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Posts posted by InyaAzz

  1. Anyone that lives in the Akron/Canton area, that wants to ride with a somewhat sane rider, leave me a message and we can talk. I live very close to Rt.30, that takes you to 172 East, a nice place to ride, with a few turns as well. No cops either but beware of the tractors and the fertilizer trucks. Oh, a dead raccoon in the road will ruin your day if you hit it while in a lean. Still, I see more people riding around in the city and posing when they should be out in the country logging miles. Rt.9 is also very close and there are some nice curves as well. It looks like this weekend will shot, with the weather so I'll have to wait until spring finally comes forth.

    Post your favorite routes! We can get a group thing going on when it gets a lil warmer. I think everyone is resigned to the fact that we have to get out of CLE to find some good roads.

    I'm going to go road scouting in about 2 weeks.

  2. WOW! That was a detour. Anyway, last 2 times the police came after me I pulled over. Both ended without a ticket.

    1. I was accused for simply a 46 in a 35 by his radar. (For those of you who don't know me, I carry a GPS on my bike that logs my top speed). I walked him over to my bike and showed him the GPS with a recorded top speed and a time stamp and asked him how fast I was going again. He over estimated by 7 miles per hour and after making my point he finished with "have a nice day".

    2. Pulled over on 315 for "racing" another motorcycle just south of lane avenue. The rest of the group I rode with pulled over as further up the road but in sight of the officer. After explaining to him I was leading the group and another rider kept people organized from the back (we have radios) I was simply trying to get to the front and regroup us after being split up by several cars from the 670 onramp. The other riders are novices and there was no intention of speeding. After he realized all this, he expressed his misinterpretation of the situation and let me go with no charges.

    I try not to give police a reason to pull me over, but when they make and excuse as to why (example 1) I'm an inconsiderate asshole and show my point. If I did make a mistake like 75 in a 55 (example 2) I explain the situation with hopes he's understanding. 2 isn't guaranteed to work every time, but I was cooperative with the officer and he made sense of the situation. If I chose to run again, I guarantee I'd be back in jail.

    There's a time and/or a place to speed. Normally it's in the country, 1 AM or at the track. If you race on the street, don't do it where others are in danger and don't let the police see you do it. If you injure yourself doing it, your problem. Injure another person, I hope you get what's coming to you.


    I always treat the cops with respect. If I am man enough to do the crime..I am man enough to pull over. Now, don't get me wrong ..if I see a cop turn around going the other way and I *may* have been speeding, I will try to get off the highway/road as fast as possible and hope he doesn't see me...but I'm not going to lead him on a chase. If I get caught in a speed trap and zip past him and he obviously comes out after me, I'll pull over. I'll admit what I was doing and hope for the best, but expect the worst. Cops know when you are BS'ing them. They get lied to all day long.

    In the end, I have too much to lose by running..and I wouldn't want to end up causing an accident that caused someone else to lose a loved one. I wouldn't want to live with that.

  3. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

    Your God may not be the same god someone else prays to.

    Who's to say YOUR god is the only god...or the TRUE god? Maybe there isn't a god?

    I'm not saying there is or isn't one..I'm just making a point.

  4. :( I'm jealous. Perfect setup right there.

    I bought it from a good man on DSB, M2R1. I plan on mounting a tool chest or two in it soon..then off to Myrtle Beach memorial day weekend.

    I've got two god brothers in Mi who have dibs on the trailer if they ever need it, but other than that if I'm available to roll somewhere with the group, I can fit two more bikes.

    Shitty and R1, if you ever need the trailer let me know.

  5. I feel you on trailering the bike..it was a LOOONG day.

    I have a two piece suit..but I am probably going to stay away from track days until I can come up with a dedicated track bike. Track days eat tires up like I don't know what..and I don't want the hassle of going from street to track and vice versa. I'm lazy. :)

  6. I had nothing to do with it to set the record straight. I was 14! I really didn't care she was there. It was new to me then, she creeped me out a bit, but her being there didn't bother me at all. I just don't want any gay affection near me of any kind. That rejection she got was from my Aunt and my mother. Don't put it all one me.:postcop:

    I said 'your family'.

