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Everything posted by thorne

  1. thorne

    CR Water Day???

    Let me know when? I will rent me a boat for the day or chip in for gas on someones.
  2. thorne

    Fred Thompson

    thanks. He's a helluva a guy though.
  3. thorne

    Hilary Clinton

    she out of everyone scares me
  4. thorne

    Ron Paul

    I agree I also really dig Fred Thomspon he reminds me of a guy who takes no shit.
  5. I do this all the time, It's actually pretty entertaining. I'm bored allot. Some past ones that were pretty funny : high speed camera : complete failure Tatu (No idea just came to head, There 2007 songs are a bit diffrent then there old stuff) MEGAMIX - Video Mega mixe's If your into Mixups by DJ's (67 RAW / The City / WNCI Saturday Nights / DJ Bubbabiscuit on power 107) that type of shit there some dope shit. ^who would have thought you could pull that shit off ^ Beathoven 's 5th Golddigger
  6. wow I actually audibly laughed.
  7. yum yum brim I've not been fishing in a while. I have access to a "LAKE/pond" that does got some nice size bass in it. But last time i was there the water did not look so hot. people fail. over my 44 lumber in hillard there used to be a nice spot.
  8. so should I toss up a server ? http://www.ohiogaming.net
  9. Come on can't be as bad as watching a 3cyl geo metro go down in the 20+ range.
  10. email fails, voice contact is the best way. email just lacks the verifiable follow up.
  11. There is to be no flaming, this is to educate and post info regarding each canidate. Personally I've voted independent my entire life. BUT last 2 pres election i voted dem. I am trying my best to find impartial shit but i hate rudy.
  12. thorne

    Hilary Clinton

    Again Same Rules As The Others
  13. thorne

    Hilary Clinton

    http://www.hillaryclinton.com/?splash=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEVPXklVQS8 ^ proof about the fact being a women is a huge issue this time around. ^It's sad that we do look at race/sex that way. But It is true the question was asked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FV7XU-TLMU ^ wow........................................... WTF? I'm having trouble finding a quick breakdown like i did with the others. She does by far have the least useful info on her youtube channel vs the others.
  14. thorne

    Fred Thompson

    feel free to counter anything I post with a news source, I'm trying to be unbiased but I fail. BTW Mike(Copperhead is moderator over all this)
  15. thorne

    Fred Thompson

    ^ that one makes me lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sagvVMfAUa4 ^issues Now this guy, is another guy I can dig. He's someone i hope to see as a vice president as I think he still might a bit to out there from the norm. He also hates gun control, I support that. I also like that he feels big biz should not "BUY" law. He's really a good guy imho my current #2 choice. Do I agree with everything nope. But he makes sense. - No Flame only opinion/fact with news/video source. this is ment to be a useful resource to voters who want to educate there self with little to no effort.
  16. thorne

    Ron Paul

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWfIhFhelm8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7d_e9lrcZ8&mode=related&search= http://www.ronpaul2008.com I think he's got a great message, A great plan but people are not willing accept the truth. My number one choice. sadly I don't think he will get the nomination if he does not I hope he goes again.
  17. thorne

    Rudy Giuliani

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMveQ1sG9QU http://therealrudy.org/ Rudy Giuliani, The only reason this man has any chance at office is because every body and there brother knows his name. Thats it, people from newyork will tell you all about him. Think bush has made things bad? -- I'm going to do a thread for each candidate as time permits. There is to be no flaming, only opinions and facts. Please post links to video/news of sources.
  18. Was that a dirtbike? I thought it was a regular bike. Eather way that shit was nutty.
  19. Does your dyno packs generate more load then IPS's drum based Dyno?
  20. I hate being sick. Also mussinex makes me jitter and not sleep.
  21. It may be a custom item I know HP sold something that looked very similar to that when I worked at a HP Repair shop.
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