Oh Todd silly guy! HIV ALWAYS turns into AIDS. Eventually the antivirals, protease inhibitors, etc. stop working. HIV is a very smart virus. HIV has turned from an acute illness into more of a chronic illness but nevertheless the end result is always the same. A person's ability to get sick with HIV is dependant upon their viral load, CD4 count, and other things. So yes I was comparing apples to apples. If stoner has been this sick for this long from "HIV" I can assure you he is in the AIDS category for the moment if that was what he really has contracted. You were challenging my knowledge base about what I was referencing. I may not know much about some things but I have studied a few medical books in my time and taken care of a few patients in my short life span thus far. I think we just need to agree to disagree as always. You don't like me that's apparent. I told you I didn't care but please lets just drop this sir.