    You didn't/don't seem to have a problem with what they did to her. I obviously don't know her, but I'm willing to be her goal in life is not to turn your family members gay. Again, this is my 5000 ft view..I only know what you tell us. I'm not blaming YOU for what happened, I'm saying you seem to be fine with it. You haven't once said 'She's my flesh and blood family, and I love her, even if I don't agree with her lifestyle choice'.

    So, I guess I'll ask you..Do you still love her even though she is a lesbian? If so, is it long distance love? For example, you love her, just as long as she doesn't come around you? This isn't a flame, I'm honest to god curious here.

  7. One more comment and then I am going to go back to acting like I am working.

    I am too lazy to go back and look, but the minister who said being OK with homosexuality is the same as being OK with a pedophile, or a necrophiliac (spelling? I am not trying to look up the spelling of THAT word at work)...is he for real? I mean, I understand what you are TRYING to say, but come on. A pedophile is committing an act against an innocent child..he's actively HARMING someone else. A necro is actively HARMING/DESECRATING a corpse (who, by the way, has no say in the matter. Having said that, if I'm dead and Halie Berry wants to mount me, please...let her be). Both of these acts are against parties who are either too young or too dead to know any better. Being in a gay relationship is a mutual, consentual arrangement. If you think they are both going to Hell, so be it. You are entitled to that opinion. But trying to compare someone committing a crime against a child or a corpse, to a homosexual is just ignorant. He isn't FORCING his homosexuality on YOU or anyone else!!


  8. I'm glad some others on the other side decided to post up. I'm getting cruicified here. :lol: I talk to a lesbian here at work frequently and I like her a lot. She's very nice. She KNOWS I don't support Gays.

    If any of you guys met me last weekend, you would know that I'm a chill, individual who loves a good laugh and to have fun. I'm just stating my opinion on the matter and you guys FLIP on me! I'm ashamed by your beliefs, yes, but that doesn't mean I hate you or anything. I feel that some of you HATE me and yet you don't even know me. That is as bad as gay bashing. How you going to HATE me when you don't even know me?

    I gotta bail now though, I'll check back later.

    We don't hate you!! I think some of us don't agree with how your family treated someone who should be close to you, JUST because they were gay. We're not saying you have to agree with it..or like it. We're saying (like the minister) it's all or nothing. Choosing to love a family member ONLY if they adhere to what you or your religion believes in, in my opinion, is wrong and hypocritical.

    We are all entitled to our opinions. Just think about it.

  9. That weekend could work for me. You said you have a trailer now? I have an '08 F-150! Let's get it done Brother!

    I've got an enclosed 7x14. It's set up for three bikes already...adjustable rails for the straps and wheel chocks already mounted. All you've gotta do is ride your bike up the ramp.

  10. 1920's sarcasm, ouch. :( I'll try to find some 1960's stuff for you next time. I was going to let you ride it but I don't know now....you might not want to give it back afterwards.

    It'll do you no good to try to keep up with the Crusher. You'll need more bike than you can handle. :D

    Say, when the hell are we going to head to C-bus and visit with Shitty? I'll need to go down anyway and make an appointment with Brian to get my bike mapped if he can do PCIII's.

    I'd like to run down there around the end of this month. I have to get a custom mapping done too..let's make a trip of it. Well, now that I look at my calendar, my weekends in April are booked up. Next weekend I have the Dalai Lama in Ann Arbor, the weekend after that half of my dojo has kick boxing matches. The May 3rd weekend I have kids. May 10th might be the best (earliest) weekend for me.

  11. Exactly R1. In my experience, the people who go out of their way to attack gays/lesbians have issues themselves. Again, it is OK if you don't like it. No one is saying you have to like it, support it, or approve of it. But to condemn them and banish YOUR OWN FAMILY MEMBERS, especially in the name of religion is just being hypocritical. You are taking the parts of the Bible that serve your purpose and ignoring everything else. I could care less if you are gay..I will treat you with the same respect I would treat someone who is straight. It's all about how you carry yourself...you respect me, I'll respect you. I could care less if you are sleeping with a man. You're not going to turn me gay by standing next to you.

