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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. http://www.supermotojunkie.com/showthread.php?t=88535
  2. personal experience: i "totalled" my sv a gratten a few years ago. i had progressive at the time and got, first my balls busted by Monte for crashing an sv, then compensated for my bike, helmet and leathers for my crash, from progressive. but, when talking to the adjuster he said, "so, you were racing around the track...", and i interrupted, "oh, no, sir. i was at an orgainzed track day working on my riding skills. there were instructors riding with me, etc, etc." my ins booklet stated the they did not cover timed events, competition and things of that sort. but, you should read, carefully, your ins booklet so as to be sure that you are covered the same way. they (ins co's) may have changed their verbage by now.
  3. you guys should have stuck it out. at the end it fades away with the message: "You have officially reached the end of the internet. Please continue with your life, already in progress".
  4. this thread takes me back. the following was posted on the svrider board, maybe several thousand times.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iowgU3udnSc oh, shit!
  5. yeah, really. its just fiat money, anyway!!
  6. its a video.... here you go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNi2RT-RnbM
  7. i have two agv suits and they seem to be well made, fit well, etc. i dont know how well they hold up to asphalt, though.......
  8. i have the factory maintenance manual on CD you can have. it has the wiring diagram at the end. let me know.
  9. i think its typing "TITS or GTFO!!" but that would be wierd since it seems to be a bunch of dudes in here.....
  10. yeah, in college my roomates and i were watching tv after coming home from the bars and saw a commercial for them. their catch phrase was "your dog will be Nuts for Neuticals". true story.
  11. ...or what if he has Neuticles?
  12. jhaag

    Dryer Tech????

    there should be a microswitch which is activated by the door. i have an older dryer and it is located along the top edge so when the door is closed the switch closes the circuit and allows the dryer to start. mine is accessable so i can press it with my finger, but i have seen others that are recessed and would require using a pen or small screwdriver. once you are able to press the switch the dry should start. it should be pretty easy to find...
  13. jhaag

    Dryer Tech????

    could be the door switch...
  14. jhaag

    Dryer Tech????

    dont fortet to unplug it! i replaced the coil in my electric dryer. super simple, you can handle it.
  15. i dont know you, but i still wouldnt do that to you!!
  16. hey thanks for the link. i just bought a case of those and am sending them to some of my ex's. hopefully, the poor bastards they are dating now will reap any and all benefits!
  17. its, technically, possible to get a ticket for too loud of an exhaust. but the biggest thing for me is how annoying it is. i'm just returning from a trip out west and the worst part was walking through these quaint little rocky mountain towns then hearing a group of asshats (sport and cruiser) roll thourgh waking the dead (i may just be pissed that i didint see a moose and am blaming anything i can think of). anyway, i used to be sort of into it, but now its just really nice to have a peaceful ride without disturbing my surroundings. also, i've had and ridden bikes with both stock and aftermarket exhaust on the track and would prefer the stock. you can actually hear whats going on around you. just my $1/50...
  18. i get the whole point of 'professional courtesy', but..... i agree, very much, with the above.
  19. jhaag

    your vs you're

    how bout sale/sell. i have something to sale. up for sell is my motorbike.
  20. i've only had a timer at MO. 1:40 '00/TL1000R/Mich Power Race 1:40 '03/CBR600RR/Mich Power Race also, i really like the idea of this thread. its cool to know what others who do track days and racing are running. as far as being truthful, if they're full of shit it will show once they are out there.....
  21. i liked this pic... ANARCHY FTW!!!! sorry for the off topic....as you were...
  22. i know where one could find an sv just like that! $2800 also, big +1 on rider ability over bike displacement.
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