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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. As a public service announcement, NBC.COM has been hacked and is serving up malware on several pages. You'll hear more about this as the mainstream media grabs it...but for now...stay away from NBC.COM. The hackers still have access to their servers.
  2. Yeah...good guy. Smart!! Had no idea. I guess he has been coming to work off and on over the last 3 weeks. They fired him yesterday. Drugs I'm guessing, because this is totally out of character for him.
  3. http://www.salemnews.net/page/content.detail/id/563554/Bond-set-for-bank-robbery-suspect.html?nav=5061
  4. I found this out very early in my interview process. I did line up 5 people on the same day, back to back....and no one showed up. I learned that lesson real quick. If you don't have the decency to show up on time or call, then I probably don't need you in my house. Someone give me $40K so I can pay down my balance and sell.
  5. This is about to be me soon... I have no choice. House is too far underwater to sell. No incentive for the bank to short sell since I'm always on time with my payments. Not looking forward to it.
  6. Basic maintenance on a bike is basic maintenance on a bike, no matter the make/model.
  7. Ladder? We don't need no stinkin' ladder!
  8. You're not gonna be on the cutting edge ...or any edge...of technology when it comes to HD. I'm not hating on 'em, it's just a painful fact.
  9. Well, apart from the fact that they stole Erik's technology for a water cooled V-Twin, internal politics played a big part. If you use your Google-Fu you can come up with a few articles that are well worth the read.
  10. Mentioning Buell and HD in the same breath, is something off topic, but I don't think I'll ever forgive HD for what they did to Erik and Buell. Having said that...buy/ride what makes you happy. But don't sh!t on other folks for doing the same. Some folks like to make purchasing decisions based on price/performance ratios...some folks don't give a fuck.
  11. I agree with IP..I'm in for the ride. Not the overnight shenanigans.
  12. I stay away from bike nights in general, unless people are meeting up there to go on a ride. I like to RIDE...and for me that doesn't entail cleaning my bike just so I can ride it up to QSL, park it, and drink. No offense to anyone that enjoys doing that....I would just rather chop it up with folks while we're topping off the tanks after carving up some corners, instead of looking at some old ass sun hag with saddle bags for skin, the tools on their sport bikes hitting the rev limiter and the assholes on their HD's/cruisers who think they're better than everyone else.
  13. I think working assholes and puppies into the same post deserves some sort of award.
  14. I've never been there, but I'm making it a priority to ride the wheels off the Ninja this year. Count me in.
  15. I was waiting for that. Truthfully, I'm neither Dem or Rep. I think both parties bring something to the table.
  16. I hate winter time on OR...that's why I stay the fuck away. The senseless libtard/repuke/Obama worshiper/etc already gets old, but it's magnified 20x when folks can't ride. Personally, I have nothing to add to this thread other than this two party system is fucked up if people on both sides of the isle have to paint everyone else with a broad stroke. "Oh you Dems always do this..." "Oh you Repubs always do that". And then, the name calling starts, because yeah, THAT always wins arguments. Fucking childish. We all aren't going to see eye to eye on everything, but this shit right here is, in my opinion, a reason why nothing ever gets done in Washington, and why people can't be open minded about an idea or thought that is foreign to them. Ignore my rant and carry on. This shit's amusing.
  17. I think it's a given that this guy is going to die by LAPD bullet. Even if he surrenders in the field. He doesn't have to provide the awesomeness for a movie, Hollywood will take whatever they can and embellish it to make it 'interesting'.
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