citizenship. Any company hiring illegals should face hefty fines and prison time ... Check Mexico's laws... in Mexico, all companies have to verify all employees and any business caught hiring an illegal immigrant face fines and prison time! ..but Mexico yells at us when we try to do the same ... hmmmmmm c'mon people, its so obvious! Most liberals I know are against immigration but they wont say it too loudly because they dont want to support the republicans .. cant we all just put two and two together and fix issues instead of this slander and junk?
  3. Since some of my mods are not just power mods, you might see this thread under other categories. Columbus Area. Willing to work out driving if you are close by. If you pick up, ill will take off the shipping expenses from the listed price automatically for you! If there is anything special about my items, I will include a brief description of them just so you absolutely 100% know exactly what you are buying. I have been a member of this site for many years and I want to make sure I answer all of your questions! On with the show! -POWER MODS- BLitz Nut Spec R catback and Helix DP catless ... $775 shipped !SOLD! (within minutes!) Cobb AP 04 STI complete (unmarried) ... $520 shipped ($645 retail) !SOLD! !SOLD! Blitz SUS Intake w/ mounting hardware ... $125 shipped http://www.gruppe-s.com/Subaru/subeng/bz_sus.jpg I cant speak more highly of this mod … after a dyno run at Buschur, Running Cobb Stg 2 box map on my STI, I had the smoothest fuel curve out of the 20 evos/subarus there that day! Perfect match for any Boxer Engine! Perrin Lightened Pulley ... $100 shipped http://www.chrismindless.com/images/04sti%20005.jpg This pulley is great! I’ve used it on all 3 of my subarus, makes rev- matching must easier and it is NOT underdriven at all! Walboro 255 FP Brand NEW unused! ... $80 shipped !SOLD! !SOLD! Cusco Front Strut Bar ... $80-85 shipped (depends on location) !SOLD! !SOLD! -INTERIOR- Defi 60mm center dash 3 gauge cluster ... $100 shipped http://www.chrismindless.com/images/04sti%20001.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/images/04sti%20002.jpg As you can tell, there is a small hole that was drilled for the HUD wire. I used Subaru spec paint, matches the dash perfectly. If you want the Gauge pod without the HUD, repair of the hole is simple and cheap. Defi Heads up Display Speed/Tach ... $110 shipped http://www.chrismindless.com/images/04sti%20003.jpg Includes every piece needed plus an extra tint screen for the window. Also includes a diagram of the ECU connectors for easy install! BOTH CLuster and HUD for $200 shipped! I accept checks/MO and Paypal. IF you use a credit card through paypal, please add 3% for the paypal charge.
  4. silly cha-chi ... when will you learn that working out doesnt make you a good lay?
  5. ^^^ nice ... well, everything is on hold, it gets even worse ... after the accident, which i was no where near the car or involved, progressive sent a letter to the BMV saying I was uninsured! the company i was insured through told the BMV I wasnt insured ... RED FLAG anyone? so my license is now suspended ... and my 6 month renewal just came in ... its up by $600 cause i have to file SR22 ... WTF somebody is calling geico today
  6. work was done in cleveland. a brookparkbodyshop on w130th and snow rd.
  7. thx for the info ill call them tomorrow .. my Sti was involved in an accident and the work wasnt done right, the car pulls AND there is overspray all over the interior. ALso there is new damage so its just a horrible mess at this point. thx guys
  8. hello all, i dont really know many people down here and the best body shop I know of is in youngstown. my car was fixed by progressive only it has come back worse than when it went in. i dont want to give it to one of their body shops as that shop wont be on my side. Im in the OSU campus area and I need a place that does great work, i dont need any favors or free work, I just need an honest and reliable place. If you can help me out, that would be great! cheers
  9. HAHAHAHHAHA so f-ing true! +1 on this link!
  10. no V8, plz. traditionally the skylines had a 6 cylinder turbo'd ... turbo'd apps are definitely 'explosive power'. as much as id love the c6 zo6, sorry but ive waited TOO long for the skyline to come stateside and after i graduate law school, the GT-R looks like a nice graduation present to buy myself any info as to if it will retain an AWD platform, or RWD? http://www.motorex.com (if still in business after the crackdown) $70k is cheap compared to what the imported ones cost. $110k for an R34
  11. ^^ true and many dont shave! but i noticed plenty of girls with corrected teeth or good overall dentistry ... but yeah i kinda over looked that one, i think it was the 'thin' 'clean' 'fashion' 'nice' that got me at the get-go ... oh yeah, the japanese were very very polite and respectful when I was there. I felt like I was being treated too well and I felt bad cause i really didnt deserve it BUT thats just how it is over there ... im told europe is the same way ...
