plus, how can marx be so far away from engles? they wrote "Capital" together and engles actually finished it, iirc. Capitalism must exist before either socialism/communism can. the state usurpes economic and pirvate wealth and re-distrubutes it according to need, henceforth, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." so, then its left to the conundrum of who's in charge? who in the working class can lead without it turning into a dictatorship? i say it cant, because you cant control human nature. our system, as intended, not the shitty mess it has become, works because the power of the federal govt is constitutionally limited and any power not expressly granted to the fed govt goes to the states and/or the individual. therefore, the biggest let down for this country has been us. our education system needs a reboot.....imo.