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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. 5. Invite that crazy ex of yours for amateur porn night.
  2. Looks like the Russian mafia was involved in the previous sale offer melt down. http://www.thelocal.se/24686/20100130/
  3. And Busa's. Welcome to the site. Glad to have another NEO rider. Check the Cleveland/NEO forum for group rides once the weather turns.
  4. About time. I can resume my pwnage now.
  5. What are you talking about? That doesn't happen on PS3!
  6. twice a year? yeah..I used to believe that lie! LOL My Akita blows coat about 7=8 times a year. I've often wondered if it's from the temp difference inside and outside...maybe his body can't get on a normal blow schedule.
  7. I would expect nothing less.
  8. That scenario is after shit is already gone past the point of no return. Iraq (Sadaam)was keeping Iran VERY busy. AQ in Iraq did not exist under Sadaam. It's my opinion that Iran's nuclear ambition might not be as far ahead as it is now, if Sadaam was still there. IMHO. I'm not sure what you mean by Israel keeping the region in check. They have a right to defend themselves, but if they launch a preemptive strike on Iran, they had better be prepared to be in more of a shit storm than they already are.the least of all reasons being that Iran has a vastly superior military than Iraq ever did. Another reason being that Israel is not in the best physical location in the world, to be able to withstand millions of Muslims in the Middle East not only calling for their destruction, but trying to bring it about. And now, the US is brought into it because of our 'commitment' to defend Israel. It's a fucking mess.
  9. LOL! I don't allow him onthe couch..or my bed cause he's inside/outside too much. It's hard enough keeping the floor and carpet clean.
  10. I would call Iraq an invasion...there are plenty dictators in the world doing evil things to their people..but we aren't 'saving' them. However..Iraq was NO threat to us. Actually, Iraq was an indirect ally. The enemy of my enemy is my friend type of thing. Iraq was the only country/regime able to keep Iran in check. The US removed the BEST THING we had going in that region to counter Iran.
  11. I think...very tactfully, Erik confirmed everything you've said above. I agree...I bet he's fuming inside. And I don't care what HD says...if they wanted to sell Buell, they could have. Anything is possible. If you ask me, they don't want Buell getting anywhere NEAR their potential with another company. A strong and fast Buell bike, post HD. would reflect badly on them. They'll let Erik race...cause you won't see those bikes on the street. And at the end of the non compete agreement, they're hoping it will be a distant memory. Fuck em. Fuck em all!
  12. Here's a black ass for you Kev
  13. I know ...right?!?!?!? I keep telling Tod you're always in the back because you like looking at his ass. Tod seems to think your Gixxer sucks. I've been trying to tell him otherwise. See Tod? It IS your ass he likes!
  14. Yeah ..I might get a kick out of it, but Sake would probably piss on my bed if he got the chance.
  15. I see there is a female puppy in central ohio. I don't think I have the time nor the patience for an Akita puppy right now. Plus with work schedule, school schedule...not sure I want to put myself through that. I'll keep looking. Thanks for the advice on the males.
  16. If you mean the midwest akita foundation, that's the site I named earlier, akitas.org. Well, it's called the Midwest Akita Rescue Society. Not sure if that's what you are talking about. Yeah, they have a lot, but the ones in the CLE area are males. I'm trying to get a female to make the transition easier for my current dog. He should be OK..but he's never had to share his home before.
  17. That's a really good point. If you don't socialize an Akita at a young age...they get really aggressive and become mental. They are already dog aggressive by nature, and strangers have to pass the 'test'. If you leave an Akita in the back yard and don't make it part of your family, you're asking for trouble. I foresee a lot of new Akita owners in for a rude awakening. I think most responsible breeders will nip that in the bud..but it's the 'off the radar' breeders who could care less that are going to be the problem. I've been look for a 2 yr + Akita female to adopt or rescue. I'm not looking to pay $800 for a dog...just want to get one that needs a home. I'm okay with paying $$ to recoup and expenses for the care of the dog...just not trying to make someone a profit while there are other dogs out there who may be put down or seriously need a home. I found the Akitas.org site, but last time I checked there wasn't anything close to me.
  18. I think the thing that pisses me off more than anything, is the fact that Buell had a water cooled engine ready to go, and HD took it, 'cruiserfied' it, and stuck it in the VRod. Then, they tell Buell to sit tight, they can get their engine back when HD is done with it. And by the time HD is done with it, it's totally unworkable for a sport bike. Wow. That explains a lot...explains why they stuck with the air cooled crap for so long..it was the only engine they had complete control over.
  19. Holy shit I missed the gay penis envy in this thread.
  20. There was a movie made about Hachiko (famous Japanese Akita..I'm sure you know the story) http://teaser-trailer.com/2009/03/hachiko-movie-trailer.html http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/ It's called A Dog's Story. I haven't seen it yet. It's supposed to get a US release soon.
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