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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. InyaAzz

    dyno tuned?

    +1, Great guy...great price.
  2. I actually saw Dj Assault in Cleveland a few weeks ago. LOL
  3. That's a fair question. I think 6pm might be a lil early though...but what do I know. My suggestions is to watch the radar, and fuck the forecast. The radar will give you a good idea where things are gonna end up. Maybe 9-10 pm?!? Just a suggestion. I'm not a rain rider...so he who needs to talk shit, go ahead and do so. It's hard enough staying on two on dry ground.
  4. talked to r1, we should be hittin cbus around noon or before.
  5. I called him again..no answer. I'm gonna assume if I don't hear anything real soon he's not going.
  6. Hmm fuck if I know. i can catch 71 from 90 or the turnpike where we are. At 8 in the morning I'm not really looking for a scenic route...i just wanna get my cold ass to cbus ASAP. I called Kevin, but no answer. I'm headed to bed now. I'll try him again in the AM.
  7. I'm waitin on Kevin to call me back. The earlier the better for me (even though we'll freeze our asses off on the high way). I'm guessing around 9 we'll leave...put us there around 11:30. one of us will post up early in the AM after we get it all straightened out. I'll be the one with the better looking dyno sheet.
  8. Um yeah...it's probably a safe bet that's what happened. Bastard. And then bailing. I would love to get him in a room for about 5 minutes. I wouldn't kill him..but I'd make it so he' want to take his own life. Oops..sorry..that didn't help matters, but it sure feels good to think about. RIP
  9. The most important things are that a life was lost, and that 3 more were potentially saved. I'm curious, how do you know the driver was drunk? It seems he was tracked down only after making it home and getting a lawyer, and then fleeing.
  10. QSL Works. The route looks as good as any I'd ever come up with. Let me know what time you plan on getting there, and any west siders who want to roll, plan on being at QSL at that time.
  11. You know I had to give you a hard time. I have a new #..I'll PM it to you. Send me yours again in case I don't have it..I think I lost it with my old phone. Am I the only mf'er on here with a Chatterbox?!?!?!?!?!?
  12. Shitty, plans are to come your way Sat AM. You still ridin back with us to Lorain?
  13. Are you talking about heading down to C-bus and then toledo, or just heading out to Toledo ? I don't know where Rick Roush is ...hell I thought Rick Ross was sellin cars and gave up rap! Since you are coming from the south, and assuming you are talking about heading to Toledo and not Cbus, why don't you swing towards Lorain/Elyria (or somewhere in that area)and pick up the West siders? i don't know any of the roads around here..not from here and I havent had a chance to road scout yet. Let's finalize this real soon. I'll be checking this from work. By the way.....I GOT MY FUCKIN BIKE BACK!!!! yo, if you weigh + or - the weight that the manufacturer sets the suspension for, you NEED to get it adjusted. BIG DIFFERENCE. I weigh about 240-250 with all gear on...Kaw sets it for a 180 rider. I was always complaining about the suspension...avoiding any kind of hole or bump in the road. Not any more...wow..it's like a totally different bike. Ok, back on topic.
  14. If you want me to take your money, you should try a different tone. I don't respond well to orders. I left the army a loooong time ago.
  15. NICE. Make sure you call me. I'll PM my new cell in case you don't have it. I *should* have the bike today.
  16. See my previous post. I had some $$ expenses come up. I can't afford the tune this weekend. I'll barely be able to afford to get the bike back today and ride anytime this weekend. It's a rough time for me right now.
  17. Thanks Kev..much appreciated. It's been a rough 4 weeks, but when I get back on two it will all work itself out.
  18. Then the NE Ohio peeps can ride by themselves after lunch. Who ever wants to join is more than welcome.
  19. I've done it a few times. You're right..it's not that bad. Especially if you've got some music to keep you company. Stretching before a long ride is always a good idea.
  20. All I'll say is never wear a smoked or tinted visor at night. Some minor damage..but a slow repair shop plus the parts getting ordered in the wrong color puts me without a bike for 4 weeks. I'll up some pics tomorrow of the newly powdercoated rims.
  21. Saturday AM ride to Cbus might be out for me. I had an unexpected expense today that has drained me. I need every single cent to get the bike outta hock tomorrow.
  22. I'm not riding all the way to C-Bus..I'm thinking of meeting them in Toledo, and doing some riding after. I don't really know where would be a good point to meet them at on the way up fro Cbus..any suggestions? I'm not trying to leave at 6am either.
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