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Everything posted by chrismindless

  1. i got a call back from the sergant from the department and he told me that they dont think recovery of the bike is possible at this point and I asked him why the delay and he told me it was due to work load and priority ... what a bunch of shit. Well, I have some new leads I dont want to disclose here as it is public, but know that I have a name a person to find this weekend. From what I can gather this is my prime suspect.
  2. i just called internal affairs, they are going to contact the sergant over there and get someone to call me ... guess thats what it takes these days ...
  3. i have no faith in the police .. if my kid was kidnapped, i would hope thwy would do better than this.
  4. nope called the detective, calling him again at 7pm.
  5. stopped by, funny, there is an older VW in the front of the house ... since many people that I hang out with have VWs and their friends have VWs ... might be a lead as to who is the inside guy. remember, the thieves called me .. how did they get my phone number???
  6. BINGO! something! Cricket says her SON has a bike ... means he rides and has other friends that ride most likely. I hope to talk to the police today, I have a lot for them to go on. Im heading over there now, im going to take a look at the house and snap some pictures. I might have to keep an eye on that house.
  7. good work spaceghost! when i called 206.5248, i got a latino construction company. the perps that did the deed has to have access to tools (locks), a truck (transport), and place to store my bike.
  8. Here are recordings of the message the thief 'Pedro' left me on my cell phone: http://www.chrismindless.com/pedro.wav this is my edit, with slowed down clips at the end with a 7 db increase to the gain and speed was 50% of the original with pitch adjust. http://www.chrismindless.com/pedro stole my bike.wav this clip is the original with no edits. the numbers I got where: 614.806.5248 614.306.5248 614.206.5248 let me know what you think. Thank you
  9. insurance is what it is .. i can grab up a lawyer if I have to .. gap, oh get this one. The dealership set up my insurance and told me the GAP was through the insurance company, state farm. I called state farm and they told me they do not have any Gap coverage available at this time!!! I called the dealership and told them that I have paperwork from them saying I have GAP insurance and that if all else fails, they will be picking up the difference. we'll see ... my new place has 5 stairs ... my bike sits in my living room from here on out!
  10. no i didnt yell, im a very calm person, i think the same way but deep down inside Im mad as hell.
  11. talked to police, the detective assigned to my case is off friday and saturdya, go figure ... nothing til sunday.
  12. calling the police today, again and this time im gonna get pissed, no more polite ... none at all.
  13. nope. a fuck head named pedro, some piece of trash, little dick fuck head, calls me and tells me he has my bike and wants $6,000 "yo" on his "desk tomorrow yo" and left me his cell number. no joke, im dead serious. Since it involves the phones, I was told the police are getting the FBI involved ... hehehe plus there are satellite images of my lot when it all happened ... then the truck/van that was used to steal it can be followed to where ever that is ... case closed ... only if my daddy was governor, It could all happen!
  14. i lived on w.8th ave, in/near the ghetto. I now live at the end of E.13th but I rented a garage near to my house to store my STI and my bike in to keep it out of harms way. I'm posting the VIN up everywhere. $1000 reward leading to the capture of someone involved in this.
  15. http://myspace-912.vo.llnwd.net/00749/21/98/749438912_l.jpg http://upload.dubohio.com/uploads/500r%20013.jpg
  16. EDIT:: Here are recordings of the message the thief 'Pedro' left me on my cell phone: http://www.chrismindless.com/pedro.wav this is my edit, with slowed down clips at the end with a 7 db increase to the gain and speed was 50% of the original with pitch adjust. http://www.chrismindless.com/pedro stole my bike.wav this clip is the original with no edits. the numbers I got where: 614.806.5248 614.306.5248 614.206.5248 let me know what you think. Thank you ---------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I moved to my new place today, a place that is away from all the crap of campus, and I went to bring my bike over to its new safe location and it was gone. I have reported the bike as stolen. It is a 2006 Yamaha R6 Raven (black) with LSL frame sliders and damage on the right side from when it was pushed over. If you see a brand new black R6, plz check it. the VIN is jyarj12e66a005558 i dont have the plate numbers but i will once i call the BMV on monday and ill post those up. i dont expect to get my bike back but at least maybe the assholes will be caught and justice takes it course be it in a courtroom or the top of my fists. There are not many of these bikes around and if you see one, please check the plates and call the police. I am offering $1,000 reward to the catching of the assholes that did this. I dont care if I get the bike back, I dont want it after this but I do want to catch the ppl responsible ...
  17. FMIC ... front mount ice cream ... http://forum.dubohio.com//images/cache/11397_dsc_5899__medium_.jpg.png
  18. We begin with a simple 20G turbo ... http://www.lersoc.com/modules/PNphpBB2/files/dsc_5673__medium_.jpg Are 20G's any good? Dunno, but this other one makes more power ... http://www.lersoc.com/modules/PNphpBB2/files/vtecturbo.jpg How big is that turbo? I dunno, lets compare ... http://www.lersoc.com/modules/PNphpBB2/files/dsc_5894.jpg http://www.lersoc.com/modules/PNphpBB2/files/dsc_5897.jpg Well, this is what turbos really do to us ... http://www.lersoc.com/modules/PNphpBB2/files/dsc_5893.jpg
  19. http://www.skyventurenh.com/video.htm sounds interesting ... kinda pricey but there's one in vegas too!
  20. As my dad has been warning me since I was a kid and everyone else ... +1 Of the many rules I was taught about riding a bike on the street, one of the rules was to start off slowly at a green light ... it was never explained to me why you are supposed to do that until today. Light turns green, Im on a one way street (4 lanes) and everyone starts to go. I could have hammered it right at the light and just took off like a jackass, but I didnt because thats not how I ride ... its daylight, about 1pm. Beautiful day out not a care in the world when suddenly as the light turns green and everyone at the line starts moving a car comes screaching through the intersection. Dumbass slides and stops roughly 8 feet past where my line of motion WOULD have been. Stupid guy puts car in reverse and backs up ... now mind you, this was today. Right then and there Mari and I could of been smashed. Truth be told, listen to your f-ing dad when he tells you something ... hes not blowing smoke! thought id share, since the rule saved my life, i think I should pass it along. start off from a green light slowly ... i couldnt see over the white F250 to my right to see this guy running the red light.
  21. Yes, another teacher did something naughty a few years ago. Big deal. http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=6...t=s3&f=06/64&p= But watching that link made me want to reach through the Internet and slap Rita Cosby in her fat head. I've never seen or heard of her before, but I can't believe how F-ing insensitive she was in this 'interview'. Teacher: "I know I screwed up, but lots of people have embarassing things in their past." Retard: "Like being in a porn movie? Jeez! Haha! How embarassing for you! Good luck with that. Back to you, Jim." And I love how she started it off: "I know you said you did it for the money, but why did you do it?"
  22. track tires on the bike (came with them) ... they handle for shit in the rain.
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