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Posts posted by InyaAzz

  1. (Double Edit) And I am defentely down to do a meetup somewhere (QSL valley view is good for me) before the weather turns nice to get aquainted with each other. I am really hurting to find a solid group of good riders. I really want to work on my group ride skills and get with a group of guys on a consistant basis to ride together (as in coordinated and not just on the same road at the same place at the same time, if ya know what I mean.)

    Do you know the standard hand signals? That's a must on any ride I captain or am involved in. I don't like to get anal and point out every pebble on the road, but you can never have too much info.

    Plus if anyone has a chatterbox...bring em. They are GREAT to have on group rides.

  2. (Edit) And wow, that post was not there when I started mine, that is some cold blooded stuff. I love it. Why the d!cks? can you not swear on this site or do you do it for courtesy?

    (Double Edit) And I am defentely down to do a meetup somewhere (QSL valley view is good for me) before the weather turns nice to get aquainted with each other. I am really hurting to find a solid group of good riders. I really want to work on my group ride skills and get with a group of guys on a consistant basis to ride together (as in coordinated and not just on the same road at the same place at the same time, if ya know what I mean.)

    I just edited because I post on other forums and they moderate swearing..plus some people have filters at work.

    As far as the ride goes...i like to do coordinated group rides...some experienced riders...some in experienced..no one gets left behind though. And we all ride safe (LOL for the most part). I encourage gear...cause if you dump it, I don't want to scrape you off the ground. etc etc etc. It's fun though, and a good way to make some friends.

  3. Tell us how you really feel about her. Haha!

    Man if you only knew...

    Good thing is..I got my revenge. Nothing like finding out your woman is cheating on you..but she doesn't know that you know yet. Then, you go have sex with an ex girlfriend that she knows about and is insecure about. You invite her over, and within minutes of having sex with the ex and lots of oral treats, you meet your girlfriend in the driveway and plant a BIG kiss on her. Then you proceed to have sex with her...no shower involved.

    About a week later when you can't stand it anymore, you let her know that she is a cheating f#ck sack and you ask her if she enjoyed the taste of another woman on my mouth and sack last time she was over. Then you proceed to call her job and tell everyone there (she's a hair stylist) that she has herpes. You also inform them about all the expensive products she's been stealing. Yeah. Also you let them know about the clients she takes home to service instead of the salon...and THEN you leave a message for her (at work) that you know WHO the 'other' man is and that he will be getting a recording of me f#cking the sh!t out of her while she is screaming my name. You also let them know that she has been lying about 'sick' relatives to get time off work to go to Florida with her other man.

    Oh yeah..I had this planned for a minute.

    Now..while all this is going on, you've already emailed and called the other dude to let him know that she's been playin' both of us (he had no idea). So, now she goes from 2 d!cks to no d!cks, and a reputation of having herpes (news in a hair salon spreads quick). Her job is giving her sh!t...and she's paranoid about the next thing I might do.



  4. inya congrats on the trailer. you need to bring it down this way and let r1crusher tag along too. I can provide a place for the two of you crash and then we can head down south

    It's a date. We'll definitely do the damn thang as soon as it gets warm. I used to have a sig. other in Columbus, but she was a lying c0ck bag who I had to fire recently. So I'll be rollin' solo.

  5. I've done it, with an external 250 GB drive in a Metal Gear enclosure.

    I don't have TW anymore..I switched to DTV (f#ck cable and their prices).

    I didn't have any prblems..it fired right up. I remember reading about certain people having issues with cables...so maybe try a different brand of cable if you can.

    Maybe you need to reset your box?!

  6. I was doing my best to communicate my idea without tacking a 'label' to you. Non-right wing was the best I could come up with. I didn't want to accuse you of being liberal or a Democrat. Because as you pointed out, it's about beliefs and research to support your beliefs, and I'm sure neither of the two-party candidates backs anyones' beliefs 100%.

    I wasn't directing my post really at you. I understood what you were saying. I know you weren't labeling me.

    It's all good.

  7. I hate the "left wing" "right wing" democratic..republican..blah blah..titles.

    If everyone were at least a little bit honest, they are probably left on some issues, right on others. BUT just because the 'party' says you should believe and vote a certain way, people fall in like lemmings.

    People should vote their beliefs, not their 'party'. And base you beliefs on research! Not just because you saw it on the news. Get data from several different resources..not just the resources that support YOUR opinion.

