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Everything posted by chrismindless
fucking trash of all trash ... time to kick that to the curb!
cant ride the bike for a bit ... oh well, good time to update my budget, clean the house, work out, masturbate ... etc
this weather is just crappy as can be, and its gonna last another week or so continually with no letting up ... im not sure why so i did a search and what i found was very interesting. To the north east, around Maine, there is a serious HIGH PRESSURE region ... nobody knows why its there, we just know its there ... and its forcing all the normal convection winds to circle and accumulate around the north eastern United States and since the motion is circular, its going to stay here for a long time ... expect rainy days constantly for the next week or longer. There are some signs of the storms moving to the atlantic as this high pressure region slowly dipassitates ... but this whole week is shot for outdoor activities ... http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/abrams/2006/180.png http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/outdoors/tenday/43201?from=36hr_fcst10DayLink_outdoors http://wwwa.accuweather.com/news-column.asp?partner=accuweather&myadc=0&webcaster=abrams
sick dude sick
thats twisted and i think im gonna have nightmares.
http://www.studentsnutrition.com/pics/500r%20001.jpg http://www.studentsnutrition.com/pics/500r%20002.jpg http://www.studentsnutrition.com/pics/500r%20003.jpg http://www.studentsnutrition.com/pics/500r%20004.jpg http://www.studentsnutrition.com/pics/500r%20005.jpg the 500R in all its glory! it has: Full exhaust Upgraded Rear Suspension Stage III jet kit Steering dampner (as seen in pictures) less than 4.5k miles I paid $3500 ... ive had it for a month ... $3200 ... It has been a great learner bike, but now im moving up to a 600. Perfect for a first time rider and even my friends that rode it said it was fun. If you are interested, please post or PM me for contact info!! thx!
SULLY, you offically won the contest! You lost 40 lbs, down from 215 to 175 lbs ... WOW!! Great Job!!!! Since you win, I have the $100 pot for you here in cash.
or if more efficent than the we wouldnt need as many panels ...
On the issues of free energy, we already have an abundant supply of energy, enough to power the entire world ... look up, its the sun. All we would need is 300 km^2 of solar panels at the best efficency we have now (~25%) and we could supply enough energy for the entire world ... the arrays located within 11.75 deg of the equator would be in prime absorbation territory .. but why 11.75? the earth is at a 23 deg tilt and because of that sees 46 deg of movement of the sun ... the middle 23 deg see the optimal amount of sunlight so 11.75 deg from the equator is the best region to put them ... next put them in places with the best weather patterns. least cloud cover, etc. 300 km^2 is a big area, with 1 m^2 of solar panels costing roughly $2,000 of the most efficent type. 300,000^2 x 2000 (dollars) = 18 x 10^13 dollars .. that would be $180,000,000,000,000 ... 180 trillion dollars ... which at this moment in time is a lot of money ... when solar panels are cheaper, than maybe a more practical solution but as of now ... who really knows!
hahahahahahha my bad ...
simple 2-way hand held motorolas with 5mile radius, makes perfect sense. Choose a channel and the entire group can communicate not to mention you can hear what others are talking about. Mostly what they are great for is navigating the large group to the next turn, announcing where we are turning, etc. And if yuo are out racing, honestly, police are not monitoring ever single channel at all times AND have a monitoring station that can pick up your handheld radios which have a short range .. think about it, its almost impossible, not something id factor in as a risk, because the distances traveled along with the requirements for the police to monitor ... and when a friend leaves the pack, our radios stop working after about a minute, which gives you an idea of how short short range really is.
not I and as of now Skully lost exactly 40lbs!! Im waiting on hearing from BigBen, and once I finalize with him and get a weigh in or if he hasnt lost 18% or more weight, than it does look like Skully is the winner!
like the brunette ... its jenna, you cant say no to jenna i might have my standards, but even some jager can change that!
HR 4437 is what you are both talking abuot ... the bill that is being protested ... it outlines hardcore measures to control the borders, gets rid of catch and release tactics, forces all businesses to prove the citizenship of current and future workers ... does not allow any benefits for illegals. it doesnt deport ppl, it creates a situation where its almost impossible to cross the border and its near impossible to find work without a legit citizenship ... that alone will force ppl to leave and the ones we catch and send home will have a hard time getting back ... thats what we're going for.
