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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Hey I work out at lifetime too...mostly at easton tho BUT I usually can be found at Dublin for my workouts on Saturday b/c I live at the outside pool the rest of the day! ANd have you tried Alexander's contact class? I burn 800 calories during that thing...then go eat like a big the rest of the night. I know I'm defeating the purpose! You running the Columbus Marathon? I just signed up and start my training this week! I'm using the frontrunner training group. You should try it! Then I will know somebody that I'm running with! Woot!
  2. Ya but my point was....they are hard to install unless someone experienced does it.
  3. Take those suckers BACK!!! I have an 06 gsxr and had so many issues with this as well. It's very expensive to get done by a shop and many of my friends didn't want to take the chance drilling through my plastics for the LSL's. I was even dating a motorcycle tech when all this was going on and he wouldn't even touch it. I purchased some PUIG framesliders. They are huge but they do the job and I didn't have to drill anything. Plus they were much cheaper than the others. IF you decide to continue though....I think flouder put on his g/f's lsl's on her gsxr....you could ask Aaron how he did it.
  4. Ben did you get my money? I paid through the pal pay pick up option. Just let me know when I need to stop by and pick up the tix. also...does anyone want to share a room? I have been planning 3 trips over the next 3 months and this unfortunately has been my last priority. I had a room by myself last year and don't mind doing that again but that staybridge place doesn't seem too bad. If you desire just PM me......
  5. Is this movie supposed to be sold out or something? I'm seeing it tomorrow evening with a friend and I don't want to get to Easton and not be able to see it. Geesh it's just transformers!
  6. Are you Kreating controversy Jeffrey???? People that ride road kings are big pansies!!! Bahahahahaha.
  7. get the tickets sucka!!!!

  8. Haven't seen you on much lately BUT I've been hit or miss here myself. How ya been Brian?

  9. No it just means I have certain criteria that I won't deviate from. I've had several of my "younger" friends that I've been attracted to but won't go there b/c they won't be able to give me what I want in the future. I has nothing to do with interest.
  10. Some of my favorite dates have been total disasters! Haven't you ever seen hitch? He tried to plan EVERYTHING out but all went wrong....but he got her interest. That's the only thing you need to get from a gal on the first date.....interest.
  11. Many will disagree but I dont' like Brio at all.....went there on a first date in April...not great atmosphere. I think I've been spoiled by carrabas at polaris. That's a good first date. Buy the sangria!!!!!! Yummy!!!
  12. I don't know about that. I have several guy friends that are in that zone simply b/c of age. If they were older and wanted similar things I would be all on that.
  13. Ummm how much do you like her? Met her b/f or an online type of thing?
  14. I'm going Ben. I just need to pay. I'll go ahead and do that now. BUT it's only one more so I don't know if that helps.
  15. Is fill dirt different than dirt for landscaping? I used my dirt for raising up some flower beds around my deck and then to fill some holes in my yard from all the fescue that the round up killed last season.
  16. I don't know where ashville is but i just had 6 yards delivered to my house a few weeks ago. It was the pulverized and it cost $180 from Jones Topsoil. They came with a huge truck and dumped it in my back yard.
  17. Grrrrr....can't read that link at work b/c it says it's an advertisement!

  18. Fat??? Umm no but I've only seen 2 of your roommates. Another hole? Geesh...did you find the leak? Anyhoo, I'll make sure I don't attempt to try to see this one at 3am and then sniff deodorant till my gut hurts from laughing!
  19. First of all how can you not NEED it? You have 3 other dudes living with you. Don't you guys eat tons of processed food that needs to be frozen? Secondly, I thought that hole in your ceiling was fixed over a month ago? Good Luck!!!
  20. I may come out again this week seeing I have an event at church this Thursday and won't be able to attend the reynoldsburg wings one....
  21. Justin.......I thought you said today you were going to KEEP your bike!!! Didn't we just say we'd do some mods to the 600's we have seeing that neither one of us really need a liter bike.....especially this gal!!! LOL. OR you can sell your honda and we can both get a VRod!
  22. How many bikes are you guys taking up there? Any open spots on your trailor seeing you live in Westerville? I can "probably" borrow a friends trailor but it would be nice if I didn't have to. I haven't purchased one yet b/c I'm not sure if I want to do enclosed or not. And how much of a discount was it through femotto? I didn't want to sign up if it wasn't going to be worth my while.
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