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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. you guys are all crazy witches with all this black magic! stop posting these devils lies or else the internets will end!!
  2. my step father has used them in his semi tires for a couple years and a friend of mine uses them for his cruiser and really likes them. i'm not sure, though, how they would work in a high speed application like sport riding or track riding, but cant imagine they would give any problems.
  3. wow.... the point i'm trying to make is that most people already run their own lap timer as an easy way to help gauge their progress as track rider. i'm, also, fully aware that lap times alone are not all that matters. however, i would find it more beneficial to ride with someone of similar abilities and have an opportunity to learn something from eachother and have some fun in the process and this would be an easy way to do so. no one is calling for official track timing and as i mentioned before it wouldn't take long to figure out who was full of it since this is a localized board with many track riders, thereby, eliminating any skullduggery. how could that not make sense to you or anyone else, for that matter?
  4. i get your point, but this begs the question.....why do you care so much? the most laughable thing about either of these threads is that you're the only one making a big deal about it and cant seem to let it go. got over it, already. nobody wins a trackday.....especially by checking for fastest times on message boards.
  5. ya really. why would i post a time that was faster when i would look like a dick at the next track day when i couldnt run a similar time?
  6. lol just tryin to up my friend count, mang.
  7. on a side note, did anyone watch 20/20 last night about the freaky super humans, including the hot mermaid. that one dude learned islandic in one week. anyway.....
  8. that phone call doesnt surprise me one bit......
  9. http://www.eurobikenight.com/
  10. nah, those cows are just stupid. they dont understand english like most cows. those dudes have serious anger issues. fucking cocksuckers....
  11. i only see the amazing offroading capabilities of the toyota 4runner in the second pic...
  12. where's the form for requesting the refund of the time i wasted reading this thread? j/k i hope everyone involved gets what they deserve.....
  13. i dont see anything wrong with what he was saying. i also got the point after the first time he said it even though he had to say it 25 different ways so that maddow cound hear every possible answer and still not get it; she doesnt seem to understand the concept of no gov't intervention. anyway, he was making the point that gov't should have no say in how an individual runs his/her business. the civil rights act should only apply to gov't buildings and not infringe on the private business owner. that being said, what do you think would happen to the business if they participated in racist policies.....no business. furthermore, i consider racism to be a gross form of ignorance and puts everyone in a position in which no one wins, which seems to be what Rand was saying. so, it seems that the only thing that is happening here is that the left is getting a head start at trying to thwart Rands' success in winning the seat in November. and so it goes, politics as usual and the losers are.....we, the people. we could use some good libertarians right about now.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSS5xujeRaY hehehe......discharge...
  15. lol i remembered that one from a couple of years ago.
  16. i was expecting to see it attack her, them having to club it to death to get it off of her and me getting to laugh at all the irony......maybe next time.
  17. i got hit in the intersection at night.
  18. call wally at wheelsports, he has a couple on the floor, 1 used one that his wife put 1000 miles on tell him English rob sent you
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