Despite the rain outside, this made my day and my birthday ... http://www.cis.org/articles/2006/2006poll.html This is a poll that outlines how americans feel and think about the issues of immigration and illegal-immigration. Highlights are as follows: 2. OTHER POLLS OFFER ONLY 2 OPTIONS FOR DEALING WITH ILLEGAL ALIENS ALREADY HERE -- But voters soundly reject legalization when given 3 options Zogby shows that when given 3 options, Americans reject legalization and far prefer the "3rd Way" of "attrition" for dealing with the 12 million illegal aliens already in this country. The attrition method involves steadily increasing enforcement so that more and more illegal aliens voluntarily decide to go back home (meaning that U.S. taxpayers don't have to pay for them to return). What a relief! Most other polls have given voters a choice between (1) mass deportations of illegal aliens and (2) giving them a legalization path if they pay fines, learn English and obey other laws. When presented with that choice, polls are clear that most! Americans are squeamish about the thought of millions of people being rounded up and shipped out over a short period of time. Thus, most polls have shown small majorities of Americans choose the legalization option. The problem is that the public almost never is told that there is a third option -- and that option is what the U.S. House passed in December. Following are the percentage choosing each of the Zogby poll choices: 28% prefer the Senate proposals of "allowing the 12 million illegal immigrants in the country to earn citizenship, coupled with a doubling of legal immigration from 1 million to 2 million a year, and increased enforcement of immigration laws." 12% prefer "mass deportations and roundups." 56% prefer the House 'attrition' approach of "trying to reduce the number of illeg! al immigrants in the country by enforcing immigration laws, and making illegal immigrants go home over time, with no increase in legal immigration." That makes 68% choosing one of the two options that involve only enforcement. In another question, the likely voters were told that the House of Representatives has passed a bill to try to make illegal immigrants go home through the three following primary means: by fortifying the border by forcing businesses to verify that workers are legally in the country by allowing greater cooperation by law enforcement When those three main ingredients of H.R. 4437 were given to likely voters, they were asked what they thought of the bill. Their answer: 69% said GOOD or VERY GOOD idea 27% said BAD or VERY BAD idea We have been working to distribute these results to all Representatives who voted for H.R. 4437 last December. We are t! elling them that despite one of the most lop-sided media efforts in history to demonize their bill, an overwhelming majority of Americans say they like what they did -- once those Americans are given a neutral description. So, every time you encounter a Member of Congress, tell them that you support what most Americans support: the enforcement-only provisions of the House-passed H.R. 4437! Please carry this message of the 3rd Option in letters you write to newspapers and in phone calls you make to talk shows. Call up the news editors and the reporters on newspapers that you believe have provided unfair coverage of the debate. Explain to them that their stories should always include all three options and that they should note that the Attrition Option is by far the most preferred. By the way, the Attrition option of the House bill includes deportations at a moderately higher level than we have today -- just not at the level of millions a y! ear required under the "mass deportation" option. 3. AMERICANS DON'T WANT INCREASES IN IMMIGRATION .... They want reductions! The Zogby poll shows that on immigration generally, Americans want less, not more, immigration. Only 26% said immigrants were assimilating fine and that immigration should continue at current levels 67% said immigration should be reduced so we can assimilate those already here. While the Senate is considering various bills that would increase legal immigration from 1 million to 2 million a year, there is no sign that Americans see a need for any increase at all. Only 2% of Americans believe current immigration is "too low." Overwhelming rejection of the idea that we need more immigration could be found in every grouping of "likely voter" participants in the survey: Hispanics, ! Blacks, Whites Catholics, Mainline Protestants, Born-Again Christians, Jews Democrats, Republicans, Independents Conservatives, Moderates, Liberals and even Progressives All income levels All education levels All regions of the country All age groups Married, Divorced/Separated and Singles These results follow the pattern of other surveys asking a similar question, but they are more dramatic. The difference is that before answering the question of whether immigration numbers are too high, about right or too low, likely voters were given some actual numbers. They were told that there are currently 37 million immigrants in this country and that current policy brings in 1 million new immigrants a year. Once Americans are given a sense of the magnitude of current immigration, the! y have no stomach for increasing the numbers. I suggest that we all use those two numbers as much as possible: 37 million and 1 million a year. 4. WIDESPREAD DISBELIEF IN OPEN BORDERS ARGUMENTS BY BUSH & KENNEDY One reason the public does not like legalizations is that they are skeptical of need for illegal-immigrant labor. 