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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I need your address. PM it to me.
  2. That's a great picture! Those two look like they want to get off in someone's ass real quick! Love it. And yeah..they are a pain in the ass before they mature but that's the price we pay for admission. As much grief as my young Akita's have given me...I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Being a responsible dog owner means knowing what you're getting into...BEFORE you get into it. Just like with my kids...if I can't make sure they're taken care of before I go on a ride or whatever....then I don't go. I know my dog would kill (literally) to have the space that this husky has....this isn't about quality of life. This is about buyer remorse. The first thing mentioned after saying he was gonna keep him/her was...how do I train it to be off leash?? Big flag right there. I would never take my Akita off leash...and Huskies I gather are the same..especially YOUNG huskies. They have strong prey drives and march to the beat of their own drum. They are more like cats than most dogs. As far as Akitas go...they do things when it suits them...not when it pleases you. Someone didn't do their homework.
  3. I don't know if this has been said (it got old reading the constant lies), but what this boils down to is someone who got a Husky, who wasn't prepared for the spoiled brat-ness that a young husky brings to the table. I love Akitas...but they are my worst enemy before they mature. I hear Huskies can be the same way. I could be wrong...but it sounds like someone bit off more than they could chew, and is trying to pass the poor untrained puppy off on someone else. Carry on.
  4. Tar snakes on 666....get me every time. Not sure if it was Todd or alab32 who was behind me, but I almost bit it as I was accelerating down the straight coming out of a corner. Good times. One of the best rides I've been on, considering the size.
  5. Sure. I'm driving up to MI this weekend. And in August I'm going to the Cayman Islands. Oh...wait, that's probably not what you were asking. Give me an address and I'll see how much it will cost to ship.
  6. This. I'd rather have someone who knew WTF they were doing. No time for tears. No offense to all the virgins out there. I <3 you.
  7. Gently used, I'll get the actual pics up as soon as I clean em off. used for one season then stored in the closet. They are in like new condition and 100% waterproof. You can find them new for $115. I'm selling them for $60 on OR.net.
  8. Just my two cents... A ride to PIB would be like riding to the Walmart parking lot. If you plan on riding to the dock, parking your bikes and then going over to the island to drink or what not, then I guess OK. But if you plan on trying to take the bikes over....you might as well just show up at your local bike night. Carry on.
  9. I realized something was up before I mentioned it to ya..no biggie. Once I figured out you weren't trying to get my attention I just ignored it and continued to drink my grape kool aid.
  10. The throbbing....lord I forgot how that hurt. Good to hear you're healing up UP. Busa, I second what UP said. I love the Busa in white and burnt orange. You rode that thing like a champ....just no braking in the corners next time! ;-) Hope to ride with you again soon.
  11. Have you seen my leet phone? I gotz the leet Craigslist appz. Oh wait...you thought I rode north? Shiiiiiit I was headed south son!!!!
  12. I really wasn't looking for the truth. I have about 26,435 responses to my own question, but I'm not feeling snarky enough right now.
  13. I made it home. Thanks for having us JC. Good ride...I needed one like this to kick the season off.
  14. Why is there a road called Whitewoman?
  15. I'm gearing up and heading out to 83 in about 40 mins. Looks like I'll be riding alone too. Tod, if it's too cold for me I'll head back home and text ya...and then I'll see ya at 10. As it stands right now it's 55 and way too cold, but I'm going to try a turtleneck and a different pair of gloves..plus hand warmers but they didn't work last time I tried. I'll know before I get to Grafton whether or not it's gonna be a GO.
  16. If you die that hair black...he looks pretty much the same! I have to admit being ghey for the Ultimate Warrior too. I thought he was the shit back then. Of course now when I read about the screwed up interviews and the wackiness, I have to laugh. There was a time when the WWF(E) removed any mention of him from their records due to the conflict between him and JM. Not sure if that's the case today, but I did see one of my kids playing a demo on the 360 and he was in it, so I guess C.R.E.A.M.
  17. I think the Macho Man and Hulk Hogan literally built the WWF(E) on their backs. i was into wrestling too when I was a kid...who wasn't?!? Always liked the Macho Man. RIP
  18. Looks like I'm heading to Lodi on my own..but I'll still be at 82/83 in the AM.
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