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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. do your parents know that you're posting on the internet again?
  2. i dont see how this is an example of the free market at work. i cant quote specific details about this particular deal other than what i've read here, so i might be typing out of my ass, but was there a majority demand for this wind farm or was it the result of a federal mandate requiring a certain percentage of renewable energy? if the latter, then it wasnt the free market at work, was it? it was simply lobbying and political posturing for a small group to receive stimulus money (i dont buy for a second that their little visit to the white house had nothing to do with this). so, if this was as simple as the free market at work then why are neither Reid nor the white house commenting? i mean, whats the big deal if thats the case? anyway, i just have a problem with (paraphrasing) "the republicans always do it", so its ok. the obama admin as well as congressional dems have had a wonderful opportunity to make a really positive "change" in our economy and foreign policy and have simply carried on with political bullshit as usual. they have shown nothing but that they can continue to be more intrusive into our freedoms as the last admin, which was more intrusive than the last, and so on and so forth. the only thing this article has shown me is that money is king and is to be obtained at any cost and that it seems more and more everyday that for many there is very little pride in being an american, as well as the fact that the middle class has no representation in d.c.
  3. dude, you cant expect people to make a conscience decision for themselves or to have them take any sort of action on their own behalf, thats just crazy!! you mean to tell me that the consumer has the ability to influence how a given industry behaves based on what the consumer actually wants?! i dont buy it. i need govt to tell me what to do, thats the answer. anyway, this reminds me of a story i heard on npr yesterday. they had an "expert" on talking about a shitty credit card with kim kardashean (sp?...who cares) and how ridiculous everything about it was. the "experts" answer was not to actually read the terms and understand the fees, etc., but that legislation would have to be passed to prevent this type of preditory lending. no mention that, perhaps, taking responsibility for your decisions may work well, too. fucking eggheads. if my head doenst explode in the next couple of years i beg you to remove it by any means necessary so that my torment ceases to hinder my being........i beg you.
  4. beam me the fuck up. watching this train wreck we call government has become far too exhausting.
  5. just because everyone is doing it doesnt make it the right thing to do. ftr, i drive an amc...........no i dont......
  6. jhaag

    Today's Problems

    you (politically) complete me.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZA43nNekKA
  8. ^ "Probably the best beer in the world."
  9. nice! does she have a sister?
  10. ...aaaaaaaaand off to Ranting and Raving
  11. jhaag

    Nerds in love

    i still wouldnt mind having a chick twist the beer i am about to drink into her tit.........
  12. jhaag

    Optical Illusions

    oh, my wonderful brain.
  13. Radical Right-Wing Extremist!!
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101102/ts_afp/francechildrenoffbeat
  15. wow a lot of cool ideas. i like the late 60's chevy nova, too. simple, powerful and if you are just getting into it you can learn a lot without being too overwhelmed. i also like the typhoon/syclone for cool factor, but lots of complex machinery there in which you may get over your head a bit, early on. i plan to build a factory five before i die. mine will have about 500hp with an audi awd platform.
  16. jhaag

    Rand Paul Rally

    whatever trips your trigger, sweetheart.
  17. jhaag

    california prop 19

    i'm not even sure its possible. in any event, just throw them a bag of chips and any aggression will be turned toward it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGsEt-qtOqs&feature=fvst
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