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Posts posted by InyaAzz

  1. Maybe we can organize an ohioriders fight night and let people "settle their differences" or fight for the hell of it and raise some money. Shit I would even give that money to charity. Now to find a venue....




    We would have to have people sign some waivers probably...raise some money for a good cause so we don't get any bad publicity.

    The only problem is, if the Ohio Athletic Commission gets a hold of it..they will ass rape us.

    I was at a fight a few weeks ago..and one (or more ) of the Star Boyz is (was) fighting in Mansfield?!?! Against a cop? Kinda a Cops Vs. Bikers or whoever night?? Something like that would be cool...but it would take $$ to pull off...and no one wants to see fights over in 30 seconds so we'd need at least a few people who are in decent shape or know how to fight.....really fight...not just sit behind a keyboard and think they can fight.

    Anyways...just throwing some stuff out there. Maybe the OAC won't be a problem..I don't know.

  2. I'll make sure to take your rule book with me next time.

    And like I said, you are not always screwed. I wouldn't want to take odds on getting off like I did, but then again I know a few people who decided to run from the cops and they aren't here with us today.

    I guess I have too much to lose to gamble with my life. If I decide to do over 100, then I am man enough to deal with the consequences. you play, you pay. When you start running, your focus shifts from safety to flight. Bad mix.

    It's your call...of course. But to get mad at someone because they choose NOT to run? Man....

  3. If you're doing over 100mph, you dip! There's no incentive to pull over because you're in just as much trouble when you're in triples. Plus you need to pick your roads better. I never speed in town, that is stupid. Also, running when the cops are behind you is stupid too. Down shifting and bailing when the cop is going the other way....smart, unless you want to get your life ruined by waiting for 5 minutes until the perfect person that the cop is catches up to you.

    i got clocked doing triple digits last year on the turnpike..I got pulled over about 4 miles from my exit. I was going so fast they clocked me twice because they didn't believe the first reading they got. Then they called ahead to all the exits and told them to hold me if i got off.

    I was just trying to get home from an all day ride in Michigan..I was tired, sore, and low on gas, and it was getting late. My well meaning friend told me to buy some bike shorts (yeah..for bicycles) to keep my butt from getting sore. It did the exact opposite. Pads are in the wrong spot for motorcycles. needles to say I was in pain and just trying to get home.

    Long story short...the cop was a rider. He gave me a ticket for failure to dim headlights. $155 fine. no points on my license. No bump in my insurance.

    My point is...you're not always screwed if you get pulled over.

  4. All you gotta do is name the time and place. No police involved. You wanna go to a gym? Sure. Pick one. 4 oz gloves...MMA rules. name the place. What's that? Yeah...that's what i thought. Nothing.

    You paid thousands of dollars in attorneys fees for hitting people?!?! LOL!! Who is the dumb one here?? LOL OMG You didn't see a pattern developing?

    And because someone has a payment on a bike, they are a hood rat? And you deduced my skill level be me posting about calipers? WOW. That's good.

    Straight to the ignore list for you.

  5. I hear you man..pain in the ass to do the work twice. You still runnning the stock pipes? I remember you wanting to swap them out. I've got a TON of work to do..I just haven't been motivated to spend all weekend in a cold garage getting it done. No excuse now though...riding time is getting near.

  6. My whole point was to expose him for a fraud. I have no need to go picking fights on the internet. It's pointless. Having said that, I'm not going to talk shit to someone and claim to come to his town to do some harm to him either. At that point, it's put up or shut up, and this fool obviously had no intention of backing up anything he says. That's the worst kind..they hide behind others or technology to spit their garbage, because they know in the real world they can't do it. So in one sentence, I am worth swinging on, and in the next paragraph you want to drink a beer with me? LOL

    I am a man of my word..but I am also man enough to not talk shit about anyone if I wasn't prepared to back it up...and the offer still stands. As far as I am concerned, this is old news. I'm not going to discuss it anymore.The outcome is pretty much as I predicted.

    Anyways..we should get back on topic.

  7. Funny, seeing how you see my brake lights the exact same way. :thefinger:

    Damn...I'm not feeling the love now. You mentioned EVERYONE but me! :( That's it...I was going to offer to hang on to your keys on the next ride. But now, you're on your own to lose them again. :slap:

    I was wondering what that stench was! LOL

    And I don't remember any 'race' with that crappy R1. You were in front because you were the only one who knew where we were going. At least...you thought you knew. LOL

    Nice of you to join the party. We'll have to hook up real soon.

  8. Non exhaust side of the motor, the fairing is completely covered in black crap. Wouldnt have noticed until i went and took the fairing s off to clean them.

