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Posts posted by InyaAzz

  1. No matter how the site is promoted you always run the risk of dumbasses joining. However with the people that are on this forum i know there would not be an issue telling that person they are an asshole and after so much shit they would leave. Basically I say fuck it run the risk and then run damage control by letting people know if they are a dick.

    I ride with Detroit Sport Bikes...and we get a few assholes now and then. And like you said..they eventually get weeded out. It's the nature of the beast.

    I am going to start looking at the calendar and planning some rides here this weekend. Assholes need not apply. And don't get me wrong, we (me) get stupid sometimes and like to spray the throttle, but you won't see me attracting attention to myself by doing a stand up wheelie on a packed highway or doing 120 with cagers all around me. You gotta pick and choose your spots.Back roads? Have at it. Highway or most streets in general? Use common sense.

    And by the way, no one gets left behind on my rides. If the people in the front wanna get on the throttle for a bit..cool...but I'm always checking for the people in the rear...and at some point we'll wait for everyone to catch up. It's no fun for the slower riders to get left and have to ride by themselves. Having said that...if you're a slower rider, at some point, my brake lights will be a faint and distant glimmer. :)

    And..like I said...it's all about picking and choosing your spots to spray it. I'm a twistie man myself, so anywhere I can find some corners to lay it down, I'm happy. Unfortunately, NE Ohio is devoid of twisties...so if we are going on one of those type of rides, be prepared to leave the Cleveland area.

  2. God, the 14 has tremendous brakes! Better than what my 636 had!

    Every one who has put the 14 calipers on, loves it. I picked up a set on Ebay with 200 miles on them. I got some new braided brake lines too. New pads as well. She should be stopping on a dime.

    One of the things I didn't like about the '06 10 was I noticed some brake fade in the front. My 95 Fizzer stopped way better. But that's about to change.

  3. who said the front of an 06 zx10 looks good? it is a huge goldfish. someone needs glasses. 04-05 zx10 looks the cleanest of all buthte08 looks hella better than a 06-07 zx10. and i ride a fzr400!

    I don't necessarily like my front either..I just said I like it better than the 08 with the clip on turn indicators. So next time when grown people are talking, shut your pie hole.:thefinger:

  4. There is a MMA event the end of this month in Columbus..I thought I was coming down for that but none of us got on the card. There is a grappling competition in Pickerington sometime soon...might shoot down there for that.

    It sucks that I'm all the way up here....we'll have to catch a UFC or Dream (ex-Pride) one Saturday and make a weekend out of it when it gets warm (read : lots of bike riding mixed in with some gratuitous beat downs).

    Fusion:right on. You hit the nail on the head.

  5. LOL on the Tank cardio comment.

    I agree with Chuck...took him a while to get respect. Chuck just had a inhuman sprawl game..you could TRY and take him down, but good luck with that. And you'll eat some punches on the way in. I like Chuck..but I like Rampage even more, and I'm glad he got his mojo back. Rampage vs Griffin in July.

    I have a friend who went out to CA for a week and trained with Frank Shamrock. Frank may be an ass, but he has a lot of MA knowledge. I think I like Frank better than Ken though. Hell, they both have issues. Frank vs. Ken at the beginning of next year.

    I started out with TaeKwonDo early on..it was my first MA. After about 3 years I got fed up with the lack of applicable skills. It was great for getting in shape and developing my kicks...but sucked balls for street applicability. From there I did some shootfighting and some muay-thai/juijitsu training. I did a brief stint with Strongstyle/Tracy's Karate..went to do some MMA with a former instructor of mine...and I'm currently training with Rising Dragon in Lakewood (Cleveland).

  6. When Kimbo fought Ray Mercer, I was against it. (That was not an MMA fight btw) But I think Tank was a step in the right direction. Yeah, Tank is a brawler and Kimbo has no fear of a take-down in that fight but Tank has knocked people out in the past and he can do it still. It didn't surprise me that Kimbo won, but it did impress me with HOW he won. Yeah he knocked him out but he took his time. He worked the distance and he was patient. To me that show someone who is getting better.

    You're confusing me a bit though. At one point you say Kimbo needs to not have an opponent hand picked for his style but then you criticize the organization for pitting Lenser versus Mir.

    But I think you and I agree that Kimbo should face a tougher opponent each time he fights and wins. You're right, this isn't boxing where someone needs to win 40 fights (over cans) before getting a title shot. I don't think Kimbo OR Lesner should be fighting high level opponents yet.

    (this is directed to Fusion) I think you're operating under a misconception regarding fighters being brought up in the ranks. Most fighters fight on small shows and fight "nobodys" when they fights start out. They are not fighting for one of the major five organizations. Most pro fighters start out with a hometown show like what's held here in columbus at LifeStyle Pavillion. So, I have to disagree with you when you say other fighters immediately get thrown into the fray immediately. Rashad Evans' first two fights took place at Dangerzone Cage Fighting against Danny Anderson and Dennis Reed. Jeremy Horn first fought in Quad City Ultimate 2 and Atlanta Fights. Brad Imes' first fight was against a guy who was 2-0 at the time and is currently 6 and 6. Brad Imes was hardly thrown to the wolves. Brad Imes' second fight was against a guy who was 0-1 at the time and since losing to Brad, has not fought again.

