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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. This thread delivers. The only thing I'll add is, it takes a small minded person to ignore facts or refuse to debate facts. I'm talking facts, not opinion. If you're posting something as 'fact' and you're not prepared to back it up with facts...again, not opinions....then prepare to be sodomized by the interwebz. This goes for the lefties, the righties and the folks who swing both ways. It's true, you can't convince someone of something if they are brainwashed or determined to believe the contrary (I read that on the internets, so it must be true). But, before you pull that card, you need to be able to present ACTUAL facts, not opinions based on an obscure article you read on the internet or heard on a biased talk show somewhere. I challenge everyone to come out of their comfort zone and actually digest their news and information from sources they would normally avoid. Start with something that isn't based in this country...branch out from there...and see the world from other perspectives. Do it quickly..so we can all get back to ridin' one handed whoolies while we fap with the other hand.
  2. It's been like that for a long while. Stupid undertail from Hotbodies was only held to the body with plastic tabs. Once the tabs broke, well...not good.
  3. Jinx is looking good with the weight loss! No wonder people are crashing..they're probably trying to catch up to him to find out his secret diet.
  4. He's had a while to perfect his craft.
  5. I'm still trying to figure out how this was a so called slow paced ride????
  6. Oh come on!!!!!!! I promise to show up with new plugs and an air filter!
  7. I've got a Roku that's collecting dust. Unfortunately for my power bill, I have a PC that's on 24/7...mainly because I'm always using it, but also to stream movies to my PS3 with PS3 Media Server. I haven't found anything that can handle transcoding like PS3MS, but then again I haven't done much looking lately. Since my PC is already on, I just let it handle the streaming duties. This xmas I'm going to build a small footprint energy-friendly PC to move this stuff to.
  8. I truly am the poster child for 2 wheel negligence this year. Hope to see you out for this.
  9. ^ Are you looking through the corner BEFORE you get to the corner? And by look, I mean turning your head and not just your eyes...
  10. I don't understand why more people don't realize this. <--- gonna get back to fapping now. Please continue the discussion.
  11. Man I just don't have the frackin time. Too much going on.
  12. Too much on the plate tomorrow plus I plan on dropping my bike off for some minor work.
  13. West side riders will be going through Millersburg en route to the big meet up. If there are other riders further east that want to either meet us in Lodi or take their own route down south, have at it. I'll lead the 82/83 crew if I'm on board for this. Again, for me , it's strictly a temperature issue so if the temps are half way decent I'll be there. If I don't go, I know one of the regular NEO crew will step up and take over. Once we get closer.....I can't stress this enough so stop worrying about it folks...once we get closer we'll work out the departure/waypoint times. We'll exchange cell phone #'s ..all that good stuff.
  14. InyaAzz

    iPhone 5

    I hear ya. I don't own any Apple computers or an iPhone. An iPod is about as Apple as I get, but I bought iPhone's for my boys. The only thing that I have to laugh at...is the lemming effect that Apple has created. The 4s does everything a person needs, but here comes the 5 that really doesn't bring much change to the table, and said person HAS to have because it's the latest Apple iDevice. Add to that, camping out for 24+ hours to get it. I just SMH. Android does the job for me, and with the freedom I desire...but I'm no fool...Apple makes a good product.
  15. This is what I believe is happening now. They spread the lie that this video was broadcast on national television to incite the rioting, and spooled up the RPG's when the opportunity presented itself. The average citizen in Egypt doesn't condone this.
  16. InyaAzz

    iPhone 5

    I'm not an Apple fanboi, but I will be the first to say that as far as quality control, ergonomics and their user interfaces go....they can't be touched. There is a certain segment of the population that just want things to 'work'. They don't want to hack, tinker or optimize. They don't mind paying a premium for it either. Apple serves that market well.
  17. I'm not going to get in a tizzy about the called in bomb threats. That seems to be SOP whenever anything like this happens...domestic or foreign. I'm not saying they shouldn't be taken seriously, but If you REALLY want to blow something up, you're probably not going to call the police and let them know you planted the bombs. As far as the embassy rioting goes, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of it was opportunistic militants looking for any excuse to blow shit up. There could've been a price increase on coffee at 7-11, and that would've been all the excuse they needed to start some shit.
  18. Marriage.....Sport bike riding... Both activities consist of taking big risks when you throw your legs around something.
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