    I am not blaming you for any of this by any means, its an old bike and needs very little loving despite the age. Just hope the coolant isnt a consistent problem

    Not sure about the coolant..what are you putting in to replace the lost coolant? Are you running the fan? (switch ono the left side of the bike)

    Check the service manual I gave you...I'm not sure at the top of my head what is on that side of the bike that would leak. I also gave you the receipts for all the work that was done to it at the dealer.

  9. yeah buddy, this is so much fun for me while it is a slow at work. Internet tough guy? don't think so, a few people here know me and i HATE violence but normally i will swing on a dumb person. not scared to hit someone if it is meaningful. now you define meaningful.

    oh and i am not scared at all here is my address

    6745 retton rd

    reynoldsburg oh 40368


    ohh and my work to

    6335 perimeter loop rd

    dublin oh


    some on down man we can hang out or hang with the homies, or hang up dumb ninjas

    but why be mad because i think your bike looks like a goldfish? or i have money to buy what i want for toys?

    YOU..not me..YOU said you were going to come to Cleveland. I never said anything about paying you a visit. Don't try to tap dance out of it now. And don't act like this is about you not liking my bike. I could care less. You don't make the payments on it.

    If you wanna back slide out of it...fine. But don't act like this is about me getting mad at you because you prefer a different bike or you would rather buy rotors instead of a caliper. :rolleyes:

  10. actually going to Brunswick for work this week, send your address. maybe meet at a gentleman's club and have a beer. as for parts the us market kinda sucks for bikes. try Europe or japan. i bought a set of mirrors from magical racing in japan, way sweeter than what is available in the us market.

    ohh and so i don't banned from site for 3 days here is what i think of you

    shut up you ***** a**hole, worthless ****** **** **** ******I* ********* ****** * **** ***** **** **** ***** ******* ******. **********! ********! *******(*****)******* ****** * ** ** ******* ***** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ******!!!!! *******************!


    there Ben there was no racial, violence or threats to a member. written at all.

    I am gonna have a road trip to go **** **** *** ** * ******

    also i am including a pic of me so you cant miss me if we get the wonderfyul chance to meet up and do some ********** *********

    You're the typical definition of an internet keyboard warrior. You talk all this garbage because you are shielded by your PC and your monitor. Why would I want to go to a 'club' with you? You are talking about coming up to Cleveland to do something...and I am giving you a chance to do it.

    Here's what we'll do. You tell me the day and time you want to come to Cleveland. We'll get our schedules together, and you can come to my house. I want everyone reading this thread to know when (if) this is happening. I am very interested in seeing the look on your face.

    Once we agree on a date and time, I'll send my address. Anyone on the forum is welcome to attend.

  11. ohh and btw don't use zx14 calipers, if you know anything about hydraulic fluid theory you would understand that you would need a larger master cylinder to push more fluid due to increased displacement of the pistons in the calipers. if you do that and do a bit of hard braking you will know what it feels like to crap your pants. a few people i do know and went to Jennings GP track with me know this for a fact(poop stinks). if you really desire better calipers by someones opinions do 2007-2008 zx6 calipers, they have the same piton size as the 04-07 zx10 so a new master cylinder is not needed.

    so have fun with your brakes, but please if we ever ride together please stay in front of me, i don't really want to be ass packed by someone who has a PhD in fluid theories and researched fluid displacements and line pressures with the effective results. fo rreference look here http://www.everything2.org/title/hydraulic%2520fluid

    also you never answered how many doughnuts can you eat?

    The calipers COME with the ZX14 master cylinder. So, I guess the zx14 stock cylinder is not sufficient then?

  12. also you do not need zx14 calipers. try a good master cylinder like a brembo with kevlar lines, rotors and pads. you will be amazed what your bike will do. hell just a brake flush with good fluid will make a world of difference. if you dont believe me come ride mine. but a few people here have and will tell you how nasty my brakes are.

    and if you are wondering, yes i do have a zx10.


    And spend more money than just buying the ZX14 calipers?? To get the same results? yeah, that makes sense.

  13. you don't your front either, well i don't like you :p . umm i have seen quite a few 08 10's in race trim and they look way better just as if the huge frame protecting muffler comes off. also if you don't own one who the hell cares about BLINKERS. buy new mirrors buy whatever the hell you would want to make it look how you want it.

    what is that smell? ohh the wind is blowing from Cleveland and it smells like ass.

    and grown people are talking? i am 47 years old and 295 lbs at 5'1" am i grown yet? i am the Internet tough guy and i am soooo tough i know i could eat more jelly doughnuts than you. don't make me waste my gas to drive to Cleveland to prove how tough i am by calling you out to a doughnut contest. how tough are you? can you pee in the potty? make snow angels? or swing higher than i can?