77 percent said there are plenty of Americans to fill low-wage jobs if employers pay more and treat workers better Just 15 percent said there are not enough Americans for such jobs Is this in contradiction with polls that have shown the majority of Americans to say illegal aliens do jobs Americans won't do? No. Americans appear in other polls to be saying that the jobs as they now exist (pay, benefits, working conditions) are jobs that most Americans won't do. But in this Zogby poll, they are asked if Americans WOULD DO th! e jobs if employers paid more and treated workers better. It shows that nearly all Americans can see through President Bush's and Sen. Kennedy's rhetoric about our economy's dependency on foreign labor. Another reason the public does not like Senate proposals to legalize illegals and double legal immigration is a lack of confidence in our government to ensure security and safety: 73% said they had little or no confidence in the ability of the government to screen these additional applicants to weed out terrorists and criminals. This relates especially to NumbersUSA's efforts the past months through Congress and the media to warn of the ineptitude within the Department of Homeland Security. The Center for Immigration Studies says that the "public also does not buy the argument we have tried and failed to enforce the law." That is the argument we have heard so often from the ne! wspaper editorialists and columnists, as well as such apologists for i llegal immigration as Tamar Jacoby and Grover Norquist. 71% felt that past enforcement efforts have been "grossly inadequate" Only 19 percent felt we had made a "real effort" to enforce our laws. While the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post and Chicago Tribune repetitively say that past efforts at enforcement prove that there is nothing this nation can do to stop illegal immigration, most Americans believe we haven't really tried, yet. This Zogby poll shows that the American people have been paying attention ... ... that the American people aren't at all fooled by the rhetoric of Big Media, Big Business, Big Labor, Big Academe and Big Religion that we need to flood this country with even more giant waves of immigration ... ... that we should be able to easily enlist a million Americans in our internet army to counteract! all the illegal-alien marchers.
just when you thought it couldnt get anymore racist...
i would deny everything my cousin said and instead say that he was trying to have sex with her and me and we refused ... reverse the tables and discredit him.
You're going to hell if you laugh
chrismindless replied to Gergwheel1647545492's topic in Pics and Vids
see ya there! -
This looks like it hurt...VID
chrismindless replied to Stallion Motorsports1647545491's topic in Daily Ride
that vid is an exellent example of WHAT NOT TO DO ... looks like the bike in front was making a move to the left, crossing the path of the bike in the back ... the bike in the back hit his breaks too hard, causing the nose dive and the flip .... should of swerved the bike ... ill get back to the parking lot and practice my dodge/swerve im not that good at it ... might save me in the future. nice vid! -
yep this sunday at my place, one person is weighing in super early their flight leaves at 10am. Plz be there before noon. 10am-noon ... lets set it near noon but if you show up a little before or later no problem. The winner will then be getting the cash in hand that day.
cop dies after crashing SUV chasing bike, what do you think?
chrismindless replied to chrismindless's topic in Daily Ride
i dont like what is happening to the biker because if I'm on my bike and im doing say 80mph and a cop is chasing me that Im 100% unaware of and gets into an accident, i dont really feel responsible. The question i have to ask is : When is it considered a chase and when is it just considered that the officer has to make it known to the person being pursed that they are in fact a target of pursuit??? -
cleared it ... done! also guys, weigh in is approaching real soon. Some news to announce that I have fully recovered from both the bike accident and the wrestling accident ... needless to say ive been down for the past 6 weeks but back on my feet, i didnt get to exercise like I wanted, but i was able to diet so we can see what effects JUST dieting had on my experience.
cop dies after crashing SUV chasing bike, what do you think?
chrismindless replied to chrismindless's topic in Daily Ride
plus how the hell is a SUV going to catch a bike??? -
cop dies after crashing SUV chasing bike, what do you think?
chrismindless replied to chrismindless's topic in Daily Ride
troublemaker hit the nail on the head. You can 'feel' anyway you want BUT logic would suggest that if you, a person, does something that harms yourself, you are ultimately responsible as well as there were legal warnings given to the officer about his vehicle and he ignored them. Its not a hate of cops but rather a dislike of people not claiming responsibility were its due. If you look at this story and you reach an opinion upon reading the biker was speeding at 100mph, than you havent properly evaluated the complete situation. In every chase situation, the officer(s) have the option to break off a pursuit if it is unsafe, unsafe for them, unsafe for the public, etc. THere are restrictions on chases. The bottomline, is a chase in the SUV package is unsafe and by the pfficer chasing the suspect he immediately disregarded the safety of himself, the public, and other innocent bystanders. He is at fault for this result. THe biker should get a speeding ticket and reckless OP. When the officer's family is greiving over his death, they should remember he died because of an error he made. The biker wasnt killing ppl, robbing ppl, blowing up bridges ... he was speeding and if he messed up, he wouldnt kill anyone but himself (most likely)... a bike isnt able to smash an suv, the reverse would happen.