    I understand what all of you are saying. That is, since Kimbo is getting all this press, put him in the ring with a REAL MMA fighter and see how he does. Well, first off, Kimbo can't help the press that he is getting. He can't help that he's a mean looking mother fucker with a nasty beard. Additionally, most other fighters who are 2-0 don't get thrown to the wolves either.

    With the exception of Lesner. Who immediately got thrown to the wolves and got submitted. No it looks like the UFC has put Lesner against an opponent that will offer no serious threat to him in Mark Coleman. So, even though the UFC put him against a crafty Frank Mir it looks like they too have stepped down the competition to meet the quality of a fighter that is 2-0. (Keep in mind too that if Mir would have lost, which he was VERY close to losing btw, people would've been saying that he too was just as washed up as Tank Abbott.)

    Finally, I think this is a good debate we are having and I don't want to get anyone pissed off. After all, we at least have 2 things in common, Bikes and MMA. Maybe we can hook up to watch GSP kick the shit out of that midget man Serra in April.

    Kimbo vs Mercer wasn't MMA? Then you obviously didn't watch it. Kimbo won via a guillotine. I watched that fight. I don't think they allow chokes in boxing.

    It was an 'exhibition', so it really wasn't his debut..BUT it was MMA rules.


    I criticize the UFC for putting Lesnar against an arguable legend, Frank Mir. Lesnar had no business fighting someone THAT experienced in his second MMA bout. That was crazy. I'd expect the same from Elite XC for Kimbo. What I don't wanna see is tomato cans lined up in front of both to pad their records. The lesser known fighters don't get that courtesy. Someone with 1 fight should not be fighting an active legend (Mir...I'm not talking Coleman. Coleman has been ineffective for some time now. See his last Pride fight? OMG that was embarrasing), and someone who obviously doesn't want to go to the ground should not be babied and get his opponents hand picked for him. Got another heavy weight with 2 to 3 fights that has a ground game? Throw him in there!!! But that's not whats happening.

    I agree on Kimbo's skill...he obviously has the tools. I personally don't think there are many fighters on the planet who can take more than a few shots from this guy. It was obviously he had some skill from his net videos a while ago. Bas just needs to fine tune it...and cross train him..which I believe he is.

    I'm not blaming Kimbo for his popularity. I wish him the best! His handlers are obviously behind the match making...they don't want the Kimbo-mystique deflated anytime soon. Kimbo is doing what he needs to do...and that's beating down whoever they put in front of him. Kimbo for President! LOL

    And...back to Tank...he's not knocking anyone out in a ring or cage. His cardio is non existant...his chin is gone. He's a washed up brawler ( I hate to use that term) who is WAY past his prime. He was never in shape...and he made a name in the sport when it was relatively new to the US and the rules were much different. He would have never survived in Japan or Brazil back then. Nor would he have made a name for himself if the fighters in the US were training back then like they are now.

    I like this discussion...Bikes and MMA work for me!! :) Everyone is entitled to their opinions...I just happen to have followed MMA and trained in different martial arts for the last 10 years. My first MMA event was UFC 2 and I was hooked every since (as bad as it was back then).

    Check out the upcoming Frank Shamrock vs. Cung Lee fight...that should be gooooooood.

  7. Sorry I only skimmed. An EQUAL level oponent would be nice.

    I think Lesner's fight was impressive,he could have beat Mir.His next fight will be great to watch. If Angle gets in to any pro matches look out! Angle is one bad MoFo.Check out his career before WWE. It is most impressive!

    I agree with Lesner...he was impressive, but I think it had a lot to do with his massive size and strength. He basically was beating the shit...literally...out of Mir. In the end though, he got caught in a rookie mistake. Understandable...since he's a rookie. :) He had no business in their with Mir so early in his career though. Mir is a phenom on the ground.

    Angle will need to get up to speed on striking...really quick. I agree about his grappling experience...but he better learn how to block a punch or kick, or do some basic striking if he can't take someone down to the ground.

    I hate rolling with strong wrestlers...they are a beast when they get on top of you. Flipside of that, is that when they get on their back, they are vulnerable if they haven't left that wrestling mentality behind.

  8. You all have the attitude that is wrong with MMA today!Kimbo has not fought a top competitor because he is not a top competitor YET! I am tired of seeing new guys come in and get a UFC title shot after only one or two matches. these competitors need to move up the ranks. Example, had Brock Lesner won his debut match he would have been first or second in line for a title match.My oponion he wil wipe the mat with his next oponent.

