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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. LOL settle down horn dog!! You mf'ers kill me!!! LOL Screamin for pics. Go grab some porn!
  2. Not a flame, but your logic doesn't make sense in today's world economy. And, not directed to you, but why do i have to spend my $$ on an inferior product, just because it's American? Things being equal, I'd love to give my $$ to the home team, but I'll be damned if i spend my hard earned money on an inferior product (bikes or whatever) just because it's domestic. Domestic manufacturers need to step up or get out the game. That's called Capitalism, and it's what this country runs on.
  3. Well with tax, and the other associated crap..that's probably right. How do you like it?
  4. I missed the whole UFC. I was in Ann Arbor checking out the Dalai Lama, and getting enlightenment. I'll have to grab it off a torrent and watch it tonight.
  5. A good friend of mine bought one a few weeks ago. Not sure of the cost out the door, but you aren't going to get any breaks. They aren't making much $$ on a 250. Hell, the retail is 3500.
  6. Oh snap..good luck with that. Forgot it was coming up that soon.
  7. I'll let you know when DSB is going to have a big ride. That would be a good time to go. Oh yeah, don't quit your day job.
  8. I'll be sure to take a lot of pics and post em on Sunday.
  9. I get the whole Mich/Ohio thing..I buy into it too. But let's remove that from the topic of Ann Arbor (I know it's hard...but try it). Ann Arbor is a very diverse, thriving and beautiful city. It's one of the few places in the Midwest you can say that about. Whereas people are leaving places like Columbus proper and Cleveland (not picking on Ohio, it's happening in Detroit too), Ann Arbor is gaining citizens. If I had to move again, there is only one, maybe two places in the Midwest I would consider, and AA is one of them. I'm going to have to get you up there one time to show you..that is if you don't melt first.
  10. I think our ZX 10's will make him eat those words.
  11. I mean that as, her shit woulda been so fucked up by now that she would have had to abandon it. LOL at everyone tryin to find her in columbus to get some anal. LOL!!!!
  12. Then you obviously have never spent any time there.
  13. Where is the blessing of the bikes? Ahh damn..I'll be in Ann Arbor with the Dalai Lama. Priorities.
  14. nah, she doesnt use computers that much. just for occasional email and IM. If she HAD a myspace, I def would have made her create a new one by now.
  15. Ok..lets get back on topic:offtopic:
  16. I got rid of all the pics...emails..all that shit. Didn't want to see it anymore.
  17. LOL I am over it...fa real. I wouldn't lose sleep over any pain that came her way though. Yeah, basically we were in a long distance relationship, which I said I would never do again..but did it anyways because she *seemed* legit. Add to the fact that I am not a fan of Columbus...so there were two things right off the bat that I ignored. Anyways, lots of things didn't add up..but without any hard proof I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Well, one day, months ago, she gave me her PC to 'fix it'. I was sure she had cleared all her email out..but because something just didn't sit right, I looked anyways. Nothing really incriminating...but I also found one or two things that didn't add up to what she had told me before. So by this time, the pussy/head/anal is still coming freely and I'm like whatever, I won't get too attached. BUT..let me take out some insurance. She used Yahoo for her email and IM..and I happened to find an app that lets you move a yahoo account from one PC to another. You can't decrypt the password, but you can access it from a different PC. Well..after months of doing this and feeling like shit, BAM. She is sending some other dude a valentines day card the same time she is sending me one. And wait..his contact info is in her yahoo account. Hmmmm. So, I plotted and schemed for a few weeks to get her ass back. Long story short, I busted her ass, called her job and told them about all the dirt she had been doing to THEM, made sure they thought she had herpes, AND I got ahold of her other dick and we had a nice long talk. She went from 2 dicks to no dick. Her job also got the police involved for some missing items. Hell all she had to do was keep it real. We could have had a 'friends with benefits' arrangement..but she chose to lie about everything. Oh well. I am not one to be fucked with.
  18. Well, when she realized that I was going to have my revenge, she changed her #. But I can definitely provide you with her home and work address. She gets wet like a faucet and likes anal ( Although she acts like she doesn't)...also complete with fake tits.. She rides a Suzuki.
  19. Move next door to this skank named Stacey Brooks..and then make sure you accidentally start a brush fire in her bedroom. Oh ...sorry..my bad. What was the question?
  20. My bike is down for the moment. The bolt that holds the shift rod to the body of the bike worked its' way out last week. A new bolt is on order..but won't be in till Friday at the earliest. And no, I can't just buy any bolt to stick in there.
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