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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. if that means he's not getting laid, then maybe i should be that fast......
  2. i went to this with a couple of friends, here in cols. i thought it was a positive demonstration and def not pro-republican. i was half expecting some opposition to the protest from the "other side" (for lack of a better term, since i'm sure there were some dems there, as well). i found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOrPzVECSjo to be quit deplorable. so much for professionalism and non-bias reporting (i know non-biased reporting is nearly non-existent these days) and she totally misses the point altogether, no surpise really. i've always found this type of reference to be very interesting. you do realize this is a comedy show, right? no more reputable than any of the conservative commentators which are "hacks". i find this same pattern in many of my dem friends, as well. very interesting..... anyway, you should have gone to see for yourself, if you didnt...
  3. hmmm, could this mean that i find ashton kutcher attractive? i didnt know that about myself...... if anyone needs me i'll be.........driving over a cliff.
  4. i dont think they were ever here, but if i recall correctly they are out of business. there used to be two on the air, but they're gone now. one was basically the morning zoo and they just made fun of republicans all the time......what a waste. the other was "legit", but at least helped provide some perspective. i need a radio station since i drive all day. thanks for the reply, though.
  5. anyone know of a progressive talk show in the columbus area? there used to be one but its gone.
  6. jhaag


    do any of these exist in columbus? cause i'd love to see one in person... i've seen these pics before, but damn it, i cant stop laughing. is there any proof that the ladies in the pictures are, in fact, real......perhaps they are robots....or, really good blow up dolls?
  7. jhaag

    What do you do?

  8. +1, but what a fortuitous circumstance for the politicians....
  9. how can you not get off on that?! i mean, you can almost imagine what those ankles look like behind that........box......
  10. looks really good! i havent seen a naked sv1k in a while. they only made them for a few years, right?
  11. wasnt there a video posted here about that? all guns, even hunting rifles and shotguns have now been made illegal and gun crimes have gone up some 30% and the po-po have to carry guns and wear armor for the first time in their history? also, was that last sentence a run-on? anyway, sorry to the factseekers, i have nothing but my own memory to cite.... eh, i did the work...its youtube and an unidentifiable report, but.......wait, have i been conditioned to provide citations AND explain myself? fcuk this place!
  12. there it is!! man, nobody has a voice that gravelly!
  13. +1..........right before i sold it.....
  14. I dont always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis. anyway, i like Carlsberg, miller high life and most sam adams (double bock, triple bock, seasonals).
  15. i'm not new, just quiet i havent seen the thread (rather, wasnt interested but seem to recall sometihng to that effect), but where do you find a proper, truely nonbiased news source these days? anyway, my intent was to show the story on which the thread was based. any further info needed is up to any/all interested parties.
  16. dude, you're killing me! british knights, pegged pants and a Coke shirt, FTW!
  17. i got it......its from the election trail. here's your citation.... no, but really.....Try This.
  18. i'm no conspiracy theorist, but what would it serve the socialist to agree that the barrack is a socialist? this would only spark a political revolution to squash such progress, especially if he really is exhibiting such tendencies. besides, the barrack has already lied about several issues (lobbyists, tax cheats, etc) and why do we now have Czars?! the car czar was cute for the whole rhyming thing, but whatever, right? isnt the enrgy czar a member of a socialist group (sorry no links on that, may or may not be true)? also, "redistribution of wealth" is a term taken directly from "The Communist Manifesto". pretty fucked up, imo. further, being apathetic to important issues (ie giving up a couple of rights here and there) in the name of keeping faithful to your party is particularly careless and counterproductive.
  19. i think its, Honda Riders Club of America and the Honda Hoot is a rally they have there anually. i only know this because Suzuki Twins Rule!!!!!!
  20. jhaag

    Kill the Car!

    nah, i found it on craigslist, of all places.....
  21. jhaag

    Kill the Car!

  22. i like SBS (same compound as EBC HH). kind of hard to find, but no break-in required and lots of bite. i had them on my TL and they performed much better than EBC's, IMO.
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