    I'll PM you my address if you want. Name the time and date.

    How the hell is someone going to buy mirrors for a bike that's barely been on the market for a few weeks? The aftermarket for a ZX10 is nothing like a Busa or Gixxer...let alone a brand new model. The clip on lights make the front ugly..they aren't pleasing at all. Same with the exhuast. Yeah, it's the first to come off usually, but it's not like you are going to have a lot of options to work with if you buy the bike now.

    Again..my opinion. You are entitled to yours. instead of saying'well my opinion is that I like it', you chose to attack me by saying I need glasses. no biggie..doesn't make me cry at all...just don't be surprised when someone tells you to go have a kiddie conversation somewhere else.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions...it doesn't make someone else's opinion any more wrong or right.

    Again, if you are man enough and want to make the drive to Cleveland, I'll send you my address. Otherwise, STFU.

  14. It is a mostly cruiser crowd..but there are almost as many sport bikes. If you drove by, and didn't come in, you missed the sportbikes. We park em in the back. There are usually rows of em...You can't see em from the road...maybe from 90..but not from the main road.

    I don't make many of em..and I usually dont stay long. What usually happens is someone gets antsy and decides to go terrorize the town, and we end up taking a ride somewhere. I ended up with a tank slapper at about 90MPH, on I90 when someone brake checked me. I have no idea how I kept the bike on the road.

    Anyways..it's not as bad as you think.

  15. Heading South East, or Heading South West? I'm already on the Westside. I occassionally like to ride down to see the folks in Mansfield and cruise through the Mohican area. I've never ridden in a 'pack' before (aside from my brother and dad) so I'll assume I'm one of the slow guys (and I'll be especially slow through the twisties until I'm comfortable throwing the 'busa around). But since I'll either have my g/f with me or riding on her own GS500F, I'd like to find some people to ride with that'll have some more eye-candy along and be more accomodating to a slower crowd, since I'll be forced to, whether I like it or not.

    Don't worry about speed..like I said there are all different levels of riders. I demand that everyone ride at their own comfort level. The minute you try and play catch up to someone who is more experienced, bad things happen. I normally don't go on rides where it's all balls to the wall either...usually in spurts where there is no danger from oncoming traffic or where visibility is so good you can see any problems before they become problems.

    The back roads to Mansfield are good ..but from what I hear the best roads or south east of here. Unfortunately, after a day of spirited riding and twisties..I'm not looking forward to a 3 hour ride home. So the SE Ohio rides will not be the norm. I'm trying to find something closer to home for all of us NE riders . Routes that don't take too much time getting to/from.

    Girlfriends are encouraged! It''s hard to tell your girl (if she has a bike and likes to ride) that she can't come. Blue Shark brought his wife and rode her on back on the only ride we had last year. I had my girlfriend at the time plus Shitty Gixxer's girl was there too. It sucks being the only female..so I don't want to exclude anyone. The more people we get together on a regular basis, the more fun we're going to have.

    A good 'get to know each other' spot might be one of the QSL bike nights...either Valley View or Sheffield. Either one works for me (of course Sheffield is closer to home, but I work in Beachwood and Strongsville).

  16. I would be game for that. Either watching a UFC or even going to a smaller show even in Columbus.

    I've been thinking about becoming an mma agent but that is time consuming and I am not sure the sport is ready for it yet. I've been to a few shows including both of the UFCs in Columbus, but I need to go to more smaller shows as well.

    Definately check out the smaller shows. Good stuff there..much closer to the action as well. I think the NAAFS may be the bigger of the organizations around here. Their shows are usually pretty good, plus their shows are on Sports Time Ohio every sunday night.

    There are a few agents around NE Ohio...I think most fighters go it alone or let their trainer (or whoever is running the school) handle their fight plans. I think the sport is ready..but with fighters making only a couple grand per fight, they may be more inclined to keep as much $$ as possible to themselves. The determining factor will be those top fighters who want to take the next leap out of this area and unto bigger national promotions.

    Two guys I train with are fighting UFC vets in Ring of Fire out in Denver in June. The fight SHOULD be on HDNet. If they do well, then that's definately a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Someone with contacts (manager) definitely comes into play at that level.

    Don't give up on it...work your network, or start establishing one. You DEFINITELY need to go to the local shows though. Ask questions..generally the peeps are all approachable. Talk to the bigger gym/schools/dojo's that are training fighters.

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