    You obviously haven't read anything above. No one is saying put him against a top competitor!! We are saying that he has been fighting sub-average fighters on PURPOSE! Again..Tank Abbott?? When has a pro fighter faced someone as washed up as Abbott or Mercer? I can see someone like Dan Severn, he purposely gives young fighters experience. BUT DAN HAS (HAD)SKILLS. He has a ground game and can strike. He is cross trained.

    The Lesnar situation is totally different..that should have never happened. UFC threw him under the bus..he didn't deserve that fight. The only thing similar is that they are riding his name for ticket sales.

    Again, I'm not saying put him against a Frank Mir in Kimbo's first or second fight. He can fight someone in their early MMA pro career...no problem with that. But I can't respect his game totally if they are cherry picking his fighters

    so he won't get taken to the ground. Did you forget that this was MMA?!? MIXED MARTIAL ARTS. It's not boxing, which is what the promoters are promoting..a Kimbo stand up brawl. WHICH is much different than two same skill level fighters in the ring who decide to keep it standing.

    Kimbo's promotion is what is wrong with MMA today.

  9. Give the guy a break, he has had 2 mma fights. Why do people want to throw him under the bus with only 2 mma fights? I agree with you that his ground game is suspect but no need to put him in a fight with a top 10 Heavyweight after only 2 fights.

    No one is saying throw him under the bus. What I'm saying is that his opponents are specifically picked to lose. He hasn;'t fought ANYONE who is at any decent level of competition. All other MMA fighters don't get that kind of courtesy. Kimbo is riding on his underground popularity. Nothing wrong with that. All I'm saying is call it like it is..they are hand picking people to LOSE in front of Kimbo.

    When was the last time Tank Abbott fought? Was he even considered a serious opponent? Give me a break...Tank? OMG. Ray mercer? Puh lease. Put him in front of ANY heavyweight..hell even a heavy weight with no professional fights under his belt, but that at least cross trains and you wouldn't hear a peep from me.

    This is MMA...not boxing. And it's obvious that they are putting brawlers in front of him so he can knock them out (which he definitely excels at). Kimbo has the tool set to be a good fighter...he can judge distance very well, and he has good hands. It's just obvious to me that he's not a well rounded fighter yet.

    If anyone can get him there...it's Bas, so I'm still hoping at some point we'll see some progress.

  10. I don't worry about pipes because I always buy aftermarket.

    Now the mirrors aren't great, I agree, but I still think it's a hot bike.

    It's a bike for little people though. I sat on it and I felt like I could pick it up and carry to my car. Too small.

    interesting..I'm gonna try and sit on one this weekend.

  11. o i agree most def. like you said the people who like it are in the minority.

    funny you bring up the 250 i agreee i love it. my friend ordered his like a month ago and it was shipped out of japan last week and they were hoping to have it at the dealership, but to everyone's disappointment it was a no show as of saturday. :( but being the good friend i am like always.... i made him feel so much better by letting him know that if a motorcycle was to get "lost in the mail" his luck would take him that far! lol:D

    LOL My girlfriend was looking at gixxer 600's..but she's short and she has to tippy toe the bike. I didn't feel comfortable with her doing that (she dropped one of mine getting it out of the garage). I told her to look at the 250 after reading a review of it. granted, kaw needs some help in the color and styling dept. She wasn't thrilled with the colors, but it was the only bike she was comfortable on. She's getting the all black one. They nailed the redesign in the 08's. the older ones look like retarded scooters (nothing against scooters).

    The 250 is Kaw's best selling bike! Shoot, at $3500 it's a no brainer.

  12. i like the ZX6...and I love the new 250.

    I just think they made a major asthetic snafu with this new zx10. i went to the IMS, and even the Kaw rep said everyone hated it. Hell, HE hated it.

    Now, looks arent everything..and it's been getting nice ass reviews..but I will definately pass on this production cycle.

    To each his own, of course. but the people who like it are in the minority on this bike...judging from the IMS and from Kaw reps themselves.

  13. They aren't going to throw anybody in front of Kimbo who is going to take him to the ground and beat him. It's all tomato cans...they want to milk it for what it's worth. Kimbo had mad boxing skills, but dude hasn't shown he can kick or be serviceable on the ground yet. Tank Abbott? Come on..give me a break.

    Kimbo means ticket sales right now...they aren't going to kill the goose that laid the egg just yet.

  14. By the way:

    Taken from: http://community.foxsports.com/blogs/hoit/2007/11/13/Rules_for_the_week_of_The_Game

    I have more, but can't find them right now. I've heard it many times. So many Michigan fans saying their rival is Michigan St. I have a list of links somewhere because I get into this argument every year.

    A fox sports blog? Really? That's your source? :lol:

    MSU IS our rival..so is OSU. I guess MSU can be considered big because they are close...same state..etc. Any UM fan that says the MSU rivalry is bigger than OSu..well, is a homer.

    I don't expect anyone on this thread (or many in this state) to be able to have any kind of rationale discussion about UM vs OSU. I remember a few years back when all this shit talking wasn't going on...that's ok, like I said...it's cyclical, and we OWN the series. Enjoy the success!

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