    Are morals different than they were 30 years ago? Sure. Media has a lot to do with that. You can say stuff on the radio you couldn't say 5 years ago (I still don't know how they can get away with that). A lot of the music that was underground years ago is now main stream. Do you want to go kill someone when you here 50's latest joint on the radio?! No. Do you want to go stick your tongue down your uncle's throat when you see a gay couple on TV? No. Just because it's in front of your face and ears doesn't mean you act on it (I admit, it doesn't help). No one wakes up one day and decides they are gay. This is something that is in them since birth. They probably didn't act on it because of people like the ones on here who are trying to burn them at the stake. It doesn't mean they were 'straight' until they got enough courage to be 'gay', it means they were scared as shit to come out and acted straight to make everyone happy and not get their face bashed in at school. If you disagree, then you obviously haven't gotten out much or actually TALKED to someone in that situation.

    I'm with Shitty...I can't believe we as a society are spending so much time on this. There are soooo many other issues to deal with. People should be concerned with improving themselves, rather than taking the time and energy to show other people how far from 'normal' they appear to be. WTF is 'normal'?!?! That is a relative term. What makes your 'normal' ..well..the norm?!?! Who put you in charge?? It's that same fucked up attitude that has muslims and christians killing people in the name of religion since the damn of organized religion. Matter of fact, the same Catholic church that looked the other way while altar boys were being molested (FOR YEARS!!!!), is the same church some of you hide behind.

    Anyways..I'm going to see the Dalai Lama next week in Ann Arbor. I think I'm going to bring this topic up to him.

  12. Morning fellas...

    I found ohioriders on google and figured I would join in the fun since I ride solo 99% of the time here. I'm about a half hour east of downtown cle and would be more than happy to meet up for some twisties rides. I'm embarrased by the chicken strips that are making their way to my tires. InYaAzz, I used to ride with DSB back in '06, but I can't remember if I met you or not. Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and I'll be checking the boards pretty often.

    Welcome! I don't know if I met you or not. I don't a chance to ride with them as much as I like to, but I try to make the big events/rides. Next time I head up to ride with them I'll hit you up. The last time I went there to ride, I just hopped on the bike and rode to detroit, rode all over MI and then rode home. ABout 12 hours straight of riding...and a visit by the State Police on the turnpike. Something about going too fast. :) Man I was SORE after that day. I've got a trailer now..but still wouldn't mind riding up there if I left early enough and had time to stretch my legs before the group got going.

    Anyways...as you already know..twisties around here are non existant. We've gotta head south. Doesn't mean we can't get together for some corner turning and throttle spraying. Next weekend is bad for me (kids). During the week is usually bad for me..but if it looks like a good day is coming up and enough people are on board I'll skip the MMA and hang out. Especially if we can time it with a bike night @ QSL. It's Thursday in Sheffield..and I forget what day in Independence..Wed??

  13. It's about time you showed up with that 1920's sarcasm. I was starting to think you didn't like me. LOL

    Getting Akra's huh? I haven't seen Akra's for your bike yet..I'll have to look them up. Anything would be an improvement over that fugly thing. Why don't you upgrade the rider next?!?! :)

  14. That would be good cause im in for the rides just need a little earlier notice.

    This weekend is not lookin good..and did I just see a forcast for fuckin snow showers on Sunday? :eek:

    That works for me...cause I need to get my calipers/pads on and my Halo/Ram Air lights on too.

  15. I have had nothing but problems with checkpoint stuff over the years. Only once has setting up a vpn to a checkpoint EVER gone smoothly. Ironically enough, the checkpoint admin was somewhere in latin america and didn't speak a lick of english, and everything went just fine. I've seen them have problems with Cisco, OpenBSD, Netscreen, etc.....

    I'm quasi cisco certified for firewalls. I started my CCSP last year, passed SNPA, then had to reschedule SNRS 13 times due to work crap before I said fuck it. I'll maybe finish the SP this year or do the NP. Work has now learned that asking me to reschedule cert exams does not go over well with me.

    Just so you know, the Checkpoint guys same the same thing about Cisco firewalls. Since I work with both I feel I am a little bit qualified to speak on why this usually happens. I manage over 50 site to site VPN's, mostly with ASA's and PIX's on the other end. It usually comes down to terminology...or different ways of handling the same thing between the two manufacturers. Trust me, Cisco does their fair share of mucking shit up. If you get someone like me who understands both sides, things go smoothly (usually). My biggest problem right now is Cisco admins who don't understand their ASA and don't allow ESP or apply the right ACL to the correct interface...etc. Same thing happens on the Checkpoint side, usually with encryption domains..etc.

    Anyways..enough about that. Good luck with the cert.

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