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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. It's Craigslist..and this is par for the course. Make sure you're using a throw away email address when you reply to any emails. You've been warned.
  2. I love me some pre-Best Buy Klipsch. I have a 5.1 system that's oh....about 16 years old?!? Still sounding great. My dad has a pair of Klipschorn's. I try not to fap when I go over his house.
  3. One of these days when it gets bad, I'll post a picture. They turn frosty white...then purple. Scared the hell outta me the first time it happened.
  4. I have a chest freezer in my garage. It's a love/hate thing. It's great for the extra storage, but the crap at the bottom gets buried and you forget it's even down there because you can't see it. So..eventually you end up buying more of something you already have.
  5. I tried the packets too...same effect. Caused the hands to sweat because they really weren't cold to begin with, and the cooling effect of the sweat just made everything much worse. It makes me want to punch someone in the junk.
  6. They won't help. My vagina suffers from Raynaud's. Over the last few years, I've figured oout that anything under 60 triggers this shit and my body pulls all the blood from my extremeties because it mistakenly thinks I'm freezing. End result is purple hand and feet...followed by amputation. Sounds like fun huh? I tried the heated glove trick...all that does is cause my hands to sweat to cool down the skin(normal reaction) ..which in turn causes my body to REALLY suck the blood out of my hands. DOUBLE FATALITY. I only made that mistake once. So yeah..my vagina doesn't like cold weather...or really cold AC...or holding a really cold drink for long...or walking on a cold floor in the winter for long. Hence...my riding season gets cut short. Waaaaahhhhh.
  7. I would drink to that, but I don't have a flask at work.
  8. Annnnnd if you like your bacon crispy, there really is no comparison. I haven't had pork bacon in years, and I haven't missed it at all. The only downside, is since there is very little fat in turkey bacon, there is a very thin line between crispy and burnt beyond all recognition.
  9. I'd be up for a multi day trip as well, just not this season. Next season, for sure. The sooner I can get it on the calendar, the better. I looked into the Helibars...and was really tempted at one point..but there are other factors in the riding stance on the ZX10 that would make me want to throw that $$ at a different bike. I still consider it an option though.
  10. It's not happy hour yet. But then again, it's happy hour somewhere in the world.
  11. ^This I can see a different bike in my garage in a year or so.
  12. Damn Kevin....sorry to hear that. I know there isn't much I or anyone can do for ya at this point..but don't be afraid to ask, and keep us updated on his status. Hang in there.
  13. BIG difference on an XB9 vs the ZX10. Way too aggressive of a stance on the 08 ZX10 to slab it or straight line it (for me) for a trip like that. If the only slab was to Bolivar, that's not bad. The Buell was comfy and you're talking about a different set up with the bars vs the 10 so it's apples to oranges. For the record, I miss that bike. Maybe one day I'll buy another one for my kids to jump on. At least that's the excuse I'll tell myself. The ZX10 is great for carving the corners, but any extended straight line action has become an erection killer for me as I get older. If I had to buy that bike over again....
  14. I read this last night... Turkey bacon is your friend.
  15. West side NEO'ers can meet at 82/83. I haven't looked at the route RHill posted but it sounds like the short loop we usually take when we don't want to go far and will settle for anything but the slab that has curves. Basically, it's the best we can do this far north. If temps at start time are 60 degrees, I'm in. If it's 50..I'm most likely not going to go and if I do decide to go because it looks like the temps are going to pick up soon, I won't be anywhere near the front or leading until the blood starts flowing in my feet and fingers. It sucks...but that's what I have to deal with.
  16. I took mine shortly before buying my first bike, and the thing that stood out to me was the number of riders who had 10-20 years experience in our class...and they all said they learned things they never knew about riding a motorcycle. I can attest that the MSF has saved my life more than once. YMMV.
  17. This is the exact reason I was asking...because I always assumed I needed to spend at least a night or 2 for maximum faptitude. I need to get a trailer now..or another bike. No way I'm riding that round trip on the ZX10. Those days are long gone.
  18. Those covers are shit. The seams will show, especially when covering up black with white. That shit would bug me all day, everyday. Better to do it right the first time. And yeah, waaaay expensive to go that route. I moved to Avon..bought a house back in Feb and moved at the end of June.
  19. Not to pile on, but at only 6-7 months of experience, you don't know half of what you think you do. That goes for everyone...it's not a personal dig at you.
  20. What was your round trip time? How long did it take you to get to the good stuff? I need to hit WV at some point, but it's not going to be this year due to the shrinking window of daylight and warm weather.
  21. Depending on the height of the ceiling and the size of the room, this isn't a bad idea. I just sprayed the drop ceiling of a basement in a house I just bought, but I was spraying white paint because the grid was black and the tiles were white and I couldn't stand it. It was a PITA, but easier and quicker than replacing the whole grid.
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