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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. yummy!!! i had no idea you had a type R. and i have a cray love for cars, but my issue is i fall in love with cars i will never be able to own...
  2. e-flores


    Holy piss!!!! I kinda didn't enter this thread for the sole purpose it had penis in the title, and God knows what could come of that on OR, but I eventually mustered up enough courage to click and open the thread.... Then I realized God only knows where this thread actually went :lol: this thread wins!!! P.S. I am still going to be leary to open the next thread that is titled with the word penis...
  3. The cool thing is only about 1/4 of the stuff on the list had to be found in Columbus.
  4. I know it happens... I have a choice to ride with the cincy crew or the Dayton crew.... I hate to say it but I rode with the cincy crew a lot. But I will reinstate my presance this year
  5. i was planning on holding out and slapping on another set of takeoffs til right before my next trackday, then just keeping those on til the next trackday. its a rotational thing i try to justify buying stupid amounts of tires a year....
  6. i want in this fight!!! but i need some new rubber the other day i locked up both the front and the rear, not a good feeling!!! i have found that super soft race tires+30 or so heat cycles=absolute hell!!!
  7. i may be down for this one im not sure if i am heading up to c-bus for the birthday stuff or not though...
  8. if you take enough of those drugs you speak of it may change your mind;) and i am sure teej wouldnt mind:fruit: and i cant make it either i want school to be over with now!!!
  9. Bwaaahhhhaaaahaha!!!:lol:aaaahhhhhaaaha!!!!:lol:aaaahha!!!
  10. blast you and your L series lenses!!! are you a big fan of your 24-70? because i was thinking about picking up a 17-40 and never considered the 24-70 for some reason??? but that all comes after i pick up either 100-400 f4L or a 70-200 2.8L, and i havent decided on whether or not i want the reach of the 400 or the speed of the 2.8.... god i hate decisions...

  11. this is one of my favorite car adds in the world.
  12. another one!!! jeez glad to hear your ok man!!! i trust me do what the kid says, fix it yourself and keep the chump change to make the bike look better than before the wreck!
  13. glad to hear surgery went well man, i may head that way later tomorrow afternoon. and i will be praying that the bone survives!
  14. yeah it happens to the best of us, just a piece of advice dont get pissed and go faster just take your time sometimes its nice to have a relaxing ride anyway....
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