well, my buddy used his "special kick" and got it runnin this weekend. man is this thing fun. no ambulance rides yet. guarentee'd its not running at full force. needs a head gasket b/c the coolant is going straight into the oil i believe, ill find out when i change the oil. and the rear tire went flat when we were getting close to being done, so that stopped everything, lol. the pressure in the cylinder, while cold, was 140, so thats pretty good considering i had no clue how good of condition this motor is in. time to tear it down to replace the head gasket and check the cylinder wall and piston to see if i need that too. gotta check the reeds too. RR Mike, il def let you get it runnin good sometime. shot out straight oil for a few minutes, but after cleaning it out (few min of heavy revving and riding), she ran clean. time to buy some tubes!!! saggy rear suspension, but i am 200lbs, lol.