  12. its something that you simply cannot fathom until it is experienced first hand. I can tell you all day how it is, I can show you pics and video BUT there is a lot missing from those media that the actual experience will give you. I have lived here my whole life. I have my expectations of what to expect around town ... BUT after being in Japan, I can honestly say that our women cant even begin to hold a candle to Japanese women ... i dont have an asian fetish but I can tell you everything that is missing in american women you have a REALLY good chance of finding everything in a Japanese chick ... though there are some fugly ones and I did see ONE chubby Japanese girl the entire 10 days I was in Japan ... one, count it, one fat chick ... a couple girls a little over BUT for the most part, if you took 100 american girls 20-26(age) randomly and 100 Japanese girls 20-26(age), I can promise you that you might like 10-15 of the american girls and call them hot ... then goto the second group and being PICKY you will find 25-30 you think are hot ... and thats being picky! thats just the women, Ive only hit upon a pinch of what Japan is like ... theres so much more ... so much more...
  13. the women are simply beautiful! thin ... fashionable ... pretty ... not dirty ... very well maintained ... imagine, a country filled with thin ppl, even in their 40s the japanese women are still in perfect shape! honestly, i was looking at magazines, and of course they mix the regular typical japanese girls on the covers with other mags that have celebs from here in the states ... the regular japanese girls had more going for them than the american celebs which says a lot about us ... i think the women over here are butt-fucking-ugly and usually 50-200 pounds overweight ... id say 1 in 100 american girls are actually pretty ... i say that after seeing ratios in japan such as 1 in 2 girls are smoking hot ... everywhere i went!
  14. yeah the new guy they hired did the redesign for 2006-2007 and he was fired soon after ... hehe looks like shit IMHO but the new design is hot!
  15. sorry for the x-large images, im switching hosting servers, ill resize later on.
  16. my japanese was good enough to order food and talk to ppl about simple things ... im checking on my account now ... sorry bout the pics, im gonna put them on my server if i dont get it fixed ...
  17. I dont have a scanner so I had to take just pictures. ... sorry for the large images but iswitched hosting servers and im in a hurry! I found as many pics I could find PLUS I had to sneak the camera ... Hopefully there are some in here that you've never seen, and some new shots of the -possible- (most likely) new impreza also with another variation of the impreza next to the new Skyline GTR ... plus some mitsu shots for the EVO guys on here::::::::::::::::::::::::: A new prototype from Toyota graced this cover: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20632.jpg Two built Prototypes of the new (possible) MITSU EVO: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20633.jpg some mitsu action, an evo wagon (which I saw 2 of in person. Still doesnt look that great but its better in person than on paper): http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20634.jpg a nice prototype STI along side the new GTR http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20635.jpg Some IMPREZA spy shots: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20636.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20637.jpg I dunno bout this, the wagon looks like a slight redesign, but since I cant read it, I dont know: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20638.jpg All I can say about this is, Mitsubishi, where's the EVO? What the hell is this!!! : http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20639.jpg
  18. You should know this one: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20615.jpg Yet another SKYLINE: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20589.jpg A Subaru WAGON for the wagon guys: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20504.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20503.jpg A GC8 WRX for the old school crew: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20495.jpg
  19. We saw 20 skylines while in japan, heres the ones I caught with the camera ... SKYLINE: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20469.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20470.jpg ANOTHER SKYLINE: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20314.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20317.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20318.jpg LEGACY B4: http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20492.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20493.jpg http://www.chrismindless.com/Japan%20494.jpg
  20. hefty jesus, i second that. ive been saying all week that i want my taxes back!
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