    No wonder why people all over the world hate us. We're so ignorant when it comes to affairs outside of the ATM and McDonalds.

  8. And now that I've read that second link..it shows how really small minded you are. I have a copy of the bible AND the Quran next to me. You can find a million passages in the bible that speak of utter violence and intolerance, just like I can pull from the Qur'an. When someone puts out this BS, it reeks of a slant.

    Are you going to tell me the Bible doesn't preach violence as well? It's all in how the person interrprets it. Christianity (Catholicism in particular) has a VIOLENT history. What? Not true? Prove me wrong. Catholicism is responsible (as well as Islam) for the murder of millions of people who did not 'convert'.

    If you ask me, all organized religion is a lil wacked. To come on here or anywhere and claim islam is this ultra violent religion is just showing ignorance.

  9. Your point might be better received if you had chose a source other than a political forum. I can find a source to counter everything you bring up.

    none of the candidates have all the answers..but don't act like McCain or Hillary don't have a few 'points' to debate either.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion..but you sound more informed when you can do more than pull up headlines or slants that serve your point of the moment.

  10. It is important to know what your coverage is..someone said it best, yearly price is not a good indicator..BUT State Farm is not known for giving you 'Safe Auto' coverage unless YOU tell them you want it.

    I was hit by a Safe Auto driver last year. Bare minimum everything. Plus their adjuster was a c0ck.

    i have yet to file a claim with State Farm, but their customer service is great, and everyone who rides a bike around here recommends them.

  11. And please don't say "I am confident ..I won't dump my bike". You don't control what others are going to do. I got rear ended and ejected...never saw it coming. Most people don't even see you on two wheels.

    Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Wearing gear that day saved me. My head hit the ground first. I lived to see another day and had -0- rash.

  12. i think that boots are a must. tennis shoes will most likely fall off, or you will really screw up your ankles in a crash, with race boots there is very little side to side movement, and close to no movement for your foot to be stretched backwards.

    +100000 for boots

    In my opinion, it's STUPID to ride without something covering your ankles. Boots, preferably.

    I ALWAYS wore boots, weather it be A-Stars or some other cheaper brand, but they always came up to mid calf. The ONE time i wore running shoes...literally, the ONE time I wore them (I was in a hurry to go watch a cavs playoff game last year), I got hit from behind and ejected from the bike.

    You've heard stories about people getting knocked out of their shoes? yeah..it's real. My shoes went flying off..I was lucky. I was leaning into a right turn and she hit me from behind, about 6 inches shy of my right foot. i did a high side and hit the ground..curb and the fire hydrant on the corner. my shoes were across the street.

    I have seen MANY videos of car and bike accidents where peoples feet get ripped off....easily. Their shoes are sitting on the ground with the feet still in them. The human body is fragile, and the ankle is a very weak joint. WEAR BOOTS WHEN YOU RIDE.

  13. This party BS is played out. I can't stand for people to vote strictly by party lines. if you are honest, you are probably democratic about some issue..republican on some...liberal on others..etc. You should vote for the candidate that makes the most sense to you..not because he or she is in the 'party' you are conditioned to vote for.

  14. Hello Clevelanders. I live on the southside of cleveland (Right on the border with parma). I am planning on being more active on the forum and rides, as long as there are some that dont start from columbus (not that I wouldnt go down with a group of clevelanders).

    We can meet up and head down to Ctown....no doubt. I wouldn't make the ride by myself..but if we get a group to head down that would be tits.

    Does anyone have a chatterbox?

  15. Not a whole lot, just cleaned that tape residue stuff off the tail and decided to get different bar ends and grips. Also de- stickering a bit

    The stickers were on there when I bought it. That was the first thing I wanted to get rid of..but then I bought the Ninja.

    I actually HAVE some grips that were never used...yellow color. I forgot to give them to you. My bad.

    We need to get together as soon as the weather turns.

  16. I got kicked off of those things one year because I pulled the plug on the radio receiver where it connects to the engine and they couldn't remotely shut me off. Every time they slowed it down due to a crash, I just acted like mine went out also. Then on the last lap when they killed the juice and made everyone come in, I came hauling ass and slammed into the back of everyone in pit row. Boy were they pissed. It still makes me laugh thinking about it.


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