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dustinsn3485 last won the day on February 1 2021

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About dustinsn3485

  • Birthday 03/04/1985

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    Springfie, Tennessee
  • Vehicles(s)
    2011 Ninja 1000

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  1. I've got a small machine shop. Not sure what the bracket looks like, but might be able to do it. I'd look at it and see if it's something I could make.
  2. Posting for my dad. He's in Tipp City. Brand new with 120 break in miles. I bought it last September with all intention of doing 10 or 12 track days this year. Especially Road America where I could probably hit 180mph. But 2 weeks after purchase, my left eye (the remaining good eye) decided to part ways with its retina. It was repaired but my vision is about 75-80% on a good day. I can't really see (haha) doing 180 into turn one with less than good vision. Asking $17000 Pipe cost 2300 sell for 1800. Flash was 800, sell for 600. Package deal of 19k PM for contact info.
  3. Two packages from FedEx this week, both showed delivered. Both did not deliver to our house. One stated dropped at driveway gate, we do not have a gated driveway.
  4. That might have been me...I sent you a PM
  5. Isn't this what the previous president was doing? He was the biggest disruptor of the two party system there's been in a long time...There's no way to get into Washington if you're not on one of the big party tickets, however he broke through riding on the conservative ticket and disrupted all of Washington. If people could get past the hatred of the man and look at all the dirt he uncovered, the media bias, the political corruption... Most of what's been discussed in this thread is the direction we were moving, but the hate for one man over shadowed all of that. People don't like change even though that what they're crying for.
  6. Maybe we'll just have to agree to disagree, but @Pauly I just don't understand the logic behind the current day democrat. Can you explain, what exactly you are looking for in America today? I'm assuming you're trying to draw a parallel with your pictures to the MAGA supporters, but how are your images any different than the same ones I could find of ANTIFA or BLM burning down a city block or occupying a CHAZ zone in Seattle?
  7. You prove my point. Good morning, Sunday morning...
  8. The reality is the radical socialists have spent 4 years trying to create division in America. They've had small successes, but nothing greater than this pandemic. And sadly everyone has bought into the division over a piece of cloth. Liberals like more government and don't mind being told what to do. Republicans are free thinkers and don't want to be controlled. And this thread exemplifies that division. There is still a lot of common ground on both sides of thought, we need to unify those thought patterns and rid America of this true radical "resistance" that is currently plaguing our country. The great thing about America is, for now at least, we are all entitled to our opinions and choices and that's protected by the constitution. Where some are comfortable wearing a mask and think it works, wear one. Those that don't, their choice. Theres so many articles, studies, and opinions arguing both sides. No one can really say if it does or does not work. Let's look at history maybe...like most things in life, we've had pandemics before, what worked and what didn't in years past? So go on with your life and try to get along with everyone. If we argue and hate, that breeds anarchy and that's what the true radical left wants.
  9. Man, I know. I think about that myself sometimes. We all had some good times!
  10. I'm born and raised in Tipp City. I still ride, but y'all would have to come to TN. Been down here for 10 years and 3 years into owning and running business I'm pretty tied to the area. If you're ever toward Nashville hit me up. Back in the day we had a strong group hitting up the local roads. I still lurk, but not too terribly active. Been around for awhile though.
  11. Don't much follow your travels...but I do like the Huzzah, Steelville, Mark Twain Natl Forest. All the way down into Eminence. All in Missouri. Lots of good pavement and great roads.
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