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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Bike will be picked up tomorrow. I didn't realize you guys were headed to Toledo. I wouldn't mind meeting up with everyone there, since I'm only an hour or so away.
  2. I wouldn't give you the satisfaction. Just had some scratches..no lost parts.
  3. I knew they were slow..but I'm not taking a Kawasaki to a Honda dealer..and I wasn't going to ride it all the way to State 8. Speaking of Honda, I called them before hand and they told me that they were short staffed.
  4. My god brother had a 750, which went 12 o'clock on him in Mansfield last year as we were leaving the AMA's. He says the throttle did the same thing to him. You can probably still find pieces of his bike in the street/grass between Applebee's and Walmart.
  5. Holy shit I missed this thread. I guess I had no reason to look at anything dealing with bikes since my ride was in the shop. Stop spying on my shit!!!! LOL
  6. Yeah definitely let me know. I still need to get my damn bike back from Kennedy's, but it sounded like it was going to be ready in time. I've already had to cancel my bike week trip to Myrtle Beach because it wasn't done on time. 4 weeks already. Ugh.
  7. I saw this thread, but I assumed this place was in Cbus or around the area. I think a west side cleveland meet and greet is in order. I know Detroit Sport Bikes was making a trip to the Honda dealer there, but I think that is on Sunday. I'll double check. This is looking promising for Monday...but what about the rest of the holiday weekend?!?!
  8. I missed the Toledo thread info. Let me see what's going on. R1crusher, are you riding your bike to C-Bus or trailering it? My trailer is being hijacked for bike week in Myrtle beach this weekend, so I won't have access to it. I want to get my bike tuned ASAP though. Let me know what your plans are. Maybe he can squeeze us both in.
  9. OK..I'm back on the scene..sorta. I have had some family drama...plus my god father died and it's put me against the ropes for a few weeks here. To pour salt in the wound, my bike is STILL AWOL. That situation should be fixing itself in the next day or two... So in anticipation of this weekend and some glorious weather, lets start planning some rides. I figure Sat..Sun..Mon..it's all good. Everyone, post your availability and I'll start more threads on the specific days of the rides. Also post if you have a chatterbox.
  10. Damn..I would have been there but I had a death in the family and I was in MI. I haven't talked to anyone that went because of my schedule and some family drama. So, I take it things didn't go that well? That's a shame..I almost tried to get on this card.
  11. Talked to Mike...I should have it next week.
  12. I know they're slow...trust me..I know. Mike has been working with me though..he knows I need it soon.
  13. Not sure. I missed a call from Kennedy's on Tue. Needless to say I have to wait for tomorrow to speak to the manager. It can't be good. Doesn't matter much for this weekend, I have a funeral to go to in MI. I'm leaving today and I'll be gone until Sunday. I've got a feeling they found something that was missed initially. If thats the case, tag on an extra week for parts.
  14. LOL folks on here don't waste time.
  15. +1 You pretty much described me and my riding style. I love to ride, and I'm not really into posing.
  16. I'm waiting for my bike to get out of the shop, and we will be organizing many rides this year.
  17. InyaAzz


    Yup..get ready for the Avengers...and various other movies where heroes are making guest appearances. They will milk this long past all of our time here on earth. And, seeing as how Iron Man did 100 million, I ain't mad at em.
  18. Man, I ate them before I knew what they were. They are considered a delicacy. They tasted pretty damn good (obviously they had some seasoning to them).
  19. I was in mexico city a few years ago on cinqo de mayo. you don't get any more mexican than mexico city ..which reminds me that I ate ant eggs while I was there. anyways..I thought traffic was gonna suck more than the usual suckedness...until I realized that they could care less about the 5th of may. no celebration...no nothing. it's a commercial north american holiday.
  20. InyaAzz


    Hell yeah she did.
  21. InyaAzz


    Yeah, I guess you'll have to toss someone else's salad from now on. Sorry 'bout that.
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