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Everything posted by chrismindless

  1. About illegals: I think the big one is that both parties welcome illegals because for the republicans they are CHEAP STUPID LABOR and for the Democrats they are MORE VOTES ... Outside of basic HUMAN RIGHTS, if you are illegally here, that is a capital crime and you are to get kicked out! Now, if these crazy amnesty bills pass, there should be a clause in there that says if you are convicted of a crime, than you loose all chance for citizenship here in the US during your 5 year probation period!! -- how many would last that long? oh god, what a hate monger i must be!
  2. He showed UP???!?! Good, what is his info??? I say you contact him, tell him he has to take the fall for the accident and in return you wont deport him! GET HIS INFO, Im sure something can be arranged!
  3. I think that if you are illegal, you shouldnt be driving which means if you are, no matter what happens, you are fault!
  4. Can I ask a REALLY stooopid question? Why the fuck is this guy getting ANYTHING?? Isnt he ILLEGAL? SHouldnt he be in jail RIGHT NOW, on his fuckng way back to Mexico??? Why is this dude still walking the streets (we know he isnt driving )??
  5. I found this on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KZC5cFoldI&feature=PlayList&p=9726F774AD4136AF&index=0 If you are curious about what the other side thinks, take a gander.
  6. WE have 2 tickets for sale. row 38, sect 8c. upgraded, no IDs required. Looking for $1000 for both firm. We have them on Ebay but I wanted to offer our reserve price to everyone on CR. We also include a free set of OSU ponchos in case it might rain. We live on campus and will deliver! Our aisle is right across from the elevators, the food stands, and the bathrooms, so everything is close. VIEW: You see the whole field and the crowd. Perfect view of the Screen as well. You wont miss a single play from our spot! note to self: great place to drink as well
  7. not a hoax, if you read on, ppl expose other forums that guy is on and he is just a complete fuck up!
  8. Got this over on the suby forums ... http://www.serboard.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7285&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 take your time, you'll see... about middle of page 2 ... store to go with it... http://www.cafepress.com/JPsShytBox
  9. yep all that stuff is staged. they sometimes tell the girls they are getting $100 and then just nut and leave ...
  10. Whats the best part of having sex with twenty eight year olds? a: theres twenty of them just heard that at work, thought to share
  11. http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/05003D5A93E551A8?fc_u=169384186&fc_c=10412&artistid=1085407&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60&brand=hob dec 10th, House of blues, Cleveland. its a sunday! http://www.hob.com ALready got our tickets. If you want to go, get some tickets, we are going up in a group.
  12. Majoring in Economics ... only 2% of the population earns minimum wage ... the problem with raising the minimum wage is the government is changing the equilibruim of wage/employment ... this will not only drive up prices but also it CAN cause MORE unemployment and ALSO increase the amount of time a person is UNEMPLOYED!! its better to let the markets dictate rather than to MAKE the markets ... kinda let nature take its course!
  13. lost a bet hahahhahaqhah check out her stomach when she's on all fours, looks like shes already had a kid or two.
  14. here's an idea: build a 40 ft structure and place a 40 ft pole on that... the flag would still be 80 ft int he air ... just a thought
  15. $250 a day to Trump is $.001 to me ... id do it! JUST DO IT DON!
  16. On Glenn Beck's show tonight, he showed that pic of the troops with the sign ... and the misspelling of his name in this thread I think is a play on what the moron said .. Kerry said in 04 how he was all for the troops and this crap just shows where he really was on the issue! I never like the guy but I really dont like BUsh ... I think Bush is a tad bit better choice but its like choosing between an 80hp hyundai or an 80hp Kia ... what to do!!
  17. i have a 2000 500r with full exhaust, stage 3 jets, steering dampner, rear suspension and other small mods on ebay now for near 3 grand with low miles. Its for sale as well!
  18. You know, you all have your opinions but honestly once it happens to you, your perspective changes REAL fast! I had my new r6 stolen and as of now Im out over $2500 ... in the end i spent $2500 to roughly ride my bike for 4 months ... do the math. ANd the police did nothing to help me out at all! SO when I see videos like this, they not only need to show these people getting caught but also every single time they get buttraped in prison, they need to put that with the video to make sure EVERYONE knows that if you steal someone's ride, you get it in the ass every night!
  19. http://www.glennbeck.com/realstory/iraq-video.shtml a different look at the war.
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