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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. InyaAzz


    I saw the movie today..and the scene after the credits. Without giving it away, it's a cameo by someone we've seen in more than a few sci-fi/comic movies (never a bad thing). And..there will be more movies coming. It was a good movie..one of the better comic-book-to-movie ones to come along. Robert Downey was perfect as Tony Stark. I didn't even recognize Jeff Bridges until half way through the movie!! And why, all of a sudden, do I want to bend Gwyneth Paltrow over and pull her red hair while hittin' it from the back?
  2. InyaAzz


    I love norton..and I think that part of the film dealing with Banner will be good..but the CGI just doesn't work...for me at least.
  3. InyaAzz


    Going to see the movie in 3 hours. Yeah the new hulk looks like ass.
  4. I'm not going to comment on the actual part where you are riding, but I will comment on the 'two feet on me, if it came to punches he would have kicked my ass" part. I am not advocating violence. I prefer to diffuse situations that are headed that way. At the same time, I subscribe in "it's either you or me, and I ain't going anywhere". You weren't in a ring...you were in the street. You conceded defeat before the fight started ( and thankfully it never started). If he has two feet on you, why would you be trying to box with him? Kick him square in the nuts or the knees. I guarantee either one will drop him down to your level. There are no rules in the street...it's about survival. Hopefully, no one on here has to resort to this...I'm just sayin..next time..don't conceed defeat IF the situation ends up being physical. Do everything in your power to diffuse it (which you did), but be prepared if that doesn't work.
  5. This actually ends up being a good thing in disguise. I'm getting a LOT of work done I was procrastinating on...I'm getting my rims powder coated in a pimp glossy black with some effects in it...suspension adjusted...new front tire..etc..etc. And I'd rather it happen now than later..the rain makes riding spotty in the spring. It was a dumb ass mistake...I got a little too confident and didn't plan ahead with the visor. Never again. Clear visor and shades from now on.
  6. Do it sooner, rather than later. Road rash is NOT fun. I had to clean rocks and shit out of the skin of my best friend who did a 12'oclock in Mansfield. And he HAD gear on!! I can't imagine what it would have been like if he didn't.
  7. +1 I've had a dyno done there, plus tires and a few other things. No problems.
  8. I was going to suggest you do some of the work yourself..save some $$..but you beat me to it. I called Honda-Avon last week to get my bike in there, but they said they were short a few people (as in not qworking there any more)and were backed up a few weeks..more so than usual. I hope they get to your ride sooner rather than later, but don't be surprised if it takes a while. Good luck!
  9. where are u getting your repair work done? I pray the other guy didn't have safe auto or any other type of budget insurance.
  10. ugh..let's just say that you shouldn't ride at night with anything other than a clear face shield. And you shouldn't cut through an empty parking lot with said shield on because their are things like curbs that are harder to see at night. We'll leave it at that.
  11. Glad you're OK. From having been there...I can say first hand that gear is a necessity. Without it, you would have been road rashed and banged up all to hell. That 'hit by a bus' feeling will go away soon. You don't feel it at first (adrenaline) but when it kicks in...ouch. Be sure to hire a lawyer and get what's coming to you. Also be aware that once your insurance company finds out you've been in an accident, or what they 'think' is an accident, they will want to go after the other rider. Annnnnd if you've already settled with the other rider, they will come after you to get reimbursed. Good luck.
  12. Yeah I changed it. Shootin' you a PM. My bike is at the shop right now..It's probably gonna be a few weeks before I get it back. I am probably going to miss that may date we talked about going to get our maps. Sorry..that's gotta be pushed back. I'm having some minor stuff done..like repairing $5000 worth of damage. LOL. And I'm also doing tires...maybe rims..brakes..while they've got it torn down.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by r1crusher View Post Hang on right there scrotum cheese farmer. Nobody ever said anything about penis'. I'm thinking you have some secret envy of your own there...did the flat fish get at you?!?! And you better leave walther be. Pppssss...he's packin' and I'm not talking about in his trouser either ya sausage wrangler. I can read!! Damn it!! I have to move out of Shefftucky so I can lose this hillbilly aura. And what will that poor village do without it's idiot? Stay there. They make you look smart, and your slow ass Gixxer is prettier than the usual collection of front yard iron horses rotting amisdt the trees out your way. If you want, you can park the gixxer next to the 51 while you're in LV so that it's kept company. Maybe it it's lucky, my nasty little twin will defile that pretty little bike of yours and make it an honest machine. Yadik!
  14. That bike actually doesn't look that bad. My boy did a 12'oclock when his throttle 'stuck' and flipped his Gixxer leaving the parking lot of Applebees at the AMA's last year in mansfield. It looked worse than this.
  15. Every year when the weather turns..its the same thing with the cops. They come out in full force for a month or two. Never fails..especially here in Cleveland. I see three times as many cops in the AM on the way to work, and then home around 6. After a month or two, they go back to normal.
  16. So, R1, what he's saying is that you are a slow mf'er.
  17. Um, I was trying to keep up with that stock crap? Who was racing?!?! When did that happen?!?! i think r1 has some sort of penis/bike envy going on. And walther, you stay outta this!! LOL
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